01-001-331 Me. Code R. § 3-6

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025

3-601 Accurate Representation

3-601.11 Standards of Identity.

PACKAGED FOOD shall comply with standard of identity requirements in 21 CFR 131-169 and 9 CFR 319 Definitions and Standards of Identity or Composition, and the general requirements in 21 CFR 130 - Food Standards: General and 9 CFR 319 Subpart A - General.

3-601.12 Honestly Presented.

(A) FOOD shall be offered for human consumption in a way that does not mislead or misinform the CONSUMER.
(B) FOOD or COLOR ADDITIVES, colored overwraps, or lights may not be used to misrepresent the true appearance, color, or quality of a FOOD.
(C) No food containing surimi or surimi product may be served in Maine for consumption on or off premises, unless on the menu and all notices advertising the food it is clearly and conspicuously labeled as "imitation lobster", imitation crab", "imitation" followed by the name of the seafood imitated , "processed seafood", "surimi", "lobster-processed seafood salad", "crab-processed seafood salad or other terms as approved by the Maine Dept. of Marine Resources.
(D) A food is deemed to be misbranded if a Food Establishment sells, offers for sale or serves in any food establishment any food or food product, whether or not in package form, to which that person has added monosodium glutamate, unless:
(1) The package in which that food or food product is offered for sale conspicuously bears a label or stamp indicating that the food or food product contains monosodium glutamate;
(2) When the food or food is offered for consumption and is not packaged, a conspicuous label or sign is place on the food, immediately next to the food, immediately next to the food's listing on the menu, or in an open manner where the food order or food product is obtained, indicating that the food or food product contains monosodium glutamate; or
(3) There is a conspicuously displayed directory to which consumers can refer for information on the contents of unpackaged products for sale.

3-602 Labeling

3-602.11 Food Labels.

(A) FOOD PACKAGED in a FOOD ESTABLISHMENT, shall be labeled as specified in LAW, including 21 CFR 101 - Food Labeling, and 9 CFR 317 Labeling, Marking Devices, and Containers.
(B) Label information shall include:
(1) The common name of the FOOD, or absent a common name, an adequately descriptive identity statement;
(2) If made from two or more ingredients, a list of ingredients in descending order of predominance by weight, including a declaration of artificial color or flavor and chemical preservatives, if contained in the FOOD;
(3) An accurate declaration of the quantity of contents;
(4) The name and place of business of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor; and
(5) Except as exempted in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act §403(Q)(3)-(5), nutrition labeling as specified in 21 CFR 101 - FOOD Labeling and 9 CFR 317 Subpart B Nutrition Labeling.
(C) Bulk FOOD that is available for CONSUMER self-dispensing shall be prominently labeled with the following information in plain view of the CONSUMER:
(1) The manufacturer's or processor's label that was provided with the FOOD; or
(2) A card, sign, or other method of notification that includes the information specified under Subparagraphs (B)(1), (2), and (5) of this section.
(D)Bulk, unPACKAGED FOODS such as bakery products and unPACKAGED FOODS that are portioned to CONSUMER specification need not be labeled if:
(1)A health, nutrient content, or other claim is not made;
(2)There are no state or local LAWS requiring labeling; and
(3)The FOOD is manufactured or prepared on the PREMISES of the FOOD ESTABLISHMENT or at another FOOD ESTABLISHMENT or a FOOD PROCESSING PLANT that is owned by the same PERSON and is regulated by the FOOD regulatory agency that has jurisdiction.

3-602.12 Other Forms of Information.

(A) If required by LAW, CONSUMER warnings shall be provided.
(B) FOOD ESTABLISHMENT or manufacturers' dating information on FOODS may not be concealed or altered.

3-603 Consumer Advisory

3-603.11 Consumption of Animal Foods that are Raw, Undercooked, or Not OtherwiseProcessed to Eliminate Pathogens.*

(A) Except as specified in ¶ 3-401.11(C) and Subparagraph

3-401.11(D)(3) and under ¶ 3-801.11(D), if an animal FOOD such as beef, eggs, FISH, lamb, milk, pork, POULTRY, or shellfish that is raw, undercooked, or not otherwise processed to eliminate pathogens is offered in a READY-TO-EAT form as a deli, menu, vended, or other item; or as a raw ingredient in another READY-TO-EAT FOOD, the PERMIT HOLDER shall inform CONSUMERS by brochures, deli case or menu advisories, label statements, table tents, placards, or other effective written means of the significantly increased risk associated with certain especially vulnerable CONSUMERS eating such FOODS in raw or undercooked form.

(B) This notification shall read "This food is or may be served raw or undercooked or may contain raw or undercooked foods. Consumption of this food may increase the risk of foodborne illness. Please check with your physician if you have any questions about consuming raw or undercooked foods."

01-001 C.M.R. ch. 331, § 3-6