Authority: IC 25-34.1-2-5
Affected: IC 25-34.1-3-2
Sec. 11.
Notwithstanding any provision contained within this title to the contrary, a broker may participate or associate with a person registered to act as a broker-dealer, agent, or investment advisor under the Indiana and federal securities laws in the sale of, or offer to sell, real estate where such real estate is a necessary element of a security, as that term is defined by the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Any fee for services received by a registered securities broker-dealer, agent, or investment advisor in connection with the above-described activities shall not be construed to constitute the receipt or payment of a commission from a broker in contravention of 876 IAC 8-2-7(12).
876 IAC 8-1-11