01-001-206 Me. Code R. § 2

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Section 001-206-2 - DEFINITIONS

The following terms have the following meanings:

A.Accredited Veterinarian: A licensed veterinarian certified by the USDA to be an Accredited Veterinarian.
B.Authorized Agent of the Commissioner: A state veterinarian or a licensed, practicing veterinarian contracted to work for the department; or any other department employee who has been authorized by the commissioner to obtain samples for the purpose of testing.
C.Boarding/Breeding Facility: An establishment that boards horses, regardless of the number of horses or the length of time of boarding, and receives compensation for these services.
D.Brucellosis Class A State: A state or area defined by the USDA as a class A state or area.
E.Brucellosis Class B State: A state or area defined by the USDA as a class B state or area.
F.Brucellosis Class C State: A state or area defined by the USDA as a class C state or area.
G.Brucellosis Class Free State: A state or area defined by the USDA to be a class free state or area.
H.Certified Brucellosis Free Herd: A herd of cattle or bison which has qualified for and whose owner has been issued a certified brucellosis free herd certificate signed by the appropriate state animal health official and the veterinarian in charge.
I.Certificate of Veterinary Inspection: A legible certificate signed by an accredited veterinarian and approved by the chief livestock official of the state or country of origin stating that the animals are free from signs of contagious, infectious and communicable diseases and containing the following:
1. An official identification number, or identification satisfactory to the commissioner, for each animal
2. Age, sex and breed of each animal
3. The results of any qualifying test
4. The exact address of consignor (sender) and consignee (receiver).
5. The expected date of entry
J.Cervids: All members of the cervidae family and hybrids, including deer, elk, moose, caribou, reindeer, and related species.
K.Commissioner: The Commissioner of the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry.
L.CWD: Chronic Wasting Disease, a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy of cervids.
M.CWD Certified Herd: A cervid herd that has successfully completed 60 months of participation in an accredited CWD Surveillance Program and has had no CWD Positive cervids or any cervids been exposed to a CWD Positive cervid.
N.CWD Exposed Cervid: A cervid that is or has been part of a CWD Positive herd in the past 60 months.
O.CWD Infected Zone: A geographic area within a 25 mile radius of a wild or captive cervid that tested positive for CWD within the past 60 months.
P.CWD Positive Cervid: A cervid that has had a diagnosis of CWD confirmed by means of an official CWD test by a laboratory certified by the US Department of Agriculture.
Q.CWD Surveillance Program: A program of surveillance, monitoring, testing, and related actions designed to provide a status of CWD at a given facility or geographic area.
R.CWD Suspect Cervid: A cervid for which inconclusive laboratory evidence suggests a diagnosis of CWD.
S.Department: "Department" means the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry.
T.Domestic Animals: Cattle, sheep, goats, swine, horses, mules, asses, lamas, dogs, cats, ferrets, cervidae as authorized in chapter 202, and other domestic animals defined by statute.
U.Exotic Ruminants: Ruminants other than cattle and bison, sheep and goats that are susceptible to brucellosis, tuberculosis and bluetongue.
V.Export: To move animals from the state of Maine either internationally or interstate.
W.Herd: One or more domesticated animals that are under common ownership, possession, and/or supervision and are grouped on one or more parts of any single premises, or on two or more premises which are geographically separated but on which domesticated animals have been commingled or had direct or indirect contact with one another.
X.Import: To move animals either internationally or interstate into the state of Maine.
Y.License for Domestic Cervidae: A license issued by the department entitling the holder to possess, propagate, or sell domestic cervidae, or to sell the meat from domestic cervidae.
Z.Livestock Dealers License: A license issued by the department entitling the holder to resell domestic livestock or act as the agent for the sale of domestic livestock in the state of Maine.
AA.Market Cattle: Cows and bulls two years of age or over which have been moved to a slaughter establishment as defined in this section.
BB.Market Swine: All male and female swine six months of age and over which have been slaughtered at a slaughter establishment as defined in this section.
CC.National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP): A cooperative industry state-federal program through which new technology can be effectively applied to the improvement of the poultry and poultry products throughout the country.
DD.Official Calfhood Vaccinate: Female cattle or female bison vaccinated for brucellosis from 4 to 12 months of age using a vaccine approved by the department and conducted by a state veterinarian, a federal veterinary medical officer or an accredited veterinarian using procedures as determined by the USDA.
EE.Permit for State entry (permit): A document issued by the commissioner that must be obtained before the time of entry into the state of Maine.
FF.Pet Birds: Birds which are not poultry and may include but not limited to psittacine species.
GG.Poultry: Poultry means all domesticated birds which are bred for the primary purpose of producing eggs, meat, down or feathers.
II.Pseudorabies Monitored Herd: A swine breeding herd that has been sampled and tested negative by an pseudorabies serologic test conducted at a laboratory approved by the state of origin during the last 365 days at the following rate:

10 head -- test all

11-35 head -- test 10

36 or more -- test 30 percent

or 30 whichever is less

Tested breeding swine 180 days of age and older to be selected at random, including herd boars, all groups to be proportionately represented.

JJ.Qualified Pseudorabies Negative Herd: A herd determined to be qualified pseudorabies negative based upon testing procedures defined by the USDA.
KK.Quarantine: An area designated by the commissioner from which animals designated by the commissioner may not be removed, nor to which animals designated by the commissioner may enter.
LL.Slaughter Establishment: A facility where animals are slaughtered under the supervision of the USDA.
MM.Tuberculosis Accredited Free State: A state designated by the USDA as accredited free.
NN.USDA: United State Department of Agriculture.
OO.Tuberculosis Accredited Herd: A herd tested in accordance with USDA testing criteria.
PP.USDA Bluetongue High Incidence State: State or area designated as such by the USDA.
QQ.USDA Bluetongue Low Incidence/Free State: State or area designated as such by the USDA..
RR.U.S. Sanitation Monitored: A flock designated by the state using USDA approved procedures.
SS.Validated Free State: A state certified as a validated free by the USDA.
TT.Validated Free Herd: A herd certified as a validated free herd utilizing testing criteria established by the USDA
UU.Farm of Origin: A place where animals of single ownership originate.

01-001 C.M.R. ch. 206, § 2