La. Admin. Code tit. 37 § III-1917

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 9, September 20, 2024
Section III-1917 - Nursing Care; Sitter Care
A. The fund will provide and/or fund, at the lesser of the billed amount or the maximum amount allowed under the reimbursement schedule, inpatient or outpatient nursing or sitter care when such care is required to provide reasonable medical, surgical, hospitalization, physical rehabilitation, or custodial services made necessary by the health care provider's malpractice, subject to the following limitations.
1. All nursing or sitter care shall be specifically prescribed or ordered by a patient's treating health care provider.
2. All nursing or sitter care shall be rendered by a licensed and/or qualified registered nurse or licensed practical nurse or by a sitter, a member of the patient's family or household, or other person as specifically approved by the fund.
3. There shall be a presumption that the person rendering nursing or sitter care is qualified if the treating health care provider issues a statement that that person is competent and qualified to render the nursing or sitter care required by the patient.
4. All claims for nursing or sitter care payments, including those for family members providing such care, must include a signed, detailed statement by the person rendering nursing or sitter care, setting forth the date, time, and type of care rendered to and for the patient.
1. Providers of nursing or sitter care shall be funded, at the lesser of the billed amount or the maximum amount allowed under the reimbursement schedule. If the reimbursement schedule contains no applicable rate for such care, then the care shall be funded at the lesser of the billed amount or the usual and customary rate charged by similarly licensed or qualified healthcare providers in a patient's home state, city, or town. However, nursing or sitter care provided by members of the patient's family or household will be funded at a rate not to be less than the federal minimum hourly wage rate as may be revised from time to time regardless of the licensure or qualification of the provider.
2. However, notwithstanding the foregoing, future nursing or sitter care provided by members of the patient's family or household will be funded at a rate not to exceed the equivalent of $6 per hour plus inflation at the annual consumer price index published by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics for each year beginning in November 2001. However, at no time will the hourly rate paid be below the federal minimum hourly wage rate as may be revised from time to time.
C. The fund shall be entitled to periodic inspections or assessments of the physical environment in which the nursing or sitter care is being rendered. The fund may seek a judicial ruling to discontinue the payments for future medical care and related benefits if, upon inspection and recommendation of a licensed or qualified health care provider, it is determined that the physical environment in which the nursing or sitter care being rendered is inadequate or inappropriate and not in the best interest of the patient.
D. The fund may seek a judicial ruling to discontinue the payments for future medical care and related benefits if, upon a physical or mental examination of the patient, pursuant to §1911, and recommendation of a licensed or qualified health care provider, it is determined that the nursing or sitter care being rendered is inadequate or inappropriate and not in the best interest of the patient.

La. Admin. Code tit. 37, § III-1917

Promulgated by the Office of the Governor, Patients' Compensation Fund Oversight Board, LR 19:1567 (December 1993), amended LR 27:1889 (November 2001), amended by the Office of the Governor, Division of Administration, Patient's Compensation Fund Oversight Board, LR 38:2547 (October 2012).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 40:1299.44(D)(3).