Iowa Admin. Code r. 111-13.13

Current through Register Vol. 47, No.14, January 8, 2025
Rule 111-13.13 - Availability of records
(1)General. Agency records are open for public inspection and copying unless otherwise provided by rule or law.
(2)Confidential records. The following records, categorized by agency program area, shall be held confidential. The statutory authority for confidentiality of each record system is given.

Records Statutory Authority
Central blind registry (c) Iowa Code section 259.1
Client financial documents Iowa Code section 259.1
Employment applications Iowa Code section 22.7(11)
Minutes, closed meetings, commission for the blind Iowa Code section 21.5(4)
Performance evaluations Iowa Code section I9A.15
Personnel records Iowa Code section I9A.15
Personnel attendance records Iowa Code section I9A.15
Portions of agency staff manuals or indexed general
statements of policy when disclosure of the information
would: (I) enable law violators to avoid detection; (2) facilitate disregard of requirements imposed by law; or (3) give a clearly improper advantage to persons who are in an adverse position to the agency Iowa Code sections I7A.2 and I7A.3
Unemployment claims Iowa Code section I9A.15
Orientation center student information Iowa Code section 259.1
Orientation center student list Iowa Code section 259.1
Orientation center student/alumni data base (c) Iowa Code section 259.1
Closing vendor inventories Iowa Code section 259.1
Individual operator management training records Iowa Code section 259.1
Operator assignment selection records Iowa Code section 259.1
Vendor equipment inventories Iowa Code section 259.1
Vendor financial information Iowa Code section 259.1



Case records Iowa Code section 259.1
Client case number book Iowa Code section 259.1
Client closure book Iowa Code section 259.1
Client contact itineraries Iowa Code section 259.1
Client master list Iowa Code section 259.1
Client satisfaction survey Iowa Code section 259.1
Library field contact report Iowa Code section 259.1
Field operations staff reports Iowa Code section 259.1


American college testing service test materials Iowa Code section 22.7(19)
American printing house for the blind availability inquiries Iowa Code section 22.7(13)
Applications for library service Iowa Code section 259.1
Book order records Iowa Code section 22.7(13)
Book transcription completion records Iowa Code section 22.7(13)
Braille thermoform request records Iowa Code section 22.7(13)
Circulation records Iowa Code section 22.7(13)
CMLS microfiche and printout book of library patron records Iowa Code section 22.7(13)
EI cassette machine pilot project user listing Iowa Code section 22.7(13)
Hand-thermoformed braille library patron list Iowa Code section 22.7(13)
Instructional materials center purchase orders Iowa Code section 22.7(13)
Interlibrary library patron loan records Iowa Code section 22.7(13)
Iowa basic skills test materials Iowa Code section 22.7(19)
Iowa federation of women's clubs library patron request records Iowa Code section 22.7(13)
Iowa Lions bible distribution list Iowa Code section 22.7(13)
Library patron correspondence Iowa Code section 22.7(13)
Library patron equipment inventory Iowa Code section 22.7(13)
Library patron orders, monthly reports Iowa Code section 22.7(13)
Library patron braille requests and production records Iowa Code section 22.7(13)
Library patron braille request exchange list Iowa Code section 22.7(13)
New library patron listing Iowa Code section 22.7(13)
NLS subscription transaction records Iowa Code section 22.7(13)
NLS updates on library patron service changes Iowa Code section 22.7(13)
Out-of-state library patron duplication records Iowa Code section 22.7(13)
Pioneer service reports Iowa Code section 22.7(13)
Recording for the blind circulation records Iowa Code section 22.7(13)
Tape purchase correspondence Iowa Code section 22.7(13)
Textbook tracking materials Iowa Code section 22.7(13)


Annual SGA closure list Iowa Code section 259.1
Case records Iowa Code section 259.1
Certification letters Iowa Code section 259.1
Claim and verification requests Iowa Code section 259.1
Client contact itineraries Iowa Code section 259.1
Client master list Iowa Code section 259.1
Client orientation schedule list Iowa Code section 259.1
Client satisfaction survey Iowa Code section 259.1
Department of personnel braille typing tests Iowa Code section I9A.I5
Monthly field operations staff reports Iowa Code section 259.1
SSA responses to claim & verification requests Iowa Code section 259.1

Note: (c) indicates information is also stored on a computer database.

