Current through January 8, 2025
Section 410 IAC 6-9-3 - Camp facilitiesAuthority: IC 16-19-3-4; IC 16-41-26-8
Affected: IC 16-41-26
Sec. 3.
(a) The following requirements pertain to housing sites: (1) Housing sites shall be well-drained and free from depressions in which water may stagnate. They shall be located where the disposal of sewage is provided in a manner which neither creates nor is likely to create a nuisance or hazard to health.(2) Housing shall not be subject to, or in proximity to, conditions that create or are likely to create a health or safety hazard.(3) Grounds within the housing site shall be free from debris, noxious plants such as poison ivy, and uncontrolled weeds or brush.(4) A minimum distance equal to the height of the structure plus five (5) feet shall be required between all shelters.(5) A slotted or perforated removable landing or permanent concrete slab having a length and width not less than the width of the door opening shall be located at the outside entrance of each habitable room.(6) The housing site shall provide a space for recreation reasonably related to the size of the facility and the type of occupancy.(7) Farm implements shall not be stored in the camp area when the camp is occupied.(8) All shelters must be located at least five hundred (500) feet from any livestock harborage which might create nuisance conditions or a health hazard.(9) Vehicles, refrigerators, or other abandoned appliances must be removed from the camp as soon as they are discarded.(10) Prior to camp occupancy, any shelter which does not comply with subsection (d) must be razed, removed, or secured to prevent access.(11) All containers such as used tires, buckets, or pans which might accumulate rainwater must either be removed or kept indoors.(b) The following requirements pertain to water supplies: (1) An adequate and convenient supply of water which meets the quality standards of the water pollution control board shall be available at all times in each camp for culinary, drinking, bathing, and laundry purposes. Where a public water supply is available, it shall be used to provide water for the camp.(2) When wells are used as the source of the camp water supply, they shall be in full compliance with the rules of the water pollution control board.(3) A cold water tap and an approved drinking fountain with sanitary type angle-stream jet head shall be available within one hundred (100) feet of each individual living unit when water under pressure is not provided in the unit. Adequate drainage facilities shall be provided for overflow and spillage.(4) Common drinking cups shall not be permitted.(c) The following requirements pertain to excreta and liquid waste disposal: (1) Facilities shall be provided and maintained for effective disposal of excreta and liquid waste.(2) Where public sewer systems are available, all facilities for disposal of excreta and liquid wastes shall be connected thereto.(3) Where conditions will permit and a public sewage system is not available, sewage treatment or disposal facilities utilizing septic tanks and absorption systems shall be constructed in accordance with 410 IAC 6-10 concerning commercial on-site wastewater disposal.(4) Sewage treatment facilities which have an effluent discharging into the waters of the state shall be designed, constructed, and maintained in compliance with all applicable rules of the water pollution control board.(5) Privies must be constructed and maintained in a sanitary condition. In addition: (A) a vault of sufficient capacity to serve the daily and long term needs of users must be provided;(B) the vault must be inaccessible to rodents and insects;(C) a concrete floor slab, base, or vault lid must be provided on which the privy housing or superstructure can be erected; wood floors cannot be utilized;(D) an earth mound must be maintained around the privy base to divert surface water away from the vault;(E) seat risers must extend directly from the concrete base, or floor slab, and be constructed of impervious material;(F) comfortable seats must be provided with tight fitting lids which completely cover the privy seat hole when not in use;(G) the privy housing structure must afford privacy, and the shelter must be fly-tight, enclosing walls and roof must have no openings or cracks which are not sealed or screened;(H) a tight fitting door must be provided which is equipped with a self-closing device;(I) vents, windows, and other openings must be completely screened;(J) a vertical pipe or enclosed moisture-proof vent duct must extend from the privy vault to a point above the roof peak, be protected by a screening of not less than sixteen (16) mesh at the outlet, and be capped to divert precipitation;(K) a properly sloped roof of impervious material must be provided with an overhang to prevent ponding of water and leakage into the structure;(L) adequate illumination of the privy interior must be provided at all times;(M) the privy must provide user privacy through the installation of privacy partitions around the structure or by use of inside door latches;(N) privy vaults must be pumped when accumulated wastes are within eighteen (18) inches of the floor slab; and(O) privies shall not be located closer than fifty (50) feet from any habitable room or any facility where food is prepared or served.