Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section V-6961 - Human ResourcesNOTE: This Section has been moved from LAC 67:1.1961.
A. Staff Plan. A provider should have a policy for recruitment, supervision and training. 1. Screening a. A provider's screening procedures should address the prospective employee's qualifications, ability, related experience, character, and social skills as related to the appropriate job description.b. Prior to employing any person and upon obtaining a signed release and the names of references from the potential employee, a provider shall obtain written references or phone notes on oral references from three persons.c. All center staff shall be required to obtain within two weeks before or 30 days after beginning work and at least every three years thereafter a written statement from a physician certifying that the individual is: i. in good health and physically able to care for clients; andii. free from infectious and contagious diseases.d. Prior to or 30 days after the time of employment all persons shall be free of tuberculosis in a communicable state as evidenced by a negative skin test or a negative chest X-ray. Evidence that an employee is free of active tuberculosis is required on an annual basis thereafter.e. The director or any center staff shall not remain at work if he/she has any sign of a contagious disease.f. A provider shall not knowingly hire, or continue to employ, any person whose health impairs his/her ability to properly protect the health and safety of the clients or is such that it would endanger the physical or psychological well being of the clients. This requirement is not to be interpreted to exclude the hiring or continued employment of persons undergoing temporary medical or emotional problems if the health and safety of the clients can be assured through reasonable accommodation of the employee's condition.2. Orientation. A provider's orientation program shall provide training for new employees to acquaint them with the philosophy, organization, program, practices and goals of the facility, and shall include instruction in safety and emergency procedures and in the specific responsibilities of the employee's job.3. Training a. A provider is encouraged to provide in-service training each year. Orientation training and activities related to routine supervision of the employee's task shall not be considered as in-service training.b. All staff are to maintain a current certification of CPR training. New employees will have 90 days to comply. Documentation will be a copy of certificates on file at the facility.4. Evaluation a. A provider should undertake an annual performance evaluation of all staff members.b. For any person who interacts with clients, a provider's evaluation procedures shall address the quality and nature of a staff member's relationships with clients.B. Personnel Practices. A provider shall have written personnel policies and written job descriptions for each staff position.C. Number and Qualifications of Staff 1. A provider shall employ a sufficient number of qualified staff and delegate sufficient authority to such staff to ensure that the responsibilities the provider undertakes are carried out and to adequately perform the following functions: a. administrative functions;d. housekeeping, maintenance and food service functions;e. direct client service functions;f. supervisory functions;g. record keeping and reporting functions;h. social service functions; andi. ancillary service functions.2. A provider shall ensure that all staff members are properly certified and/or licensed as legally required.3. A provider shall ensure that an adequate number of qualified direct service staff are present with the clients as necessary to ensure the health and well-being of clients. Staff coverage shall be maintained in consideration of the time of day, the size and nature of the provider and the ages, needs and functioning levels of the clients.4. A provider shall ensure that direct services staff who perform client-living services are administratively responsible to a person whose training and experience is appropriate to the provider's program.D. External Professional Services. A provider shall obtain any required professional services not available from employees.E. Volunteers/Student Interns. A provider which utilizes volunteers or student interns on a regular basis shall have a written plan for using such resources. This plan shall be given to all volunteers and interns. The plan shall indicate that all volunteers and interns shall be: 1. directly supervised by a paid staff member;2. oriented and trained in the philosophy of the facility and the needs of clients and the methods of meeting those needs;3. subject to character and reference checks similar to those performed for employment applicants upon obtaining a signed release and the names of the references from the potential volunteer/intern student;4. aware of and briefed on any special needs or problems of clients;5. have a criminal background check for each volunteer through the FBI as required in R.S. 15:587.1 and R.S. 46:51.2 and as outlined in Section 6966.C and/or 6966.D., as applicable; and 6. free of a valid finding of child abuse and/or neglect as noted on the state central registry in accordance with §6962F. Staff Communications 1. A provider shall establish procedures to assure adequate communication among staff to provide continuity of services to the client. This system of communication shall include: a. a regular review of individual and aggregate problems of clients including actions taken to resolve these problems;b. sharing of daily information, noting unusual circumstances, and other information requiring continued action by staff; andc. records maintained of all accidents, personal injuries and pertinent incidents related to implementation of clients' individual service plans.2. Any employee of a provider working directly with clients in care shall have access to information from clients' case records that is necessary for effective performance of the employee's assigned tasks.3. A provider shall establish procedures which facilitate participation and feedback by staff members in policymaking, planning and program development for clients.La. Admin. Code tit. 67, § V-6961
Promulgated by the Department of Social Services, Office of the Secretary, Bureau of Licensing, LR 27:1570 (September 2001), repromulgated by the Department of Social Services, Office of the Secretary, Bureau of Residential Licensing, LR 33:2745 (December 2007), repromulgated by the Department of Social Services, Office of Community Services, LR 35:1622 (August 2009), amended by the Department of Children and Family Services, Division of Programs, Licensing Section, LR 38:975 (April 2012), Amended by the Department of Children and Family Services, Licensing Section, LR 45510 (4/1/2019), effective 5/1/2019, Amended LR 46688 (5/1/2020), effective 6/1/2020.AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 36:477 and R.S. 46:1410 et seq.