(3)Personally identifiable information. This subrule describes the nature and extent of personally identifiable information which is collected, maintained, and retrieved by the agency by personal identifier in record systems defined in rule I3.I(I7A,22). For each record system, this subrule describes the legal authority for the collection of information. These record systems, categorized by agency program area, are:

Records Legal Authority for Collection
Accoimts payable vouchers Iowa Code section 259.1
Central blind registry (c) Iowa Code section 259.1
Client financial documents Iowa Code section 259.1
Employment applications Iowa Code section I9A.I5
Performance evaluations Iowa Code section I9A.I5
Personnel records Iowa Code section I9A.I5
Personnel attendance records Iowa Code section I9A.I5
Unemployment claims Iowa Code section I9A.I5


Orientation center student information Iowa Code section 259.1
Orientation center student list Iowa Code section 259.1
Orientation center student/alumni database (c) Iowa Code section 259.1


Closing vendor inventories Iowa Code section 259.1
Individual operator management training records Iowa Code section 259.1
Operator assignment selection records Iowa Code section 259.1
Vendor equipment inventories Iowa Code section 259.1
Vendor financial information Iowa Code section 259.1


Case records Iowa Code section 259.1
Client case number book Iowa Code section 259.1
Client closure book Iowa Code section 259.1
Client contact itineraries Iowa Code section 259.1
Client equipment inventory cards Iowa Code section 259.1
Library field contact report Iowa Code section 259.1
Field operations monthly reports Iowa Code section 259.1


American printing house for the blind library patron availability inquiries Iowa Code section 2I6B.3
Applications for library service Iowa Code section 2I6B.3
Book order records Iowa Code section 2I6B.3
Book transcription completion records Iowa Code section 22.7(13)
Braille thermoform request records Iowa Code section 22.7(13)
Circulation records Iowa Code section 2I6B.3
CMLS microfiche and printout book of library patron records Iowa Code section 2I6B.3
EI cassette machine pilot project user listing Iowa Code section 2I6B.3
Hand-thermoformed braille library patron list Iowa Code section 2I6B.3
Instructional materials center purchase orders Iowa Code section 2I6B.3
Interlibrary library patron loan records Iowa Code section 2I6B.3
Iowa federation of women's clubs library patron request tracking Iowa Code section 2I6B.3
Iowa Lions bible distribution list Iowa Code section 2I6B.3
Library patron correspondence Iowa Code section 216B.3
Library patron equipment inventory Iowa Code section 2I6B.3
Library patron orders, monthly reports Iowa Code section 2I6B.3
Library patron braille requests and production records Iowa Code section 2I6B.3
Library patron braille request exchange list Iowa Code section 2I6B.3
New library patron listing Iowa Code section 2I6B.3
NLS subscription transaction records Iowa Code section 2I6B.3
NLS updates on library patron service changes Iowa Code section 2I6B.3
Out-of-state library patron duplication records Iowa Code section 2I6B.3
Pioneer service reports Iowa Code section 2I6B.3
Recording for the blind circulation records Iowa Code section 2I6B.3
Tape purchase correspondence Iowa Code section 2I6B.3
Textbook tracking materials Iowa Code section 2I6B.3


Annual SGA closure list

Iowa Code section 259.1

Case records

Iowa Code section 259.1

Certification letters

Iowa Code section 259.1

Claim & verification requests

Iowa Code section 259.1

Client contact itineraries

Iowa Code section 259.1

Client orientation schedule list

Iowa Code section 259.1

SSA responses to claim & verification requests

Iowa Code section 259.1

Note: (c) indicates information is also stored on a computer database.

(4)Open records. Agency records are open for public inspection and copying unless otherwise provided by rule or law. These record systems, categorized by agency program area, are routinely available to the public. They do not generally contain personally identifiable information or confidential information.Records


Acknowledgments of gifts and bequests contributions

Administrative rules, public docket and rule-making records

Advisory boards, commissions, associations, committees and task forces: correspondence, minutes

and general information Aids and appliances, accounts receivable Annual reports Building blueprints

Building equipment reference manuals and data Cooperative agreements

CSAVR, correspondence and general information

Dept. of education, correspondence, fiscal records and general information Dept. of personnel procedures manual Employee assistance fund information Employee handbook Equipment maintenance agreements Executive calendar, current and past Federal financial reports Federal funds request authorizations Federal government agencies, correspondence and reports Film and videotape information Fire evacuation procedures Fiscal information on special projects Forms, indexed

General complaints and criticisms from the public General letters of appreciation from the public General requests and inquiries from the public General statements of agency policy, indexed Gift law, general information Iowa head injury committee

Iowa management training system, general information Job opening annoimcements Legislators, listing

Legislative correspondence and general information Mailing lists

Maintenance work orders (c) Membership, payment approvals Minutes, Iowa commission for the blind Monthly financial reports, dept. of revenue

National coimcil of state agencies for the blind, correspondence and general information New staff seminar schedules and evaluations Out-of-state travel authorization requests and approvals Personnel classifications, job descriptions and pay schedules Personnel instructional pamphlets Photographs and resumes, administrator and commission members

Pool/gym agreements

Position description questionnaires

Press releases and news clippings

Private organizations, correspondence and general information

Product safety chemical data sheets

Professional and technical associations, correspondence and general information

Public records docket


Rehabilitation administrative management program, general information and correspondence

Rehabnet, general information and memos

Rental and lease agreements

Sixtieth anniversary, general information

Staff service certificates

State government agencies, correspondence and reports

State vehicle dispatcher monthly reports

Statements of grant awards

Studies, surveys and proposals

28E agreements

Utility consumption and cost data (c)


Blueprints and equipment layouts Randolph-Sheppard Act State plan, Randolph-Sheppard Act Vendor forms


