410 Ind. Admin. Code 6-9-4

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 410 IAC 6-9-4 - Operation and sanitation; safety requirements

Authority: IC 16-19-3-5

Affected: IC 16-19-3-4; IC 16-20-1-19

Sec. 4.

(a) The following requirements pertain to garbage and other refuse:
(1) Garbage and refuse shall be stored in watertight containers having a tight-fitting lid and shall be maintained in a sanitary condition and in good repair at all times. Covered washable containers of at least twenty (20) and no larger than thirty-five (35) gallon capacity shall be provided adjacent to each shelter and service building for the storage of refuse and garbage.
(2) Garbage and refuse shall be collected at least two (2) times a week, or whenever the containers are full. After emptying, the cans shall be cleaned. Garbage and refuse shall not be burned.
(3) Approved community dumpsters can be utilized in lieu of other garbage containers provided that:
(A) the dumpsters are of adequate size;
(B) the dumpsters have lids;
(C) dumpsters are located within two hundred (200) feet of all living quarters; and
(D) a garbage container of at least five (5) gallon capacity is provided inside all living quarters.
(b) Insect and rodent control requires that housing and facilities shall be free of insects, rodents, and other vermin.
(c) The following requirements pertain to sleeping facilities:
(1) Sleeping facilities shall be provided for each resident. Such facilities shall consist of comfortable beds, cots, or bunks provided with clean mattresses.
(2) Any bedding provided by the housing operator shall be clean and sanitary.
(3) Triple and quadruple deck bunks shall not be provided.
(4) Vertical separation between the top of the lower mattress of a double deck bunk and the upper bunk shall be a minimum of twenty-seven (27) inches. The vertical separation from the top of the upper mattress to the ceiling shall be a minimum of thirty-six (36) inches.
(5) Beds used for double occupancy may be provided only in family accommodations.
(6) Foam mattresses must be provided with clean mattress covers.
(d) The following requirements pertain to fire, safety, and first aid:
(1) All buildings in which residents sleep or eat shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with applicable state or local fire and safety laws.
(2) One (1) story shelters far less than ten (10) residents shall have two (2) means of escape. One (1) of the two (2) required means of escape may be a readily accessible window with an openable space of not less than twenty-four (24) inches by twenty-four (24) inches.
(3) All living quarters intended for use by ten (10) or more residents, central dining facilities, and common assembly rooms shall have at least two (2) doors remotely separated so as to provide alternate means of escape to the outside or to an interior hall.
(4) Living quarters and common assembly rooms on the second story shall have a stairway and a permanent, affixed exterior ladder or a second stairway.
(5) Living quarters and common assembly rooms located above the second story shall comply with the state and local fire and building codes relative to multiple story dwellings.
(6) A 4A60BC ten (10) pound or greater multipurpose dry chemical pressure fire extinguisher shall be provided in a readily accessible place located not more than one hundred (100) feet from each shelter. A minimum of one (1) such fire extinguisher for each ten (10) residents or fraction thereof must be provided.
(7) First-aid facilities shall be provided and readily accessible for use at all times. Such facilities shall be equivalent to the sixteen (16) unit first-aid kit recommended by the American Red Cross and shall be provided in a ratio of one (1) per fifty (50) residents or fraction thereof.
(8) No flammable or volatile liquids or materials shall be stored in or adjacent to rooms used for living purposes, except for those needed for current household use.
(9) Agricultural pesticides and toxic chemicals, excluding household products, shall not be stored within fifty (50) feet of any shelter.
(10) Telephone service shall be made reasonably available to all residents of the camp, either by providing a pay phone or a telephone in the crew leader's unit. The telephone number of the nearest fire department and ambulance service shall be prominently posted near the telephone.
(11) Each shelter shall be provided with at least one (1) ceiling-mounted smoke detector which shall be maintained in a working condition at the time of occupancy and repaired on request as needed.
(12) The camp owner shall provide a centrally located bulletin board where notices and permits can be displayed. Instructions in English and Spanish for reporting emergency situations shall be posted on this board.
(13) If workers are allowed to bring their own recreational vehicles to the camp, acceptable water, sewer, and electrical hookups must be provided for each such unit. Such recreational vehicles are exempt from the space and construction standards enumerated in section 3(d) through 3(g) of this rule.
(e) The following requirements pertain to operators' and residents' responsibilities:
(1) The camp operator is specifically responsible for the following:
(A) Obtaining a current permit before workers arrive.
(B) Ensuring that the camp area and sanitary facilities are kept clean and in good repair.
(C) Routine upkeep and maintenance on shelters.
(D) Keeping the grass mowed.
(2) Those persons residing in the agricultural labor camp are responsible for the following:
(A) Keeping their shelters clean.
(B) Cleaning their appliances and notifying the operator of any problems or breakdowns.
(C) Providing their own bedding, such as sheets and blankets.
(D) Leaving their camp and shelters clean and in good repair.
(E) Keeping their pets on a leash or otherwise restrained and properly vaccinated.

410 IAC 6-9-4

Indiana State Department of Health; Reg HSE 29R, Sec 4; filed Aug 29, 1972, 11:00 a.m.: Rules and Regs. 1973, p. 388; filed Sep 29, 1989, 2:02 p.m.: 13 IR 276; readopted filed Jul 11, 2001, 2:23 p.m.: 24 IR 4234; readopted filed May 22, 2007, 1:44 p.m.: 20070613-IR-410070141RFA; readopted filed Sep 11, 2013, 3:19 p.m.: 20131009-IR-410130346RFA
Readopted filed 11/13/2019, 3:14 p.m.: 20191211-IR-410190391RFA