(d) The following requirements pertain to housing:(1) Housing shall be structurally sound, in good repair, in a sanitary condition, and shall provide protection to the residents against the elements. In addition: (A) all shelters must have walls free of cracks and holes;(B) wood shelters must have walls of cleanable, smooth, hard surfaces;(C) all shelters must have exterior doors and screen doors on all exits;(D) doors must have latches or door knobs and must fit tightly in their frames;(E) latches must latch from both the inside and outside;(F) shelter floors must be reasonably level;(G) the interior walls and ceilings of the shelters must either be painted in a light-reflecting color or be constructed or [sic, of] easily cleanable materials approved by the board; and(H) all mobile home type shelters shall be installed on a permanent foundation or securely anchored to the ground.(2) Housing shall have flooring constructed of rigid materials, smooth finished, readily cleanable, and so located as to prevent the entrance of ground water and surface water, insects, and rodents. All floors shall have a smooth finish and be free of cracks.(3) The following minimum space requirements shall be provided until December 31, 1992: (A) For sleeping purposes only in family units and in dormitory accommodations using single beds, not less than fifty (50) square feet of floor space per occupant.(B) For sleeping purposes only in family units and in dormitory accommodations using double bunk beds only, not less than forty (40) square feet per occupant.(C) For combined cooking, eating, and sleeping purposes, not less than sixty (60) square feet of floor space per occupant.(D) In mobile home type units provided by a person other than occupant, there shall be at least forty (40) square feet of floor area for each person sleeping therein.(4) Separate sleeping accommodations shall be provided for each sex or family.(5) Adequate arrangements for handling clothing and storing personal effects for each person or family shall be provided. Three (3) feet of bar and three (3) feet of shelving for each one hundred (100) square feet of floor space will be considered adequate.(6) Each living unit shall have a minimum ceiling height of seven (7) feet.(7) Each habitable room shall have at least one (1) window or skylight opening directly outdoors. The minimum total glazed area shall equal at least ten percent (10%) of the usable floor area. The total openable area shall equal at least forty-five percent (45%) of the minimum glazed area required, except where comparably adequate ventilation is supplied by mechanical or some other method. In addition: (A) all windows shall fit tightly in their frames; and(B) all operable windows must open easily and must be fitted with a latching mechanism.(8) All living quarters shall be assigned the same number. Numbers must be at least two (2) inches high and must be painted near the primary entrances in a color contrasting with that of the shelter.(9) Each shelter must have the same maximum number of residents allowed under subdivision (3) posted near the primary entrance to the shelters as follows: "Maximum residents" in English, and "Maximos residentes" in Spanish.(10) Effective January 1, 1993, all mobile homes used as shelters and equipped with an operable toilet, shower, lavatory, and hot and cold water under pressure, shall provide a minimum floor space of sixty (60) square feet per resident; and all other shelters shall provide a minimum floor space of eighty (80) square feet per resident.(e) The following requirements pertain to screening:(1) All outside openings shall be protected with screening of not less than sixteen (16) mesh.(2) All screen doors shall be tight fitting, in good repair, and equipped with self-closing devices.(f) The following requirements pertain to heating:(1) Any camp which is occupied between August 31 and June 1, shall be provided with operable heating equipment of capacity adequate to maintain a temperature of at least sixty-five degrees Fahrenheit (65° F) in each habitable room during the period of occupancy. A facility provided for cooking purposes does not satisfy the requirements of this subdivision.(2) Any sources of heat utilizing combustible fuel shall be installed and vented in such a manner as to prevent fire hazards and a dangerous concentration of gases. No portable heaters other than those operated by electricity shall be provided. If a solid or liquid fuel stove is used in a room with wooden or other combustible flooring, there shall be a concrete slab, insulated metal sheet, or other fireproof material on the floor under each stove, extending at least eighteen (18) inches beyond the perimeter of the base of the stove. No facility intended or used for cooking purposes shall be used to heat the living quarters.