01-001-703 Me. Code R. § 5

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Section 001-703-5 - Handling of elephants
(a) All persons who maintain elephants must demonstrate adequate experience and knowledge of the species they maintain.
(1) Handling of all elephants shall be done as expeditiously and carefully as possible in a manner that does not cause trauma, overheating, excessive cooling, behavioral stress, physical harm, or unnecessary discomfort.
(i) Physical abuse shall not be used to train, work, or otherwise handle elephants.
(ii) Deprivation of food or water shall not be used to train, work, or otherwise handle elephants; provided, however, that the short-term withholding of food or water from elephants by handlers is allowed by these regulations as long as each of the elephants affected receives its full dietary and nutrition requirements each day.
(1) During public exhibition, any elephant must be handled so there is minimal risk of harm to the elephant and to the public, with sufficient distance and/or barriers between the elephant and the general viewing public so as to assure the safety of elephants and the public.
(2) Performing elephants shall be allowed a rest period between performances at least equal to the time for one performance.
(3) Young or immature elephants shall not be exposed to rough or excessive public handling or exhibited for periods of time which would be detrimental to their health or well-being.
(4) Drugs, such as tranquilizers, shall not be used to facilitate, allow, or provide for public handling of the elephants.
(1) Elephants shall be exhibited only for periods of time and under conditions consistent with their good health and well-being.
(2) A responsible, knowledgeable, and readily identifiable employee or attendant must be present at all times during periods of public contact.
(3) During public exhibition, elephants must be under the direct control and supervision of a knowledgeable and experienced elephant handler.
(4) If public feeding of elephants is allowed, the food must be provided by the elephant facility and shall be appropriate to the type of elephant and its nutritional needs and diet.
(e) When climatic conditions present a threat to an elephant's health or well being, appropriate measures must be taken to alleviate the impact of those conditions. An elephant may never be subjected to any combination of temperature, humidity, and time that is detrimental to the elephant's health or well being, taking into consideration such factors as the elephant's age, species, breed, overall health status, and acclimation.

01-001 C.M.R. ch. 703, § 5