All Cornmercial or public applicators who apply pesticides within urban areas in municipalities shall post or affix notification signs at the start of the application and for at least 24 hours following the application or longer if required by the reentry directions on the pesticide label(s). The requirements of this rule shall not apply to the application of pesticides within a structure or within six feet of the outside perimeter of a structure and to pesticide applications made by the homeowner or tenant to their property.
For purposes of enforcement of this rule the term "municipality" shall include any city or developed residential area in the state. The term "urban" shall mean any area within or belonging to a city or developed residential area.
(1)Residential lawns.a. Notification signs shall project at least 12 inches above the top of the grass line or 18 inches to the top of the signs.b. The notification sign shall be posted on a lawn or yard between two feet and five feet from the sidewalk or street. Residences that have unfenced or open backyards shall be posted within two feet to five feet from the back lot line.c. When landscaping or other obstructions prohibit Cornpliance with the minimum distances specified, the notification signs shall be posted in a manner that is reasonably within the intent of this subrule.(2)Golf courses. Signs including posters or placards shall be posted in a conspicuous manner near the first tee of each nine-hole course. The sign shall be constructed of a weather-resistant material and be a minimum size of 81/2 inches by 11 inches. The lettering shall not be less than 1/2 inch. The sign shall read "Pesticides are periodically applied to the golf course. If desired, you may contact your golf course superintendent or person in charge for further information." The sign shall be displayed prior to the application of any pesticide on the golf course and left in place for at least 24 hours following any pesticide application. Where pesticide labeling requires specific notification or reentry restrictions, the applicator shall Cornply with the label instructions.(3)Parks, playgrounds and athletic fields. For parks, athletic fields, playgrounds or other similar recreational property, the notification signs shall be posted immediately adjacent to areas within the property where pesticides have been applied and at or near the entrances to the property where pesticides have been applied. The notification signs shall be placed in a conspicuous manner to provide a reasonable notification to the public.(4)Public rights-of-way.a. Notice of the application of pesticides to public rights-of-way of highways, roads, streets, alleys, sidewalks and recreational trails within the corporate limits of municipalities shall be posted in a manner that provides reasonable notice to the occupants of properties immediately adjacent to the area being treated. A minimum of two signs shall be posted to denote the beginning and the end of the area being treated. Within developed residential zones, at least one sign shall be posted at the beginning and one at the end of each block. Signs shall be placed in a manner to be readable from the adjacent property.b. Public rights-of-way bordered by a chain link fence, noise wall or other structures or enclosures that bar pedestrian access shall be exempt from the posting requirement.c. The licensed pesticide applicator performing the application shall make pesticide application schedules and other Cornmunity right-to-know information available to the public upon request at the applicator's place of business during regular business hours.d. The notification signs used for posting public rights-of-way shall consist of a weather-resistant poster or placard measuring at least 10 inches by 12 inches with lettering measuring a minimum of 1 inch. Notification signs shall project at least 2 feet above the top of the grass line or 3 feet to the top of the signs. The words "This area chemically treated. Keep off shall be used for posting public rights-of-way.(5)Public pest control programs. Pesticides applied for or by any municipality for the control or abatement of pests related to public health programs such as mosquitoes or other pest control programs shall be exempt from posting requirements provided that the intended dates, time and locations are announced to the public in a conspicuous manner at least 24 hours prior to the application. The announcement shall be made on a major radio station, TV station, newspaper or any other means of mass Cornmunication that would normally reach the residents of that city or developed residential area.
