01-001-357 Me. Code R. § 2

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Section 001-357-2 - General Requirements

Any food salvage processing establishment, food salvage retail establishment or salvage broker that acquires, sells, distributes or otherwise traffics in distressed, salvageable or salvaged food is subject to these regulations.

Distressed food or salvageable food shall be sold or otherwise distributed only to a licensed food salvage processing establishment.

Salvaged food shall be sold only by a food salvage processing establishment or a food salvage retail establishment or food salvage broker. Salvaged food may be donated with good faith in its integrity in accordance with Maine Statutes, Title 14, Section 166.2.

No interstate movement of distressed or salvageable food shall be made without prior approval of the Department and the responsible agency in the jurisdiction to receive the food. Concurrence shall also be obtained from the FDA or USDA prior to such anticipated movement.

Food salvage processing establishments outside the State may sell or distribute salvaged foods within the State, if such plants conform to the provisions of this regulation or to substantially equivalent provisions and have a valid permit from the Department. To determine the extent of compliance with such provisions, the Department may accept reports from responsible authorities in other jurisdictions where such plants are located.

Food approved for animal consumption shall not be sold or otherwise distributed unless an affidavit is obtained from the receiver, stating that the food will be used only for animals. Such affidavit shall remain on file at the food salvage establishment. Containers of such product must be indelibly marked "for animal consumption only" and shall be denatured. The Department reserves the right to require denaturing of food designated for animal consumption.

01-001 C.M.R. ch. 357, § 2