(3) Any wall or ceiling within eighteen (18) inches of a solid or liquid fuel stove or a stovepipe shall be fireproof material. A vented metal collar shall be installed around a stovepipe or vent passing through a wall, ceiling, floor, or roof(4) When a heating system has automatic controls, the controls shall be of the type which cut off the fuel supply upon the failure or interruption of the flame or ignition, or whenever a predetermined safe temperature or pressure is exceeded.(5) When gas heaters are used, they must have pilot lights in operation at all times between August 31 and June 1 each year when the shelter is occupied, and each room where gas heaters are installed must have operating instructions posted in English and Spanish.(6) Unvented kerosene heaters and catalytic type heaters are prohibited.(7) Venting, fire resistivity, fuel storage and supply, and all other parts of the heating system shall comply with 675 IAC 22-2.1, the Indiana Fire Prevention Code.(g) The following requirements pertain to electricity and lighting: (1) Each habitable room and enclosed area in a shelter shall contain: (A) an overhead light or lights that provide at least twenty (20) foot-candles of illumination throughout the room; and(B) a minimum of three (3) operable wall-type duplex electrical outlets in each room, located so that at least two (2) walls have outlets.(2) Adequate lighting shall be provided for the yard area and pathways to common use facilities.(3) All wiring and lighting fixtures shall be installed and maintained in a safe condition. After the effective date of this rule, all newly installed wiring and lighting fixtures shall be installed and maintained in compliance with 675 IAC 17, the Indiana Electrical Code.(4) Hallways and stairways shall be adequately lighted. Stairways shall have two (2) switches, one (1) at each end controlling an overhead light fixture.(5) In cooking areas of family living units, at least twenty (20) foot-candles of illumination shall be provided.(6) Each shelter shall have a fuse box with circuit breaker or fuses, sized to meet the requirements of 675 IAC 17, the Indiana Electrical Code.(h) The following requirements pertain to toilets:(1) Toilets shall be constructed, located, and maintained so as to prevent any nuisance or public health hazard.(2) Water closets or privy seats for each sex shall be in the ratio of not less than one (1) such unit for each fifteen (15) residents, with a minimum of one (1) unit for each sex in common use facilities.(3) Urinals, constructed of nonabsorbent materials, may be substituted for men's toilet seats on the basis of one (1) urinal for one (1) toilet seat up to a maximum of one-third (a) of the required toilet seats.(4) Except in individual family units, separate toilet accommodations for men and women shall be provided. If toilet facilities for men and women are in the same building, they shall be separated by a solid wall from floor to roof or ceiling. Toilets shall be distinctly marked "men" and "women" in English and in Spanish. International symbols may be used in lieu of English and Spanish designations.(5) All common use rooms containing sanitary or laundry facilities shall have the following: (A) Walls and partitions around toilets, showers, lavatories, and other plumbing fixtures, constructed of smooth, nonabsorbent, easily cleanable materials.(B) Bathing and handwashing facilities supplied with hot and cold water under pressure. Hot water provided for showers and handwashing facilities shall be maintained between one hundred five degrees Fahrenheit (105 ° F) and one hundred twenty degrees Fahrenheit (120° F). An approved antiscald device shall be provided to automatically control the hot water temperature so that it cannot exceed one hundred twenty degrees Fahrenheit (120° F). All new and replacement faucets installed on bathing and handwashing facilities after the effective date of this rule shall be mixing type faucets.(C) At least one (1) window which can be easily opened or a mechanical device which will exchange air in the room at least six (6) times per hour.(D) All openings to the outside from the building shall be effectively screened, and the doors shall be self-closing.(E) All entrances to toilet and bathing facilities shall be screened to prevent a direct view of the interior from the exterior when the door is opened.(F) Floors in handwashing and shower rooms shall have a smooth nonskid finish and be impervious to moisture. All floors shall slope to a properly trapped floor drain.(G) Hot water heaters must have a capacity and recovery rate capable of supplying at least four (4) gallons of hot water per hour, per resident.(H) Restrooms, laundry rooms, toilets, and privies shall contain adequate ceiling light fixtures to provide at least ten (10) foot-candles of illumination throughout the rooms.(I) Restrooms shall have at least one (1) wall-type electrical convenience outlet, and all restroom outlets shall be protected by a ground fault circuit interrupter.