La. Admin. Code tit. 67 § V-6959

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section V-6959 - Administration and Organization

NOTE: This Section has been moved from LAC 67:1.1959.

A. Class "B" facilities must comply with all regulations set by the Office of the State Fire Marshal, the Office of Public Health, local zoning laws and all laws regarding child abuse or neglect. Client-staff ratios and minimum space requirements will be enforced by the Department of Social Services. Class "B" facilities must comply with regulations restricting hiring felons, prohibiting racial discrimination and prohibiting the use of corporal punishment without parental permission, and with all other regulations promulgated by the Department of Social Services. Core regulations must promote safe physical facilities, adequate supervision and qualified staff, healthful food service, procedures for nighttime care, and procedures for the disposition of complaints.
B. General Requirements
1. A provider shall follow federal and state laws on client civil rights. No residential facility shall discriminate based on race, color, creed or national origin or ancestry. However, this shall not restrict the hiring or admission policies of a church or religious organization which may give preference in hiring or admission to members of the church or denomination.
2. It shall be the duty of the department, through its duly authorized agents, to inspect at regular intervals not to exceed one year, or as deemed necessary by the department and without previous notice, all residential child care facilities subject to the provisions of Chapter 14 of Title 46. The department shall also develop and facilitate coordination with and among other authorized agencies making inspections at regular intervals. The facility shall be open to inspection only during working hours by parents or legal guardians of clients in care and by authorized inspection personnel.
3. Owners shall have a fingerprint-based criminal background check through the FBI on file with the residential home as noted in Section 6966.A and/or Section 6966 B, as applicable in accordance with R.S. 46:51.2 and 15:587.1.
4. The following is a listing of individuals by organizational type who are required to submit documentation of a satisfactory fingerprint-based criminal background clearance conducted through the FBI:
a.Individual Ownership-individual and spouse listed on the licensing application submitted and who have access to the children/youth in care of the provider and/or children/youth who receive services from the provider and/or who are present at any time on the facility premises when children/youth are present;
b.Partnership-all limited or general partners and managers who are listed on the licensing application submitted and who have access to the children/youth in care of the provider and/or children/youth who receive services from the provider, and/or who are present at any time on the facility premises when children/youth are present;
c.Church Owned, University Owned or Governmental Entity-any clergy and/or board member who is listed on the licensing application submitted and who has access to the children/youth in care of the provider, and/or children/youth who receive services from the provider, and/or who is present at any time on the facility premises when children/youth are present; or
d.Corporation (includes limited liability companies)-individual(s) who is registered as an officer of the board with the Louisiana Secretary of State and/or listed on the licensing application submitted and who has access to the children/youth in care of the provider, and/or children/youth who receive services from the provider, and/or who is present at any time on the facility premises when children/youth are present.
5. When an individual is listed on the licensing application or the Secretary of State's website as an officer and does not have access to children/youth in care or who receive services from the provider and/or is not present at any time on the facility premises when children/youth are present, a DCFS approved attestation form signed and dated by the individual is acceptable in lieu of a satisfactory fingerprint-based CBC through the FBI. The attestation form shall be accepted for a period of one year from the date individual signed attestation form.
6. CBCs/attestation forms shall be dated prior to the issuance of the initial license, but no earlier than 45 days prior to the initial application being received by the Licensing Section.
7. Providers and child care staff shall not permit an individual convicted of a sex offense as defined in R.S. 15:541 to have physical access to a child residential facility as defined in R.S. 46:1403.
8. The owner or director of a child residential facility shall be required to call and notify law enforcement personnel and the Licensing Section management staff if they have knowledge that a registered sex offender is on the premises of the child residential facility. The verbal report shall be followed by a written report to the Licensing Section within 24 hours. The owner or director of a child residential facility shall be required to call and notify law enforcement personnel if they have knowledge that a registered sex offender is within 1,000 feet of the child day care facility as required by R.S 14:91.1.
9. All owners shall have documentation of a state central registry clearance as required in §6962
10. In accordance with R.S. 46:1428 providers shall make available to each child's parent or legal guardian information relative to the risks associated with influenza and the availability, effectiveness, known contraindications and possible side effects of the influenza immunization. This information shall include the causes and symptoms of influenza, the means by which influenza is spread, the places a parent or legal guardian may obtain additional information and where a child may be immunized against influenza. The information shall be updated annually if new information on the disease is available. The information shall be provided annually to each licensed facility by the Department of Children and Family Services and shall be made available to parents or legal guardians prior to November 1 of each year.