CSAVR independent living committee

Deaf-blind register

Grant applications and instructional memos

Independent living advisory committee, general information and minutes

Independent living forms

Independent living procedure memos and schedules

In-service training grant, application and agendas

Part C announcements and reference materials

RCEP training advisory committee, general information and correspondence

Reference materials on alternative techniques

RSA 704 report

RSA 70B report

Special project grant, 1983

State plan for independent living services

Statewide independent living council, general information and minutes

Title VII, part b grant, reports and correspondence


Acquisition of bibles, general information American printing house for the blind federal quota orders American federation for the blind directory of agencies APH central automated resource list

Application transfer technique study

Bibliographies, by subject

Bindery tracking records

Book inspection survey

Books proofread for sale, listing

Braille alphabet cards

Braille instruction manuals and sign booklets

Brochures from other libraries for the blind

Card catalog microfilming information

Card catalog uniform entries authority

Card file of print books about blindness

Card file of cassettes processed

Cassette books, number assignment record

Catalog production and master records

Censorship, general information

Circulation, general information

Comprehensive mailing list system (CMLS), general information

Computer installation information

Computer software and software manuals

Copyright clearance records

Deaf-blindness, general information

Diebold repairs, general information

Disabilities, general information

Duplicators, general information

EI cassette instructional video

Eligibility, general information

Equal employment opportunity, general information

Equipment manuals

Forms, inventory and masters (c)

Free matter for the blind and physically handicapped, general information

General library statistics

Guidelines for tapists

Health care facilities in Iowa, listing

Historical collection of uncataloged examples of tactile systems

Instructional materials center, general information

Intention and completion forms for the American printing house for the blind

Iowa computer-assisted network advisory board minutes, 1985

Iowa federated women's clubs, listing

Iowa library directory

Iowa libraries: a time to grow 1985-90 (program planning guide)

Iowa Lions foundation

Large-type format, general information

Lead worker, general information

Library automation report, 1983

Library consumer advisory committee minutes and general information

Library grants

Library materials invoices

Library staff procedures manuals

Logs, various department systems

Machines, general information

Magazine inventory

Magazine transaction merge procedures

Magazines, reference materials on selection, transcription and subscription

Mailing lists

Marantz, general repair information

Modems, general information

Monthly reports on nonusers of library service

National braille association bulletins

NLS availability listings

NLS automation reports

NLS, general correspondence and information

NLS removal authorization documentation

Nonborrower purchase orders

OCR scanners, general information

Postal service, general information

Publication catalogs

Publishers, listing

Radio reading for the blind, production information

Reader enrollment and delivery systems (READS), general information

Records management listing of library records

Request for proposal for local area network

Salvaging rigid talking book discs, instruction manual

Shelving, general information

Snowbirds, general information

Space utilization report

Speech/braille computer output, general information

Titles received, book listing

Training grant, general information

Transcriber's workshop, documentation and information

Vendor listing

World book encyclopedia, informational material

XESS, listing of books removed from the collection

Note: In addition to the above records, a complete inventory of all materials available for circulation is maintained in the library's card catalog.


Available readers and drivers listing

Dept. of personnel, certified disabilities program

Commissioner policies on service provision

Computer technology reference materials

Counselor instructional manual

Field operations statistical reports

504 subcommittee meeting records

General resource materials on employment and vocational rehabilitation

Health resources and information

Information on U.S. civil service and personnel management

In-service training agendas

In-service training grant

Job openings posting book

Medical reference pamphlets and brochures

Paratransit advisory committee reference materials


Records Statutory Authority
Accoimts payable vouchers Iowa Code section 259.1
Accoimting interagency correspondence and information Iowa Code sections 259.1 and I9A.I5
Applications for education leave and educational assistance Iowa Code section I9A.I5
Correspondence, general Iowa Code section 259.1
Gifts and bequests trust account records Iowa Code section 2I6B.3
Minutes, supervisors meetings Iowa Code section 259.1
Closed vending facilities Iowa Code section 259.1
Correspondence, general Iowa Code section 259.1
Correspondence, vendor Iowa Code section 259.1
Licenses Iowa Code section 259.1
Minutes, state vendor committee Iowa Code section 259.1
Vending facilities (all locations) Iowa Code section 259.1



Agency contact documentation Iowa Code section 259.1
Bistate independent living center Iowa Code section 259.1
Client equipment inventory cards Iowa Code section 259.1
General correspondence, 1981-84 Iowa Code section 259.1
Helen Keller national center, grant, reports, and correspondence Iowa Code section 259.1


Braillewriter equipment inventory Iowa Code section 216B.3
Marantz equipment inventory and repair records Iowa Code section 216B.3
Proofreader circulation assignments Iowa Code section 216B.3
Tape exchange correspondence Iowa Code section 216B.3
Volunteer braille and tape production records Iowa Code section 216B.3


General correspondence Iowa Code section 259.1
Intra-office and interoffice memos Iowa Code section 259.1
Lions typewriter acquisition list Iowa Code section 259.1

Note: (c) indicates information is also stored on a computer database.

Iowa Admin. Code r. 111-13.13