(6)Notification signs.a. The notification signs shall be of a material that is rain-resistant for at least a 24-hour period and shall not be removed by the applicator for at least 24 hours from the time pesticides are applied or longer if required by the label of the pesticide applied. Each property owner, tenant, agent or person in charge of the property shall be provided with instructions that the notification sign is required to remain in place for a minimum of 24 hours following the pesticide application. When the labeling of the pesticide(s) applied requires a reentry restriction more than 24 hours, the sign shall be left in place for the specified period restricting reentry. After the required posting period has elapsed, all notification signs should be removed by either a representative of the business, organization, entity or person making said application or the owner, agent, person in charge of the property, or their representative, to which the pesticide was applied.b. As a minimum, unless otherwise specified, the following information shall be printed on the notification sign in contrasting colors and block letters: (1) The name and telephone number of the business, organization, entity or person applying the pesticide; and(2) The words: "This area chemically treated. Keep off Do not remove sign for twenty-four hours." As an alternative, a universally accepted symbol and text approved by the secretary that is recognized as having the same meaning or intent as specified in this paragraph may be used. When the labeling of the pesticide(s) applied requires a longer reentry restriction it shall be so stated on the notification sign. The lettering for notification signs used for posting residential, Cornmercial or public lawns or gardens or other similar areas shall measure at least three-eighths inch. The lettering for notification signs used for right-of-way areas required to be posted shall measure at least one inch.
c. The notification sign used for posting residential, Cornmercial or public lawns or gardens or other similar areas shall consist of a sign or placard measuring at least four inches by five inches with letters measuring a minimum of three-eighths inch.d. The label and other information normally associated with the use of the pesticide(s) being applied to any urban area that is required to be posted shall be provided to any individual upon request.e. A Cornmercial or public applicator who applies a pesticide with labeling that requires further maintenance after application shall provide the homeowner or agent in charge of property with a copy of the Cornplete label of the pesticide(s) applied if requested and instructions on proper maintenance procedures.f. Officials of the municipalities affected by this rule shall cooperate with the department in enforcing the requirements of this rule and shall report any infractions to the department.(7)Prenotification registry. In lieu of the requirement for public notification as specified in subrule 45.50(5), a municipality may maintain a registry of persons requesting to receive notification prior to pesticide applications and provide notification to those individuals at least 24 hours prior to a pesticide application made adjacent to their property. a. A municipality may also choose to make arrangements with those persons upon request to refrain from applying pesticides to adjacent properties in lieu of prenotification.b. The registry shall be updated annually and contain at least the name, address, and telephone number where occupant may be reached during normal business hours. The registry shall be made available upon request to licensed Cornmercial and public pesticide applicators.(8)Prior notification of pesticide application to lawns, parks, playgrounds and athletic fields located in urban areas.a. An occupant of a property adjoining property where pesticides are applied by a Cornmercial or public applicator may receive prior notification of a pesticide application by personally contacting the applicator in writing in a timely manner and providing the following information: (1) Name and address of occupant.(2) A telephone number of a location where occupant may be contacted during normal business hours and evening hours.(3) Address of each property that adjoins occupant's property.b. The applicator receiving a written request for prior notification shall provide notice at least the calendar day before a scheduled application to property adjoining the occupant's property. The notice may be made in writing, in person or by telephone and shall disclose the date and approximate time of day for the scheduled application. If the notice to the occupant is in a form other than writing the applicator shall document that notice was given and maintain a record of that notice at its place of business.c. When an applicator is not successful in contacting an occupant of an adjoining property as provided in paragraph"b " of this subrule, the applicator shall, at least the calendar day before a scheduled application, leave a written notice at the residence of the person requesting prior notification indicating the date and approximate time of day for the scheduled application.d. A request for prior notification shall expire on December 31 of each year, or the date when the occupant no longer occupies the property, whichever is earlier(9)Prior notification of pesticide application to golf courses.a. An occupant of a property adjoining a golf course may receive prior notice of an application by contacting the golf course superintendent or other responsible person in a timely manner and providing the following information: (1) Name and address of occupant.(2) Telephone number of a location where the occupant may be contacted during normal business hours and evening hours.b. A golf course representative receiving a request for prior notification shall provide notice at least the day before the scheduled application. The notice may be made in writing, in person or by telephone and shall disclose the date and approximate time of day for the scheduled application.c. When a golf course representative is not successful in contacting an occupant of an adjoining property the day before a scheduled application, the representative shall leave a written notice at the residence of the person requesting prior notification which shall disclose the date and approximate time of day for the scheduled application.d. A request for prior notification shall expire on December 31 of each year, or the date when the occupant no longer occupies the property, whichever is earlier This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code section 206.19 and 1995 Iowa Acts, Senate File 256.
Iowa Admin. Code r. 21-45.50