10- 144 C.M.R. ch. 351, § 27-2

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Section 144-351-27-2 - DEFINITIONS

When used in this Chapter, unless the context otherwise indicates:

Central authority means the agency designated by a government to facilitate support enforcement with a foreign reciprocating country (FRC) pursuant to section 459A of the Social Security Act.

Controlling order State means the State in which the only order was issued or, where multiple orders exist, the State in which the order determined by a tribunal to control prospective current support pursuant to the UIFSA was issued.

Country means a foreign country (or a political subdivision thereof) declared to be a FRC under section 459A of the Social Security Act and any foreign country (or political subdivision thereof) with which the State has entered into a reciprocal arrangement for the establishment and enforcement of support obligations to the extent consistent with Federal law pursuant to section 459 A(d) of the Social Security Act.

Foreign Reciprocating Country (FRC) means a country with which the U.S. government has negotiated federal-level reciprocity arrangements to provide child support services on behalf of U.S. jurisdictions.

Formmeans a federally-approved document used for the establishment and enforcement of support obligations whether compiled or transmitted in written or electronic format, including but not limited to the Income Withholding for Support form, and the National Medical Support Notice. In interstate IV-D cases, such forms include those used for child support enforcement proceedings under the UIFSA. Form also includes any federally-mandated IV-D reporting form, where appropriate.

Initiating agency means a State or Tribal IV-D agency or an agency in a country, as defined in this rule, in which an individual has applied for or is receiving services.

Intergovernmental IV-D case means a IV-D case in which the noncustodial parent lives and/or works in a different jurisdiction than the custodial parent and child(ren), that has been referred by an initiating agency to a responding agency for services. An intergovernmental IV-D case may include any combination of referrals between States, Tribes, and countries. An intergovernmental IV-D case also may include cases in which a State agency is seeking only to collect support arrearages, whether owed to the family or assigned to the State.

Interstate IV-D case means a IV-D case in which the noncustodial parent lives and/or works in a different State than the custodial parent and child(ren), that has been referred by an initiating State to a responding State for services. An interstate IV-D case also may include cases in which a State is seeking only to collect support arrearages, whether owed to the family or assigned to the State.

One-state remedies means the exercise of a State's jurisdiction over a non-resident parent or direct establishment, enforcement, or other action by a State against a non-resident parent in accordance with the long-arm provision of UIFSA or other State law.

Register means to file in a tribunal in this State another state or foreign country's support order or judgment determining parentage of a child.

Responding agency means the agency that is providing services in response to a referral from an initiating agency in an intergovernmental IV-D case.

Tribunal means a court, administrative agency, or quasi-judicial entity authorized under State law to establish, enforce, or modify support orders or to determine parentage.

Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA) means the model act promulgated by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL) and mandated by section 466(f) of the Social Security Act to be in effect in all States.

10- 144 C.M.R. ch. 351, § 27-2