01-001-203 Me. Code R. § 3

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Section 001-203-3 - DEFINITIONS:
1.Captive: Cervids that are privately or publicly maintained or held for economic or other purposes within a perimeter fence or confined space.
2.Case Definition: A deer 12 months of age or older having chronic weight loss and exhibiting any or all of the following symptoms: isolates self from herd, listlessness, blank facial expression, head drooping, loss of muscle control, repetitive walking in pen, hyperexciteability, nervousness, interest in grain, but no interest in hay, hypersalivation, teeth grinding, increased urination and drinking of water.
3.Cervids: All members of the cervid family and hybrids including but not limited to elk, reindeer and related species.
4.Herd Inventory: A physical herd census with third party validation. The current animal census must be reconciled with the records from the previous annual herd inventory by state or federal personnel, or a specifically authorized accredited veterinarian.
5.Certificate of Veterinary Inspection: A legible certificate or form issued by an accredited veterinarian, issued within 30 days preceding importation, and approved by the chief livestock official of the state or country of origin. The Certificate of Veterinary Inspection must contain the following information:
a) Names and full addresses (and physical addresses if different) of Consignor and Consignee.
b) Official identification for each animal
c) Age, sex and breed for each animal
d) All required test results
e) Signature of accredited veterinarian attesting to the health of the animals
f) The following statement:

"To the best of my knowledge, these cervids have not been exposed to Brucellosis, Tuberculosis or Bluetongue for one year prior to the date of entry. In addition, these cervids originate from a herd that has participated in a state or USDA sanctioned CWD Surveillance program for a minimum of 60-months and do not demonstrate clinical signs compatible with CWD or have not been exposed to CWD positive cervids or cervids demonstrating clinical signs of CWD for the previous five years."

6.CWD Certified Herd: A cervid herd that has successfully completed 60-months of participation in the monitoring program and has had no CWD positive cervids nor have any cervids been exposed to a positive CWD cervid.
7.Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD): A transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) of cervids.
8.CWD Program: A program of surveillance, monitoring, testing and related actions designed to provide a status of Chronic Wasting Disease.
9.CWD Exposed Cervid: A cervid that is or has been in the last 60-months part of a CWD positive herd.
10.CWD Positive Cervid: A cervid that has had a diagnosis of CWD confirmed by means of an official CWD test conducted by a laboratory certified by US Department of Agriculture.
11.CWD Negative Cervid: A cervid that has had an official CWD test conducted by a laboratory certified by the US Department of Agriculture and that has test results in a "not detected" or negative classification.
12.CWD Suspect Cervid: A cervid for which inconclusive laboratory evidence suggests a diagnosis of CWD.
13.CWD Infected Zone. A defined geographic area, as defined by the Commissioner of the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, and in consultation with the Commissioner of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, respective of state boundaries, in which CWD is present, whether in wild or captive herds.
14.Department: The Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry.
15.Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife: The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (IF&W).
16.Enrollment Date: The day, month and year in which the State officially enrolls an owner's herd in the CWD Surveillance Program and initial enrollment requirements are met.
17.Herd: One or more cervids that are under common ownership or supervision and are grouped on one or more parts of any single premises, and all cervids under common ownership or supervision on two or more premises, which are geographically separated, but on which cervids have been commingled or had direct or indirect contact with one another.
18.Importation Permit: A document issued by the Department prior to the time of entry that authorizes the importation of cervids into the State.
19.License: A license issued by the Division of Animal and Plant Health, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry entitling the holder to propagate, possess, purchase and/or sell cervids.
20.Mandatory Reporting: The requirement that all cervids meeting the CWD case definition be evaluated by an accredited veterinarian and reported to the Department immediately.
21.Monitored Herd: A program of surveillance, monitoring, testing and related actions designed to identify CWD infection in special purpose herds or in those herds not participating in the CWD Certified Herd program.
22.Owner: An individual, partnership, company, corporation or other legal entity that has legal or rightful title to an animal or herd of animals.
23.Permit Application for State Entry: An application, which must be submitted to the Department prior to the issuance of an importation permit.
24.Special Purpose Herd: A captive herd managed and maintained in such a manner that no live cervid is removed or allowed to be removed from the designated premises, such as a Maine licensed commercial large game shooting area.
25.USDA: The United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
26.Official Identification. The identification ofcervids with a minimum of two state and federally approved identifiers. The identification must enable the trace-back of cervids to herd of origin.
a) Identification shall include at least one of the following: permanent tattoo; microchip; or official state ear tag;
b) Identification may include one of the following: herd ear tag; leg tag; collar tag; or other identification approved by the Department.
27.Official Test: A CWD test approved by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and performed at a U.S. Department of Agriculture approved laboratory.
28.Premises: The ground, area, buildings, water sources and equipment commonly shared by a herd of animals.
29. Quarantine: An order issued by a State or Federal official prohibiting the movement of animals to and from a designated premises.

01-001 C.M.R. ch. 203, § 3