01-001-361 Me. Code R. § 2

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
A. Live rabbits are exempted from ante mortem and post mortem inspections, quarantine, segregation and reinspection when:
(1) Rabbits are born and raised by the rabbit producer to maturity on the farm where they are slaughtered and processed as whole ready-to-cook rabbit carcasses.
(2) The farm raises fewer than 1000 live rabbits that are slaughtered on the farm during a calendar year (January 1st to December 31st).
(3) Farm slaughtered ready-to-cook whole rabbit carcasses are not offered for sale and transported in interstate commerce.
(4) Processed rabbit that is sold as a ready-to-cook whole rabbit carcass shall have the head, heart, kidneys, blood, skin, feet, and inedible viscera removed.
B. A rabbit producer is exempted from the licensing requirement of 22 MRSA §2167 if found to be in compliance with this Chapter, Chapter 332, Rules for Rabbit Processing and Chapter 358, Rules for Manufacturing of Potentially Hazardous Foods.
C. An exempt rabbit producer of farm raised ready-to-cook whole rabbit carcasses shall submit a registration form to the Department prior to processing rabbits. The Department in accordance with 22 MRSA §2518(1), shall annually review ready-to-cook whole rabbit processing establishments for compliance with this chapter.
D. A rabbit producer shall permanently affix a code to product packaging or label and maintain records for:
(1) Date the product was processed.
(2) Name of the product.
(3) Units produced.
(4) Size of the product.
(5) Code by lot.
(6) Location of sale.
E. Ready-to-cook whole rabbit carcasses shall have a label affixed that meets the labeling requirements of Chapter 332 Rabbit Processing regulations and the following:
(1) The label shall state:
i. The name of the farm.
ii. The name of the farm owner.
iii. Street address of the farm and zip code.
iv. On-farm rabbit processing registration number issued by the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry.
v. The statement "Exempt under the Maine Revised Statues, Title 22, section 2517-E NOT INSPECTED". The print shall be a minimum of 1/8 inch in height. The statement must be prominently displayed (BOLD) with such conspicuousness that it is likely to be read and understood.
vi. On the principal display panel of the label there shall be SAFE HANDLING INSTRUCTIONS. These instructions must appear in lettering no less than 1/16 inch in height and "prominently with such conspicuousness as to render it likely to be read and understood under customary conditions of purchase and use." The heading must be set in type size larger than the instructions. All safe handling information must be set off by a border and appear in one color printed on contrasting background of a single color. The instructions shall state the following:


* Keep refrigerated or frozen.

* Thaw in refrigerator or microwave.

* Keep raw rabbit meat separate from other foods.

* Wash working surfaces, including cutting boards, utensils and hands, after touching raw rabbit meat.

* Cook thoroughly to an internal temperature of at least 160 degrees Fahrenheit maintained for at least 15 seconds.

* Keep hot foods hot. Refrigerate leftovers immediately or discard.

01-001 C.M.R. ch. 361, § 2