Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Section 001-117-1 - DefinitionsA.Buddy Flavor/Buddiness. Buddy flavor or buddiness means the unpleasant flavor characteristic of syrup made from sap collected from maple trees as they come out of dormancy.B.Clean Clean means that the syrup shall be practically free from foreign material such as pieces of bark, soot, dust, or dirt.C.Cloudiness. Cloudiness means the presence, in suspension, of fine particles of mineral matter, such as malate of lime, niter, sugar sand, calcium malate, or other substances that detract from the clearness of the syrup.D.Color. Color has reference to the color of maple syrup when examined by means of the U.S.D.A. permanent glass color standards for maple syrup. The color standards are available only from the approved supplier under a license from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. E.Consumer Size Container. Consumer size container means a container which has a volume capacity of less than one gallon, as determined when the liquid is 680 F. Consumer size containers include, but are not limited to, quart, pint and fluid ounce subdivisions of the gallon.G.Fairly Good Color. Fairly good color means that the syrup color is darker in color than the U.S.D.A. Dark Amber Glass Color standard, but is not off-color for any reason. H.Good Color. Good color means that the syrup color is bright and typical of maple syrup prepared from sound, properly gathered sap; and, in addition, meets the following spectral requirements:(1) Grade A light amber - is as light, or lighter, in color than the U.S.D.A. Light Amber Glass Color Standard.(2) Grade A medium amber - is darker in color than light amber, but is no darker than the U.S.D.A. Medium Glass Color Standard.(3) Grade A dark amber - is darker in color than medium amber, but is no darker than the U.S.D.A. Dark Amber Glass Color Standard.I.Maple Sugar. Maple sugar means sugar made exclusively by the evaporation of pure maple syrup or pure maple sap.J.Maple Syrup. Maple syrup means the liquid food derived by concentration and heat treatment of the sap of the maple trees (Acer) or by solution in water of maple sugar (maple concentrate) made from such sap. The solids content of the finished maple syrup shall not be less than 66% (sixty six percent) by weight (brix) at 680 fahrenheit. Alternatively, the word "syrup" may be spelled "sirup."K.Serious Damage. Serious damage means any defect that seriously affects the edibility or market value of the syrup. Badly scorched syrup, buddy syrup, fermented syrup, or syrup that has any distasteful foreign flavor or disagreeable odor shall be considered as seriously damaged.L.U.S. Department of Agriculture Color Standard. U.S. Department of Agriculture Color Standard means the official U.S. Department of Agriculture Permanent Glass Color Standards for Maple Sirup.01-001 C.M.R. ch. 117, § 1