Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Section 001-309-1 - Definitions1. Definitions a.Multiple draft weighing: "Multiple draft weighing" means the weighing of the load being carried on a motor vehicle of which all of the axles or axle groups cannot be simultaneously weighed, by weighing the individual axle loads or axle group loads, adding the results and accepting their sum as the total weight of the load.b.Person:"Person" means both plural and the singular, as the case demands, and includes individuals, partnerships, corporations, companies, societies and associations.2. Multiple draft weighing is prohibited except when authorized in writing by the State Sealer.3. Any person proposing to use multiple draft weighing shall send a written request to the State Sealer for authorization to do so, supplying all information necessary for the State Sealer to determine whether to issue the authorization.4. Multiple draft weighing shall be authorized and may be used only where:a. The State Sealer has determined that the equipment and method used result in a weight which is accurate within +/- .2%;b. The parties to a transaction in which multiple draft weighing is to be used have agreed In writing to Its use and the State Sealer has received a copy of their agreement; andc. The weight obtained is not used to determine the value of or payment for the commodity weighed.5. The State Sealer may attach reasonable conditions to any authorization, including but not limited to the term of the authorization, the type of equipment and method of use, the manner In which the weighing Is conducted, and any required studies, recordkeeping and reporting.6. No alteration or change In the weight obtained may be made on account of the use of the multiple draft weighing or on account of any equipment used or the method of its use.01-001 C.M.R. ch. 309, § 1