01-001-7 Me. Code R. § 3

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Section 001-7-3 - Form

A corporation or partnership shall file such report to the Commissioner on the attached form or may fulfill its requirement by filing a copy of its AFIDA report.


Maine Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources

State House Station 28

Augusta, Maine 04333

Any corporation or partnership which, on its own behalf or acting as a fiduciary or trustee on behalf of another, holds, acquires or transfers any interest in agricultural land shall submit an annual report to the Commissioner of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources, not later than 90 days after January 1st or the date of that acquisition or transfer, whichever is earlier. A corporation or partnership may fulfill this reporting requirement by submitting a copy of its federal AFIDA report.*
Name of Corporation or Partnership Nature of Interest in land Acquired/Transferred
- fee interest (ownership) whole
-fee interest (ownership) partial
- life estate
- trust beneficiary
-purchase contract
-other (explain)
Address (Street, City, State) Tel:
Type of Entity
-Corporation - Partnership
Tract Location & Legal Description Type of Activity Date:
-------------------------------------------------- County Number of Acres land holding _______
land acquisition_______
land disposition _______
land use change to agriculture _______
land use change to non-agriculture (specify) _______

* Family farm corporations and farm partnerships as defined below are exempt from filing this report. A family farm corporation is a corporation founded for the purpose of farming and the ownership of agricultural land, the majority of the voting stock must be held by, and a majority of the shareholders must be persons or the spouses of persons related to each other within the 3rd degree of kindred and at least one of the related persons must reside on or actively operate the farm; and none of the shareholders must be a corporation. A family corporation does not cease to qualify as such by reason of any bequest of voting stock. A farm partnership is an association of 2 or more individuals formed for the purpose of farming.

A corporation or partnership owning less than 10 acres of land, which Is the subject of a single acquisition or transfer, is not obliged to comply with this reporting requirement.

Current Land Use or Land Use at Date of Acquisition /Transfer Relationship of Producer to Owner. Producer is (check one):
pasture ______
Crop (specify by acres below) ______
other agriculture ______
other non-agriculture _______
total _______
_ owner
_ manager
_ tenant/sharecropper
_ Rental Agreement is (check one):
_ a crop share
_ cash or fixed rent
Is the producer on this tract:
Intended Use as of This Date _ same producer as when the tract was acquired
_ a new person
no change ______
other agriculture ______
other non-agriculture _______
Appraised Value of the Land and if Disposition the Selling Price Use this section for additional comments.
Name and Address of Person from Whom Acquired or to Whom Transferred and Type of Entity

COMPLIANCE: Any corporation or partnership subject to this chapter which violates this law or the regulations adopted thereunder or which submits a report which contains Information that is false or misleading shall be subject to a civil penalty, payable to the State, of not more than $50 for each day of the violation. A corporation or partnership subject to this chapter which does not comply with the law In a timely fashion shall first receive a written warning from the Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources which will require presentation of the information within 30 days. After the 30-day notice period is expired, penalties described above shall be imposed.

CERTIFICATION: I certify that the Information entered above is complete and correct. I understand that violation of this law or falsification of reporting is subject to a civil penalty, payable to the State of Maine, of not more than $50 for each day of the violation.

Signature (owner or legally authorized representative) _____________________________________

TITLE: _________________________________

DATE: _________________________________

01-001 C.M.R. ch. 7, § 3