01-001-384 Me. Code R. § 9

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Section 001-384-9 - CHECK MEASUREMENT
A.Licensed wood scaler required. Whenever a check measurement is conducted, the State Sealer shall cause the check measurement to be performed by a wood scaler who is licensed to use the system of measurement involved, in accordance with Chapter 384 of these Wood Measurement Rules, and who is either a State employee or a person under contract to the State.
B.Check measurement procedures
1.System of measurement. The State Sealer shall check measure the wood using the same system of measurement that was used or will be used to measure the wood, provided the method is authorized for the wood production form involved.
2.Method of measurement. The State Sealer shall conduct the check measurement according to the procedures set forth in Chapter 382. When a check measurement involves the use of butt scale, the provisions of subparagraph (a) shall also apply. When a check measurement involves a determination of moisture content of stems or pieces, the determination shall be made according to subparagraph (b).
(a)Butt scale check measurement
(i) The State Sealer shall measure the cubic volume of the wood by computing the cubic volume either of each individual stem, or of each individual stem in a representative sample, as the State Sealer determines to be appropriate, and adding together the individual cubic volumes. If the State Sealer chooses to use a representative sample, he shall select the individual stems which shall constitute the sample. When the check measurement is made in the investigation of a disputed wood complaint, the sample shall be representative of the stems the measurement of which is in dispute. In other investigations, the sample shall be representative of the wood involved in the investigation.
(ii) The cubic volume of individual stems shall be conducted as follows:
AA. Diameters shall be measured at the butt end, at two feet from the butt, at four feet from the butt, and at four foot intervals to the top. The length of the top segment, if less than four feet, shall be measured to the nearest one-tenth foot. Diameter measurements shall be taken outside the bark, except that inside bark measurements or volumes may be used where the wood quality specifications state that the factor used to convert cubic feet to standard cords is based on inside bark measurement or on inside bark volumes.
BB. Unless an alternative formula been authorized by the State Sealer, the cubic foot content of each segment will be computed by means of the formula:

V = (A +(a)/2 / 2 x L

where V is the volume, in cubic feet, of the stem segment, A is the area in square feet of the large end, a is the area in square feet of the small end of the stems segment, and L is the length of the segment measured. The total cubic foot content of the separate segments shall be added together to compute the cubic foot content of the stem.

CC. Where the volume is represented in standard cords, the following conversion factors shall be used:

softwood - 85 cubic feet of wood including bark equals one standard cord,

hardwood - 80 cubic feet of wood including bark equals one standard cord,

except that where the parties have agreed to an alternative reasonable and appropriate conversion factor and that conversion factor is set forth in the wood quality specifications, then, this alternative factor shall be used to calculate the number of standard cords.

(b)Moisture content determination. Whenever a determination of the moisture content of stems or pieces is required, the check measurement shall be conducted as follows:
(i) The State Sealer shall make his selection of sample points on a random basis, first selecting a minimum of ten stems or pieces and then selecting a specific sampling point on each stem. In cases where the removal of a sample disc would ruin a stem or piece for processing purposes, the sample point will be moved to the nearest end of the shortest standard length specified for the production form involved.
(ii) The samples will immediately be placed in a Moisture proof bag. The bag shall be sealed after excluding excess air and a tag shall be attached giving the following information: Sample number, date sample taken, species of wood in the load, gross weight, tare weight, name of seller and buyer or name of person requiring services and person providing services, point of delivery, and name of person selecting and taking the sample discs. Samples will be stored in a cool, dark place until they are tested.
(iii) The State Sealer will determine the weight of the sample prior to drying and its oven-dry weight. He will then compute the percent moisture content using the formula:
C.Tolerance for error
1.Acceptable tolerances. Whenever a check measurement is conducted, the measurement of wood shall not be deemed to be inaccurate where the quantity computed on check measurement is within + 4% of that computed in the measurement of the wood.
2.Error within acceptable tolerance. Where the deviation is within the acceptable range of tolerance, the State Sealer may in any event require that any measuring equipment, volume tables, or methods of measurement be adjusted to have a value or give a performance closer to zero error.

01-001 C.M.R. ch. 384, § 9