01-001-211 Me. Code R. § 8

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
1. Setbacks and Separation Distances for Routine and Catastrophic Burial Sites
A. Burial trenches shall have minimum setback distances set forth in Table 1.
B. Animal carcasses shall be separated above bedrock, water tables and the upper limits of sand or gravel horizons in accordance with Table 2.
C. Farm operations and other regulated facilities, which are exempt from provisions of Section 7.2. E(1), may use the procedures in Section 8.2.
D. If no site can be found to meet all the setbacks in Table 1, the operator may seek a variance from the Commissioner for site specific setbacks. Site specific setbacks shall be developed by a qualified professional and must include provisions to protect sensitive features.
2. Setbacks and Separation Distances for Burial or Composting Less Than 500 Lbs per Year of Animal Carcasses or Offal, or One Large or Two Medium Size Carcass(es) Per Year, Without a Qualified Professional to Evaluate the Site

Burial or composting sites for less than 500 lbs. of small carcasses or offal, or for one large or two medium size animal(s) per year, may be selected without the assistance of a qualified professional provided the following requirements are met:

A. The site must be in an upland position without a large watershed. Compost sites must have a seasonal high water table and bedrock at least 18 inches below the ground surface. Burial sites must have depth to the seasonal high water table and bedrock to accommodate burial according to Section 8.3 or Section 8.4.
B. Burial and compost sites must meet the minimum setback distances set out in Table 3, unless a variance is granted by the Commissioner.
3. Procedure for Burial of 500 Lbs. or Less of Small Carcasses or Offal.
A. A trench which is three feet or less wide and no more than 18 inches deep shall be excavated. The bottom of the trench must be at least 24 inches above bedrock and must be above the seasonal high water table. Trenches must follow the contour so that the bottom of the trench is level.
B. For sites with shallow seasonal water table or bedrock, the carcasses or offal may be placed on the soil surface or on fill to achieve the minimum separation distances as an alternative to digging a trench.
C. Carcasses or offal must be placed in the trench or on the surface to a thickness of no more than 12 inches, or one carcass if the carcass is more than 12 inches thick. The carcass(es) or offal shall be limed, and covered with a minimum of 18 inches of soil or 24 inches of compost. The fill surface shall be vegetated or otherwise stabilized to prevent erosion.
D. Burial shall not be done in or on wetland soils unless approved by the Commissioner.
E. Additional trenches may be used if separated by a minimum of three feet, edge of trench to edge of trench.
4. Procedure for Burial ofOne Large (or Two Medium Size) Carcass(es) Per Year
A. A trench which is 24 inches deep and wide enough to accommodate the carcass shall be excavated. The bottom of the trench shall be above the seasonal high water table and at least 24 inches above bedrock. The bottom of the trench should be level.
B. For sites with a shallow seasonal water table or bedrock, the carcass(es) may be placed on the soil surface or on fill to achieve the minimum separation distances as an alternative to digging a trench.
C. Carcasses shall be placed in the trench or on the surface, limed, and covered with a minimum of 18 inches of soil or 24 inches of compost. The fill surface shall be vegetated or otherwise stabilized.
D. Burial shall not be done in or on wetland soils unless approved by the Commissioner.
5. Setbacks and Separation Distances for Catastrophic Burial

In case of a catastrophic event, the setbacks and separation distances for a burial site shall be in accordance with an approved catastrophic disposal plan. In the event that there is no approved plan or the plan cannot be implemented, the setbacks and separation distances shall be determined by the Commissioner on a case by case basis.

01-001 C.M.R. ch. 211, § 8