Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Section 001-25-1 - DefinitionsUnless otherwise provided in these rules, all terms shall have the meanings indicated in the Agricultural Commodities Marketing Act, 7 M.R.S.A. §423. In addition, the following terms shall have the following meanings unless the context otherwise requires.
A. Act means the Agricultural Commodities Marketing Act, 7 M.R.S.A. §§421 - 430. B. Blueberries means all so-called wild, low-bush blueberries produced in the State of Maine for purposes of sale on the fresh market.C. Blueberry Marketing Committee means the Committee established pursuant to Section 3 herein.D. Blueberry handler means any person engaged in packing blueberries, or any cooperative which is marketing blueberries packed by its producer-members.E. Commodity area, for purposes of §425 of the Act, shall mean the entire State of Maine.F. Consumer pack means a container of blueberries which is destined for sale to consumers and which is not greater than a liter in capacity.G. Initial Referendum means the referendum ratifying the blueberry market order pursuant to the Act.H. Marketed within the State, for purposes of §429 of the Act, means any blueberries marketed or destined for fresh market use, regardless of destination, by blueberry handlers.I. Marketing means the act or process of selling, offering or holding for sale, shipping, packing or branding for sale, advertising or otherwise dealing in blueberries.J. Marketing year means the calendar year.K. Packing means packaging or placing in consumer packs destined for market.L. Participated in the Referendum, for purposes of establishing compliance with §425 of the Act, means filed a qualifying and properly completed ballot in the initial referendum, including both affirmative and negative ballots. M. Persons to be affected, for purposes of §425 of the Act, shall include all blueberry handlers.N. Pint(s) or equivalent means an amount of blueberries, whether or not packed in pint containers, which is quantified in terms of the number of pints therein.O. Preceding marketing season, for purposes of §425 of the Act and the terms of these regulations means the preceding calendar year.01-001 C.M.R. ch. 25, § 1