01-001-253 Me. Code R. § II

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Section 001-253-II - Maine Seed Potato Grade

The "Maine Seed Potato Grade" shall consist of unwashed potatoes identified as certified seed of one variety by the State of Maine which meet the following requirements as to quality and size:

A. Fairly well shaped
B. Free from:
1. Freezing injury
2. Blackheart
3. Late blight tuber rot
4. Nematode or tuber moth injury
5. Bacterial ring rot
6. Soft rot or wet breakdown
C. Free from serious damage caused by:
1. Hollow heart
2. Vascular ring discoloration
D. Free from damage by other causes (see Table I & II).

01-001 C.M.R. ch. 253, § II