Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Section 001-352-I - DEFINITIONSFor the purposes of this chapter and unless the context otherwise indicates, the following words shall have the following meanings:
A. "Domesticated Deer" means Fallow Deer; family Cervidae, sub-family Cervinae, genus Dams; red deer, family Cervidae, sub-family Cervinae, genus Cervus, species Elaplus and any other species specified under subsection 1-A of Public Law 649; to be kept as domestic animals for the purpose of either breeding stock or for sale as food.B. "Building" means the building or buildings or parts thereof, used for or in connection with, the manufacturing, processing packaging, labeling or holding of human food.C. "Department" means the Maine Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources.D. "Food Processing and Manufacturing Establishments" means an establishment in which food is processed or otherwise prepared .and packaged for human consumption. E. "Potentially Hazardous Food" means any perishable food which consists in whole or part, of milk or milk products, eggs, meat, poultry, fish, shellfish or other ingredients capable of supporting rapid and progressive growth of infectious or toxigenic microorganisms.F. "Corrosion Resistant Material" means those materials that maintain their original surface characteristics under prolonged influence of the food to be contacted, the normal use of cleaning compounds and bactericidal solutions, and other conditions of environment.G. "Easily Cleanable" means readily accessible and of such material and finish and so fabricated, the residues may be completely removed by usual cleaning methods.H. "Food Contact Surfaces" means those surfaces of equipment and utensils with which food normally comes into contact.I. "Sanitary" means that all buildings, equipment, and utensils shall be suitable for their intended use, so designed and of such material and workmanship as to be adequately cleanable and properly maintained.J. "Wholesome" means food in sound condition, clean and free from adulteration and otherwise suitable for human consumption.01-001 C.M.R. ch. 352, § I