11. A new fingerprint-based satisfactory criminal background check through the FBI and Louisiana State Central Registry clearances are required if an individual is terminated, resigns, or no longer provides services for longer than one 24-hour period and is then re-instated.
C. Other Jurisdictional Approvals. The provider shall show appropriate evidence of compliance with all relevant standards, regulations and requirements established by federal, state, local and municipal regulatory bodies including DSS Licensing Bureau, Office of Health Services, Office of the State Fire Marshal, city fire marshal's office (if applicable), applicable local zoning ordinances (if applicable) and Department of Education (if applicable).
D. Governing Body
1. A provider shall have an identifiable governing body with responsibility for and authority over the policies and activities of the provider.
2. A provider shall have documents identifying all members of the governing body; their addresses; their terms of membership, if applicable; officers of the governing body, if applicable; and terms of office of all officers, if applicable.
3. When the governing body of a provider is composed of more than one person, the governing body shall hold formal meetings at least twice a year. A provider shall have written minutes of all formal meetings of the governing body, and by-laws specifying the frequency of meetings and quorum requirements.
E. Responsibilities of a Governing Body. The governing body of a provider shall:
1. ensure the provider's compliance and conformity with the provider's charter;
2. ensure the provider's continual compliance and conformity with all relevant federal, state, local and municipal laws and regulations;
3. ensure that the provider is adequately funded and fiscally sound;
4. review and approve the provider's annual budget;
5. ensure that the provider is housed, maintained, staffed and equipped appropriately considering the nature of the provider's program;
6. designate a person to act as chief administrator and delegate sufficient authority to this person to manage the provider;
7. formulate and annually review, in consultation with the chief administrator, policies concerning the provider's philosophy, goals, current services, personnel practices and fiscal management;
8. annually evaluate the chief administrator's performance;
9. have the authority to dismiss the chief administrator;
10. meet with representatives of DSS whenever required to do so;
11. inform representatives of DSS prior to initiating any substantial changes in the program, services, or physical plant of the provider.
F. Accessibility of Executive. The chief administrator or a person authorized to act on behalf of the chief administrator shall be accessible to provider staff or representatives of DSS at all times.
G. Documentation of Authority to Operate
1. A private provider shall have documentation of its authority to operate under state law.
2. A privately owned provider shall have documents identifying the names and addresses of owners.
3. A corporation, partnership or association shall identify the names and addresses of its members and officers and shall, where applicable, have a charter, partnership agreement, constitution, articles of association or by-laws.
H. Statement of Philosophy and Goals. A provider shall have a written statement describing its philosophy and both long-term and short-term goals.
I. Program Description. A provider shall have a written program plan describing the services and programs offered by the provider.
J. Accounting and Recordkeeping
1. A provider should establish a system of business management and staffing to assure maintenance of complete and accurate accounts, books and records.
2. A provider shall ensure that all entries in records are legible, signed by the person making the entry and accompanied by the date on which the entry was made.
3. All records shall be maintained in an accessible, standardized order and format and shall be retained and disposed of according to state and federal laws.
K. Confidentiality and Security of Files
1. A provider shall have written procedures for the maintenance and security of records specifying who shall supervise the maintenance of records, who shall have custody of records, and to whom records may be released. Records shall be the property of the provider and the provider, as custodian, shall secure records against loss, tampering or unauthorized use.
2. A provider shall maintain the confidentiality of all clients' case records. Employees of the provider shall not disclose or knowingly permit the disclosure of any information concerning the client or his/her family, directly or indirectly, to any unauthorized person.
3. A provider shall obtain written authorization of the client and the client's parent(s), tutor or curator, as applicable, prior to releasing the client's confidential records to anyone other than authorized state or federal agencies or another provider to whom the client may be released.
4. A provider shall, upon request, make available information in the case record to the client, the legally responsible person or legal counsel of the client. If, in the professional judgment of the administration of the provider, it is felt that information contained in the record would be damaging to a client, then that information may be withheld except under court order.
5. A provider may use material from case records for teaching or research purposes, development of the governing body's understanding and knowledge of the provider's services, or similar educational purposes, provided that the client's name and other identifying information is disguised or deleted.
L. Administrative File. A provider shall have an administrative file including:
1. documents identifying the governing body;
2. list of members and officers of the governing body and their addresses and terms of membership, if applicable;
3. documentation of the provider's authority to operate under state law;
4. organizational chart of the provider;
