Although Private Water Systems are regulated by the Board, the Division acts as a technical advisor to the Board on water system matters. Applications for preliminary and final approval of new Private Water Systems or for expansions, upgrades, or re-engineering of existing Private Water Systems, shall be submitted to the Division. After review, the Division provides a recommendation to the Board as to whether or not the Board should approve the system. In order for a system to be completed and operational, the Board shall provide express, written approval.
No new Private Water System or expansion, upgrade, or re-engineering of an existing Private Water System shall be installed prior to preliminary approval being granted in writing by the Board.
Required documentation shall include but is not limited to the following: location map; estimated quantity of water required from each well in gallons per minute or gallons per day; and a site plan showing all potential sources of contamination within 300 feet of the well.
An Engineering Study may include: a description of the site geology and any sources of contamination in the area; a map of the area showing all wells installed and any potential sources of contamination in the area; drilling logs for each well installed; pump test draw down data if available; recommendations for wellhead protection area delineations; and all required water quality analysis results. An Engineering Study, if required by the Board, shall be submitted to the Division for review with the request for Final Approval, as outlined in Paragraph B of this subsection.
No water may be distributed from a new Private Water System or expansion, upgrade, or re-engineering of an existing Private Water System prior to final approval being granted in writing by the Board.
The Board may grant conditional approval of an expansion, upgrade, or re-engineering of an existing Non-Compliant Private Water System, pending compliance, as outlined in Section 5 of this chapter.
02-385 C.M.R. ch. 840, § 4