01-001-36 Me. Code R. § 6

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
1.Eligibility Requirements

An applicant must own and operate a Farm Business that has been producing agricultural products commercially in the State of Maine for at least two (2) years at the time of application. The applicant must own their farmland or be a partner or shareholder in a legal entity that owns the farmland. If having recently purchased the farmland, the applicant must have at least two year's experience operating a Farm Business elsewhere in Maine. The applicant must submit an application to the Department, in accordance with State rules for Requests for Proposals (M.R.S.A. §1825(C) Administrative Rules 19, 554, Chapter 110,120) to be eligible for participation in the Program.

2.Criteria for Selection

Applicants to the Program must demonstrate the following and shall be scored accordingly:

A.Management Capacity: The management capacity of the applicant based upon the number of years farming and other related experience and training; the applicant's decision making authority over the land and resources; and the applicant's statements of purpose and readiness to apply to the Program. 20 points
B.Quality of the Ideas for Change: The ability of the applicant to identify and propose ideas that will make fundamental changes on the farm that will improve viability, profitability, and capacity to pay back debt through the present or future cash flow of the business, while also attempting to make farming the primary source of the applicant's income. 25 points
C.Farm Financial Health and Ability to Transform: The ability of the applicant to describe the current financial condition of the Farm Business, including the current debt load relative to earnings, the assets and liabilities, and whether the debt load and access to new assets can be managed with the proposed ideas for change. 25 points
D.Physical Resource Base: The suitability and productivity of the farmland for its intended agricultural use, the physical condition of buildings and equipment, and other assets needed to maintain and increase productivity of the Farm Business. 20 points
E.Other Conditions: The degree of development pressure on the farm operation, the percentage of the operated farmland that is owned by the applicant, and the potential environmental and community economic development benefits derived from the proposed change. 10 points

The Commissioner may periodically review these selection criteria with the Review Panel and the Program Administrator to consider changes in policy when it is deemed necessary or appropriate.

3.Solicitations and Notification of Award
A. The Department may solicit proposals at any time, but shall solicit proposals at least once per year. The Program Administrator will develop application forms, which must be filled out by the applicant and submitted to the Department by the due date indicated in the Department's publicly noticed Request for Proposals.
B. The Review Panel shall evaluate applications within five weeks following deadlines for submission of applications. All applicants shall be notified in writing within one week following the Review Panel's decision.
C. The Department will review and address all written appeals made by applicants who are not selected for the business plan development program. The unsuccessful applicant must submit a written letter of appeal to the Department within 30 days of the date of receipt of the Review Panel's written notice.
4.Application Procedures
A. Anyone interested in applying to the program must submit, on a form approved by the Department, a completed application. The application will require the submission of the following information:
(1) A full description of the current agricultural activities carried out on the land including the type and quantity of crops, number of livestock, and/or acreage leased or used by others for agricultural purposes, description of other farm equipment and building resources.
(2) A statement by the applicant explaining their purpose for applying to the Program and describing how the Program could benefit the economic and environmental viability of the farm.
(3) A statement of the present financial situation of the farm including the gross and net farm income and expenses, copies of Schedule F for the two (2) most recent tax years, if available, and a statement identifying net worth and farm debt.
(4) Information on the management capability of the farm owner(s) including their education and experience.
(5) A statement as to the degree to which the farm is supporting the household.
(6) A statement by the applicant explaining the short and long term plans for keeping the property in agricultural use.
(7) Authorization for the Department or Program Administrator to conduct a field inspection of the land, buildings, and equipment to be covered by the Business Plan.
(8) A United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources and Conservation Service's soil map or an aerial map of the farm showing its soil types and their classification by the USDA NRCS as Prime, Statewide Important or Locally Significant Farmland, if readily available from the local Soil and Water Conservation District or USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service Office.
5.Uses and Limitations of Funding

Any funds provided by the Department pursuant to business plan development shall not exceed $10,000. The Commissioner can lower this threshold as needed to increase the number of farms assisted by the business plan development program.

01-001 C.M.R. ch. 36, § 6