5. insurance policies; and
6. master list of all consulting professional providers used by the provider.
M. Client's Case Record. A provider shall have a written record for each client which shall include administrative, treatment, and educational data from the time of admission until the time the client leaves the provider. A client's case record shall include:
1. name, sex, race, religion, birth date and birthplace of the client;
2. other identification data including court status, legal status, who is authorized to give consents;
3. client's history including, if applicable, family data, educational background, employment record, prior medical history and prior placement history;
4. copy of the client's individual service plan and any modifications thereto, and an appropriate summary to guide and assist direct service workers in implementing the client's program; and
5. findings made in periodic reviews of the plan, including summary of the successes and failures of the client's program and recommendations for any modifications deemed necessary.
N. Medical and Dental Records
1. A provider shall maintain complete health records of a client including:
a. report of admission physical examination;
b. complete record of all immunizations provided;
c. record of medications;
d. records of vision, physical or dental examinations;
e. complete record of any medical treatment provided for specific illness or medical emergencies; and
f. authorization signed by the parent or legal guardian for medical care, immunizations and hospitalization, when indicated.
2. Upon discharge the provider shall provide a summary of the client's health record to the person or agency responsible for the future planning and care of the client.
3. A provider shall make every effort to compile a complete past medical history on every client. This history shall, whenever possible, include:
a. allergies to medication;
b. immunization history;
c. history of serious illness, serious injury or major surgery;
d. developmental history;
e. current use of prescribed medication;
f. current use of alcohol or nonprescribed drugs; and
g. medical history.
O. Personnel File
1. A provider shall have a personnel file for each employee which shall contain:
a. application for employment and/or resume;
b. three reference letters from former employer(s) and personal references or phone notes on such references;
c. any medical examinations required by the provider;
d. documentation of a satisfactory fingerprint-based criminal record check for each staff person through the FBI as noted in Section 6966.C and/or Section 6966 D, as applicable and required by R.S. 46:51.2.;
e. evidence of applicable professional credentials/certifications according to state law;
f. annual performance evaluations;
g. personnel actions, other appropriate materials, reports and notes relating to the individual's employment with the facility;
h. employee's starting and termination dates;
i. documentation of a state central registry clearance as required in §6962
2. The staff member shall have reasonable access to his/her file and shall be allowed to add any written statement he/she wishes to make to the file at any time.
3. A provider shall retain the personnel file of an employee for at least three years after the employee's termination of employment.
P. Fund Raising and Publicity
1. A provider shall have a policy regarding participation of clients in activities related to fund raising and publicity.
2. Consent of the client and, if applicable, the legally responsible person shall be obtained prior to participation in fund raising activities.
3. A provider shall have policies and procedures regarding the photographing and audio or audio-visual recording of clients.
4. The written consent of the client and, if applicable, the legally responsible person shall be obtained before the client is photographed or recorded for research or program publicity purposes.
5. All photographs and recordings shall be used in a manner which respects the dignity and confidentiality of the client.
Q. Representation at Hearings. A provider shall, when allowed by law, have a representative present at all judicial, educational or administrative hearings which address the status of the client in care of the provider.
R. Facility, Staff, Client and Records Accessibility
1. The provider shall allow representatives of DCFS access to the facility, the children, and all files and records at any time during hours of operation and/or anytime a child is present. DCFS staff shall be allowed to interview any staff member or child as determined necessary by DCFS. DCFS representatives shall be admitted immediately and without delay, and shall be given free access to all areas of a facility, including its grounds. If any portion of a facility is set aside for private use by the facility's owner, DCFS representatives shall be permitted to verify that no child is present in that portion and that the private areas are inaccessible to children. If as a result of a preliminary investigation, or other DCFS inspection, DCFS determines that one or more safety issues exists, DCFS may require implementation of a safety intervention plan. In such a case, the provider shall cooperate and adhere to any written safety intervention as determined, enumerated, and mandated by DCFS staff.

La. Admin. Code tit. 67, § V-6959

Promulgated by the Department of Social Services, Office of the Secretary, Bureau of Licensing, LR 27:1567 (September 2001), repromulgated by the Department of Social Services, Office of the Secretary, Bureau of Residential Licensing, LR 33:2743 (December 2007), repromulgated by the Department of Social Services, Office of Community Services, LR 35:1620 (August 2009), amended LR 36:331 (February 2010), amended by the Department of Children and Family Services, Division of Programs, Licensing Section, LR 38:973 (April 2012), Amended by the Department of Children and Family Services, Licensing Section, LR 45509 (4/1/2019), effective 5/1/2019, Amended LR 46688 (5/1/2020), effective 6/1/2020.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 36:477 and R.S. 46:1401 et seq.