La. Admin. Code tit. 28 § XCVII-305

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 8, August 20, 2024
Section XCVII-305 - Review IEPs
A. Program Considerations for Students with Disabilities. The IEP Team shall review and revise the IEP for students with disabilities to address:
1. any lack of expected progress toward achieving the annual goals and objectives/benchmarks;
2. any lack of expected progress in the general education curriculum (e.g., the student is making failing grades or through progress monitoring the student's lack of progress in the general education curriculum is evident);
3. the results of the student's performance on any state- or district-wide assessment;
4. the results of any reevaluation;
a. for any additional concerns, the procedures for evaluation established in Bulletin 1508, Pupil Appraisal Handbook shall be followed; and
b. in the event the parent signs the triennial reevaluation waiver, a statement must be included on the next IEP.
c. in the event the results of the reevaluation indicate no exceptionality, an IEP will not be developed and special education and related services cease;
5. information about the child shall be provided to, or by, the parents;
6. the student's anticipated needs;
7. the student's special educational and related service needs; for the preschool-aged child, his or her developmental needs shall be addressed;
a. to determine when the student with a disability needs instructional materials in assessible formats (e.g., Braille, large print, digital, and/or audio);
8. any positive behavior interventions and strategies that should be used, as needed;
9. updated decisions about the student's program, placement, and related services;
10. consideration of special factors as listed in §303. A.6 a-f;
11. for each student beginning at age 16, discuss transition service needs that focus on the student's courses of study;
a. for each student beginning not later than the first IEP to be in effect when the student turns 16, discuss the needed transition services including any interagency responsibilities or linkages;
12. consideration of location of instruction/services, refer to §115-117
13. the need for extended school year services. This need shall be based on student performance on academic/functional goals and/or objectives/ benchmarks. Refer to the ESY section of this handbook (Chapter 7).
a. The IEP Team will consider the criterion/criteria to make the ESY determination and what data must be collected to make that decision. The data collected through progress monitoring (e.g., grades, progress reports, behavior checklists, task analyses, teacher observation logs, etc.) shall be reviewed to determine the progress the student makes toward acquisition of his or her goals, and/or objectives/benchmarks, and whether the student's progress meets any of the criteria for ESY eligibility.
14. Discuss any other matters.
B. A review meeting shall be conducted in addition to the required annual review when
1. the student's teacher feels the student's IEP or placement is not appropriate for the student; or
2. the student's parents believe their child is not progressing satisfactorily in the general education curriculum or that there is a problem with the student's IEP;
3. the LEA proposes any changes regarding program or placement, such as to modify, add, or delete a goal or objective; to add or delete a related service;
4. the student has been determined to be eligible for ESY and will receive ESY services;
5. the behavior of the student warrants a review by the IEP Team to decide on strategies including positive behavioral intervention, strategies, and supports to address the behavior;
6. either a parent or a public agency believes that a required component of the student's IEP should be changed;
7. the LEA determines that a change in the IEP may be necessary to ensure the provision of FAPE;
a. a hearing officer orders a review of the student's IEP/placement document;
8. in the case in which the IEP/placement document is entirely rewritten, the date of that meeting shall become the anniversary date for the next annual review meeting.
C. Program considerations for Students who are Gifted and Talented. The IEP Team shall review and revise the IEP for students who are gifted and talented to address:
1. any lack of expected progress toward achieving the annual goals;
2. any lack of expected progress in the general education curriculum;
3. the results of the student's performance on any state- or district-wide assessment;
4. the results of any reevaluation;
a. for any additional concerns, the procedures for evaluation established in Bulletin 1508, Pupil Appraisal Handbook shall be followed;
b. in the event the results of the revaluation indicates no exceptionality, an IEP will not be developed and gifted and/or talented services cease;
5. information about the student provided to, or by, the parents;
6. the student's anticipated needs;
7. the student's special educational needs; for the preschool-aged child, address his or her developmental needs;
8. any positive behavior interventions and strategies that should be used, as needed;
9. updated decisions about the student's program and placement;
10. in making decisions for location of instruction/services, refer to §115-117;
11. any other concerns.
D. A review meeting shall be conducted in addition to the required annual review when:
1. a student's teacher feels the student's IEP or placement is not appropriate for the student; or
2. the student's parents believe their child is not progressing satisfactorily or that there is a problem with the student's IEP; or
3. the LEA proposes any changes regarding program or placement, such as to modify, add, or delete a goal; to add or delete a related service; or
4. either a parent or a public agency believes that a required component of the student's IEP should be changed; or
5. the LEA determines that a change in the IEP may be necessary to ensure the provision of FAPE; or
a. a hearing officer orders a review of the student's IEP/placement document; and
b. a review IEP Team meeting shall be conducted as part of the reevaluation process.

La. Admin. Code tit. 28, § XCVII-305

Promulgated by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, LR 35:2340 (November 2009).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 17:1941 et seq.