01-001-212 Me. Code R. § II

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Section 001-212-II - DEFINITIONS
A.Accredited Veterinarians

An accredited veterinarian means a licensed veterinarian who has been accredited by the United States Department of Agriculture, Animal Plant Health Inspection Service - Veterinary Services to represent the state and federal government in assuming responsibilities for disease and parasite eradication as defined by the Code of Federal Regulations, 9, Chapter 1 (1-1-86 Edition), Part 161.

B.Approved Source

An approved source means an establishment which holds an unexpired and unrevoked U.S. Veterinary Biologic Establishment License issued by the Deputy Administrator United States Department of Agriculture, Animals Plant Health Inspection Health Inspection Service Veterinary Services to produce Brucella abortus vaccine and which meets the requirements listed in the Code of Federal Regulations, 9, Chapter 1 (1-1-86 Edition), Part 102.

C.Brucella Abortus Vaccine

Brucella Abortus Vaccine means a vaccine prepared by an approved source and meeting the standards established in the Code of Federal Regulations, 9, Chapter 1 (1-1-86 Edition), Part 113.65 as a desiccated live culture bacterial vaccine from smooth colonial forms of the Brucella Abortus organism identified as Strain 19. Bacterial count requirements of the vaccine shall be for reduced dose vaccine; that is each dose of rehydrated vaccine must contain at least 3.0 billion and not more than 10.0 billion organisms per dose within the expiration period.

D. Calfhood Vaccination Certificate for Brucellosis Calfhood vaccination certificate for Brucellosis means a certificate issued by the Department and designated as the Report of Calfhood Vaccination for Bang's Disease.

Department means the Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources.

F. Grade Calves

Grade calves means a domestic animal produced by cross breeding one of purebred stock with one of ordinary stock or ordinary stock with ordinary stock.

G.Official Brucellosis Tattoo Mark

Official Brucellosis tattoo mark means a tattoo mark applied to the right ear and including the U.S. Registered Shield and "V" which will be preceded by a number indicating the quarter of the year and followed by a number corresponding to the last digit of the year the vaccination was done.

H.Official Eartag

Official eartag means the special orange-colored eartag series used to identify calfhood brucellosis vaccinates and purebred registration eartags. These eartags are Veterinary Services approved and conform to the nine character alpha-numeric National Uniform Eartagging System defined in the Code of Federal Regulations, 9, Chapter 1 (1-1-86 Edition) part 78.1

I.Purebred Calves

Purebred calves means a strain established through breeding many generations of unmixed stock. Purebred calves must be identified and registered by a purebred association.

01-001 C.M.R. ch. 212, § II