01-001-385 Me. Code R. § 3

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Section 001-385-3 - WOOD SCALER LICENSE
A.Qualifications. To qualify for a wood scaler license, an individual must satisfy the State Sealer that he is competent to measure wood using one or more authorized systems of measurement and successfully complete an examination as established by the State Sealer. The level of qualification that is required will, in part, depend on which system(s) of measurement the applicant seeks to be licensed for. Among the ways to demonstrate competence are the following:
1. A total of 5 years experience as a wood scaler, whether continuous or non-continuous, within the past 10 years.
2. Two years continuous experience as a wood scaler immediately prior to the filing of the application,
3. Certification as a Registered Professional Forester in Maine or similar certification in another state of the United States or a province of Canada which is determined by the State Sealer to be at least the equivalent of certification as a Registered Professional Forester and evidence of experience scaling wood which demonstrates competence using one or more authorized systems of measurement;
4. Satisfactory completion of a training program in wood scaling plus six months experience as a licensed apprentice wood scaler working under the direct supervision of a licensed wood scaler. The applicant must provide information which demonstrates to the satisfaction of the State Sealer the merit of the training program; or
5. Two years experience as a licensed apprentice wood scaler working under the direct supervision of a licensed wood scaler.
6. Evidence of other training, experience scaling wood, or other relevant experience or knowledge, which demonstrates to the satisfaction of the State Sealer that the applicant is competent in one or more authorized system of measurement.
B.Information required. The applicant for a wood scaler license shall include in the application:
1. Information sufficient to demonstrate that he qualifies for a license under subsection A; and
2. Information indicating what authorized system(s) of measurement he is competent to perform.
C.Issuance. On the basis of the information supplied by the applicant in the application and successful completion of the examination, and following receipt of the required fee, the State Sealer shall issue a wood scaler license to an applicant whom he determines to be qualified.

The license shall indicate the authorized system(s) of measurement the licensee is licensed to use. The State Sealer shall rely on the representations of the applicant in determining whether to issue a license. If the applicant misrepresents his qualifications on the application, it is a basis for denial, suspension, revocation of the license.

D.Conditions. The following conditions apply to wood scaler licenses:
1. A licensed wood scaler may use only the authorized system or systems of measurement for which he is licensed.
2. A licensed wood scaler shall keep the original or a copy of his license on his person at all times that he is engaged in the measurement of wood.
3. A licensed wood scaler shall sign or stamp all measurement tally sheets with his name and his license number.
4. A licensed wood scaler whose license has been revoked or suspended shall immediately return the revoked or suspended license to the State Sealer and shall immediately discontinue the measurement of wood in transactions in which this measurement will form the basis for payment.
5. A licensed wood scaler shall be responsible for the accuracy of his measurements and for compliance with these Wood Measurement Rules.
6. A licensed wood scaler who is assisted in the measurement of wood by any other individual, including an apprentice wood scaler, shall be responsible for the accuracy of the assistant's measurements and for the assistant's compliance with the Wood Measurement Law and these Wood Measurement Rules. if the assistant of a licensed wood scaler does not comply with applicable laws and rules, the licensed wood scaler will be subject to the sanctions of the Wood Measurement Law.
7. A licensed wood scaler shall be familiar with the Wood Measurement Law and these Wood Measurement Rules at the time he is licensed and shall remain familiar and comply with these laws and rules, including amendments, throughout his period of licensure.
E.Term and Fees
1.One Year License. The term of a one year wood scalers license is one year from the date of issuance or the date of renewal. The annual fee for a wood scaler license is $25.
2.Two year License. Upon request a wood scaler license may be issued for a two year period from the date of issuance or the date of renewal. The fee for a two year license is $50.
F.Renewal. A wood scaler license will be automatically renewed upon payment of the required fee and upon furnishing any information requested by the State Sealer, except that a wood scaler license will not be automatically renewed if:
1. The license has been suspended or revoked; or
2. The licensee is under investigation for an alleged violation of the Wood Measurement Law or these Wood Measurement Rules.

01-001 C.M.R. ch. 385, § 3