01-001-551 Me. Code R. § I

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Section 001-551-I - INTRODUCTION

The 112th Legislature enacted the Maine Agricultural Viability Act of 1985. (Chapter 482 Public Laws, 7 M.R.S.A. §§311et seq.) The 113th Legislature, in an Act to continue the Agriculture Viability Program, Ch. 424, Public Laws, removed the pilot stratus and authorized the Commissioner to set up selected new Ag-Viability regions.

The act envisions a coordinated, orderly process with prescribed responsibilities for the Commissioner, the State Department of Agriculture and the local lead agencies (LLA) designated by the Commissioner to conduct the program, described in these rules, on the local level.

A.Purpose of the Agricultural Viability Program

The purpose of the program is to establish a process by which:

(a) farmers/farm organizations/agencies in a defined region can evaluate the agricultural resources, problems and needs in general and the potential of specific agricultural commodities of their choice in that region.
(b) farmers/farm organizations/agencies on the local level can seek to redirect state programs to meet regional needs as identified in the regional assessment.
(c) farmers/farm organizations/agencies at their own initiative can affect changes to maximize opportunities which enhance the viability of agriculture.
B.Description of the Program

The Agricultural Viability Program consists of the following elements:

1. a coordinated assessment of agricultural opportunities on the state and substate, level.
2. guidance and direction to the Commissioner in redirecting the programs and services of the Department.
3. implementation through delivery of the programs and services in accordance with the local assessments.
4. assurance that the agricultural community and the public be given ample opportunity to participate in the process.
5. a state level Advisory Committee composed of a representative named by each of the following organizations: Maine Farm Bureau, Maine State Grange, National Farm Organization, Maine Small Farm Association, Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association and Maine Association of Conservation Districts. The chairman of the Soil & Water Conservation Commission shall serve ex-officio. The Committee shall advise the Commissioner in the development, conduct and implementation of the program.

01-001 C.M.R. ch. 551, § I