Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Section 001-365-I - DEFINITIONSA.Agricultural employer. "Agricultural employer" means any person, corporation, association or other legal entity that owns or operates an agricultural establishment or on whose premises or in whose interest an agricultural establishment is operated; or any person, corporation, association or other legal entity who is responsible for the management and condition of an agricultural establishment or who acts directly or indirectly in the interest of such an employer in relation to any employee.B.Agricultural establishment. "Agricultural establishment" means a farming enterprise that uses paid employees in the production of food, fiber, or constituents thereof such as seed, seedlings, plants, or part of plants.C.Commissioner. "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of the Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources.D.Handlabor operations. "Handlabor operations" means agricultural activities or operations performed by hand or with hand tools or hand equipment, including without limitation the hand harvest of vegetables, nuts and fruit, hand weeding of crops and hand planting of seedlings, but excluding handlabor operations performed as a part of forestry operations or in the care or feeding of livestock or in permanent structures (e.g., processing facilities, packing houses, greenhouses).E.Handwashing facility. "Handwashing facility" means 1. a facility providing either a basin, container or outlet, with an adequate supply of clean water, soap or an equally effective cleansing agent and single use towels; or2. the provision of prepackaged, single use moist towelettes, in quantity sufficient to enable each employee to use several towelettes each day: or3. the provision of waterless soap and single use towels, both in quantity sufficient to enable each employee to clean his/her hands several times each day. Where water for handwashing is not potable, the employer shall post and maintain a sign effective to so inform employees.
F.Potable water. *Potable water" means water that at the time at which it is consumed meets state drinking water standards as set forth in 10144A CMR 231.G.Toilet facility. "Toilet facility" means a facility designed for the purpose of both defecation and urination, including biological or chemical toilets, combustion toilets or sanitary privies, supplied with toilet paper adequate to employee needs. Toilet facilities may be either fixed or portable.01-001 C.M.R. ch. 365, § I