Current through January 8, 2025
Section 675 IAC 22-2.5-7 - Chapter 6; building services and systemsAuthority: IC 22-13-2-2
Affected: IC 22-12-7; IC 22-13; IC 22-14; IC 36-8-17
Sec. 7.
Chapter 6 is amended as follows:
(a) Delete Section 601.2 without substitution.(b) Amend Section 603.3.1 to delete "NFPA 31" and insert "Chapter 57 of this code".(c) Amend Section 603.3.2.4 to delete, in the exception, "5704.2.9.6" and insert "5704.2.9.7".(d) Amend Section 603.3.3 to delete "NFPA 31" and insert "Chapter 57 of this code".(e) Amend Section 603.4 to delete the text and insert the following: Portable unvented heaters. The use of listed portable unvented oil burning heating appliances shall be limited to supplemental heating in detached single family residences. Exception: Upon approval of the code official, portable unvented oil-burning heating appliances may be permitted in any occupancy during the construction process when such is necessary for the construction and the use does not represent a hazard of life or property.
(f) Amend Section 603.6.1 to delete the text and insert the following: Masonry chimneys that, upon inspection, are found to be without a flue liner and that have open mortar joints which will permit smoke or gases to be discharged into the building, or which are cracked as to be dangerous, shall be repaired of relined with a chimney liner system installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions or a flue lining system installed in accordance with the requirements of the Indiana Building Code and appropriate for the intended class of chimney service.(g) Amend Section 603.7 as follows: (1) Delete "fire" in the first and second sentences.(2) Delete the text after "appliances" in the first sentence.(3) Insert, in the second sentence, "in accordance with IC 22-12-7-6 or IC 36-8-17-9 " after "measures".(4) Delete, in the second sentence, "without notice" after "appliance".(h) Amend Section 603.8.5 to delete the text and insert the following: The fire chief is authorized to require incinerator use to be immediately discontinued if the use of the incinerator constitutes a hazardous condition. (i) Amend Section 604.1 as follows: (1) Delete "NFPA 110 and NFPA 111".(2) Delete "original approval" and insert "rules of the commission".(j) Amend Section 604.1.1 to delete "in accordance with UL 2200" and insert "for their intended use".(k) Amend Section 604.2.6 to insert "as is currently adopted by the commission" after "A18.1".(l) Amend Section 604., exception, to insert after "pipelines", "or propane gas lines".(m) Amend Section 604.3 to delete "NFPA 110 and NFPA 111" and insert the following: the rules of the commission.(n) Amend Section 604.5 as follows: (1) Amend Section 604.5.1 to insert, at the beginning of the first sentence, "where required by local ordinance.(2) Amend Section 604.5.1.1 to insert, at the beginning of the first sentence, "where required by local ordinance.(3) Amend Section 604.5.2.1 to insert, at the beginning of the first sentence, "where required by local ordinance. (o) Amend Section 604.6 to delete "properly instructed" and insert "trained".(p) Amend Section 605.1 to delete the second sentence without substitution.(q) Amend Section 605.3 Working space and clearance to delete the text and insert as follows: A working space of not less than 30 inches (762 mm) in width, 36 inches (914 mm) in depth and 78 inches (1,981 mm) in height shall be provided in front of electrical service equipment. Where the electrical service equipment is wider than 30 inches (762 mm), the working space shall be not less than the width of the equipment. No storage of any materials shall be located within the designated working space. Exceptions: 1. Where other dimensions are required or allowed by NFPA 70.2. Access openings into attic or underfloor areas, which provide a minimum clear opening of 20 inches (509 mm) by 40 inches (1,016 mm).(r) Amend Section 605.4.1 to delete "in accordance with UL 1363" without substitution.(s) Amend Section 605.5.1 to delete "power tap or multi-plug adapter" without substitution.(t) Add Section 605.11.1.5 to read as follows: 605.11.1.5. Maintenance. Markings required for solar photovoltaic power systems shall be maintained in good condition without deterioration or damage at all times, until such system is removed from operation and from the structure.(u) Add Section 605. to read as follows: 605. Maintenance. Roof access points, roof perimeter access and pathways shall be maintained at all times, until such system is removed from operation and from the building or structure.(v) Amend Section 606.5 to delete "as required by the fire code official" without substitution.(w) Amend Section 606.6.1 to delete "and as required by the fire code official" without substitution.(x) Amend Section 606.7 to insert "as adopted by the commission" after "NFPA 704".(y) Amend Section 606.12.3 to delete the text from Exception 2 and insert the following: When the code official determines, upon review of an engineering analysis prepared in accordance with Section 104.7.2, that a fire or explosion hazard would not result from discharging ammonia directly to atmosphere.(z) Amend Section 606.14 to delete the text and insert the following: The code official shall be notified immediately when a discharge becomes reportable under Section 5003.3.1.(aa) Amend Section 607 to delete the text and insert the following: See the Indiana Elevator Code (675 IAC 21).(bb) Amend Section 609.2 to delete the text and insert as follows: See the Indiana Mechanical Code. Filed 8/1/2014, 11:01 a.m.: 20140827-IR-675130341FRA, eff 12/1/2014Errata filed 11/19/2014, 3:00 p.m.: 20141217-IR-675140471ACAReadopted filed 8/6/2020, 2:04 p.m.: 20200902-IR-675200309RFA