01-001-253 Me. Code R. § VII

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Section 001-253-VII - Definitions
A.Fairly well shaped

"Fairly well shaped" means that the potato is not materially pointed, dumbbell-shaped or otherwise materially deformed.

B.Nematode or Tuber Moth Injury

"Nematode or tuber Moth Injury" means the presence of or any evidence of Nematode or Tuber Moth.

C. Damage

"Damage" means any defect or any combination of defects specified in Tables I and II of this Chapter which materially detracts from the internal or external appearance of the potato, or any external or internal defect which cannot be removed without a loss of more than 5 percent of the total weight of the potato.

D.Serious Damage

"Serious damage" means any defect or any combination of defects specified in Table I and II of this Chapter which seriously detracts from the internal or external appearance of the potato, or any external or internal defect which cannot be removed without a loss of more than 10 percent of the total weight of the potato.

E.Freezing Injury

"Freezing injury" means that the potato is frozen or shows evidence of having been frozen.

F.Zero Tolerance

"Zero tolerance (0.00) means none found during the normal inspecting procedures. Certification of a lot is not a guarantee that the lot inspected is free of a zero tolerance disease or injury.

G. Shriveling

Damage by shriveling means that the individual potato is more than moderately shriveled, spongy or flabby.

H.Soft Rot or Wet Breakdown

"Soft rot or wet breakdown' means any soft, mushy, or leaky condition of the tissue.

I.External Defects

"External defects" are defects which can be detected externally. However, cutting may be required to determine the extent of the injury. See Table I.

J.Internal Defects

"Internal Defects" are defects which cannot be detected without cutting the potato. See Table II.

K.Permanent Defects

"Permanent defects" are defects which are not subject to change during storage or shipment.

L. "Condition defects" are defects which may develop or change during storage or shipment.

Table I. Internal Defects

DefectWhen Materially detracting from the appearance of potatoWhen removal causes a loss of more than 5 percent of the total weight of the potato
Air Carck
Cuts or trimming
Enlarged Lenticels
Folded ends
External Discoloration
Surface cracking
Plea Beetle Injury
Dry rots
Scab, pitted
Scab, russet
X.......................................... X.......................................... X.......................................... X.......................................... X.......................................... X.......................................... X.......................................... X.......................................... ............................................. X.......................................... X.......................................... X.......................................... X
Scab, surface When more than 5 percent of surface affected.
Second growth
Growth cracks
X.......................................... X..........................................
Wireworm or grass damage Dirt..............................................
Insects or worms.........................
Pressure bruises and sunken areas-with underlying flesh discolored.
When any hole in a potato 2 1/2 inches in diameter or 6 ounces in weight is more than 3/4-inch long, or when the aggregate length of all holes is more than 1 1/14 inches, or correspondingly shorter or longer holes in smaller or larger potatoes.
Dirt or other foreign matter is considered as causing damage when the individual potato is more than slightly dirty or slightly stained, or when more than a moderate amount of loose dirt or other foreign matter is present in the sample.
When present inside the potato.
When more than moderately shriveled, spongy or flabby.
When more than 10 percent of the potatoes in any lot have any sprout more than 1 inch in length.
................. When removal causes a loss of more than 10% of the total weight.

Table II. Internal Defects

Ingrown sprouts.............................. Internal discoloration occurring interior to the vascular ring When removal causes a loss of more than 5 percent of the total weight of the potato.
When more than the equivalent of three scattered light brown spots 1/8 inch in diameter in a potato 2 1/2 inches in diameter or 6 ounces in weight, or correspondingly lesser or greater number of spots in smaller or larger potatoes.
DefectSerious Damage
Internal discoloration confined to the vascular ring When removal causes a loss of more than 10 percent of the total weight of the potato.

01-001 C.M.R. ch. 253, § VII