(6) Toilet facilities shall be located within two hundred (200) feet of each living unit.(i) The following requirements pertain to bathing, laundry, and handwashing facilities: (1) Bathing and handwashing facilities, supplied with hot and cold water under pressure, shall be provided for the use of all residents. These facilities shall be clean and sanitary and located within two hundred (200) feet of each living unit.(2) There shall be a minimum of one (1) shower head per ten (10) residents. Shower heads shall be spaced at least three (3) feet apart with a minimum of nine (9) square feet of floor space per unit. Adequate, dry dressing space shall be provided in common use facilities. Shower floors shall be constructed of nonabsorbent, nonskid materials and sloped to properly constructed floor drains. Except in individual family units, separate shower facilities shall be provided each sex. When common use shower facilities for both sexes are in the same building, they shall be separated by a solid, nonabsorbent wall extending from the floor to ceiling or roof and shall be plainly designated "men" or "women" in English or in Spanish. International symbols may be used in lieu of English or Spanish designations.(3) Lavatories or equivalent units shall be provided in a ratio of one (1) per fifteen (15) residents or fraction thereof(4) Laundry facilities, supplied with hot and cold water under pressure, shall be provided for the use of all residents. Laundry trays or tubs shall be provided in the ratio of one (1) per twenty-five (25) residents or fraction thereof Mechanical washers may be provided in the ratio of one (1) per fifty (50) residents or fraction thereof, in lieu of laundry trays, although a minimum of one (1) laundry tray per one hundred (100) residents, or fraction thereof, shall be provided in addition to the mechanical washers.(5) Camps in which all units are not provided with sinks must have common dishwashing facilities served by hot and cold water under pressure and discharging into existing approved camp sewage disposal systems. Such facilities must be provided in the ratio of one (1) for each twenty-five (25) residents or fraction thereof(j) The following requirements pertain to cooking and eating facilities: (1) When residents are permitted or required to cook in their individual unit, a space shall be provided and equipped for cooking and eating. Such space shall be provided with:(A) a cookstove or hot plate with a minimum of two (2) burners;(B) adequate food storage shelves and a counter for food preparation;(C) provisions for mechanical refrigeration of food at a temperature of not more than forty-five degrees Fahrenheit (45° F); and(D) a table and chairs or equivalent seating and eating arrangements, all commensurate with the capacity of the unit.(2) When residents or their families are permitted or required to cook and eat in a common facility, a room or building separate from the sleeping facilities shall be provided for cooking and eating. Such room or building shall be provided with: (A) stoves or hot plates, with a minimum equivalent of two (2) burners, in a ratio of one (1) stove or hot plate to ten (10) persons, or one (1) stove or hot plate to two (2) families;(B) a counter for food preparation;(C) mechanical refrigeration for food at a temperature of not more than forty-five degrees Fahrenheit (45 ° F);(D) tables and chairs or equivalent seating adequate for the intended use of the facility;(E) adequate sinks with hot and cold water under pressure;(F) adequate lighting and ventilation; and(G) floors of nonabsorbent, easily cleanable materials.(3) Camps providing a central dining or multifamily food service shall provide and maintain the kitchen and dining hall in accordance with the provisions of 410 IAC 7-24.(4) When central mess facilities are provided, the kitchen and mess hall shall be in proper proportion to the capacity of the housing and shall be separate from the sleeping quarters. The physical facilities, equipment, and operation shall be in accordance with provisions of applicable state codes.(5) Wall surface adjacent to all food preparation and cooking areas shall be of nonabsorbent, easily cleaned material. In addition, the wall surface adjacent to cooking areas shall be of fire-resistant material.(6) Work table, counter, and dining table surfaces shall be constructed of materials presenting a smooth, nonabsorbent, easily cleaned surface.Indiana State Department of Health; Reg HSE 29R, Sec 3; filed Aug 29, 1972, 11:00 a.m.: Rules and Regs. 1973, p. 383; filed Sep 24, 1987, 3:00 p.m.: 11 IR 737; filed Sep 29, 1989, 2:02 p.m.: 13 IR 271; errata filed Jul 9, 1990, 2:00 p.m.: 13 IR 2004; filed Dec 4, 1991, 9:30 a.m.: 15 IR 489; errata, 15 IR 1027; readopted filed Jul 11, 2001, 2:23 p.m.: 24 IR 4234; errata filed Jul 29, 2003, 3:45 p.m.: 26 IR 3884; errata filed Jan 21, 2005, 10:32 a.m.: 28 IR 1695; readopted filed May 22, 2007, 1:44 p.m.: 20070613-IR-410070141RFA; readopted filed Sep 11, 2013, 3:19 p.m.: 20131009-IR-410130346RFAReadopted filed 11/13/2019, 3:14 p.m.: 20191211-IR-410190391RFA