Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Subsection 001-346-2-9 - Application for Official Inspection, Granting Inspection, Official Numbers, and Withdrawal of InspectionA. State of Maine Inspectors, as authorized by 9 CFR 321, Cooperation with States and Territories, shall perform inspections at official establishments.B. To qualify for official inspection, as specified in 9 CFR 304, Application for Inspection; Grant of Inspection, an applicant shall:1. Submit a completed license application on the form furnished by the Commissioner;2. Comply with the requirements of these Rules in addition to 9CFR 304, Application for Inspection; Grant of Inspection;3. Comply with the requirements of 9 CFR 304.3, Conditions for Receiving Inspection, including:a. Developing written Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures, as specified in 9 CFR 416, Sanitation;b. Conduct a hazard analysis and have developed and validated a HACCP plan, as required in 9 CFR 417, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) Systems; and4. Comply with the requirements of 9 CFR 305.3, Sanitation and Adequate Facilities;C. To each official establishment granted inspection, the Commissioner or his designee shall:1. Give notice in writing to each applicant;2. Assign an official number to each official establishment as specified in 9 CFR 305.1, Official Numbers; Subsidiaries and Tenants,a. Such numbers shall be used to identify all inspected and passed products prepared in the establishment;b. More than one number may not be assigned to an establishment; andc. Numbers designating all establishments shall be determined by the Commissioner or his designee, and appropriately placed on all of the inspection stamps designed for each establishment.D. Each official establishment granted inspection should be separate and distinct from any unofficial establishment as specified in 9 CFR 305.2, Separation of Official Establishments.E. To each official establishment granted inspection, the Commissioner or his designee shall assign inspection, as specified in 9 CFR 305.4, Inauguration of Inspection, and 9 CFR 306, Assignment and Authorities of Program Employees.F. As specified in 9 CFR 307.4, Schedule of Operations, no operation requiring inspection shall be conducted except under the supervision of the Commissioner or his designee.G. All slaughtering of animals and preparation of products produced under inspection shall be done within reasonable hours and with reasonable speed, considering the official establishment's facilities. C.M.R. 01, 001, ch. 346, § 001-346-2, subsec. 001-346-2-9