326 Ind. Admin. Code 6.8-8-5

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 326 IAC 6.8-8-5 - Plan; source categories

Authority: IC 13-14-8; IC 13-17-3-4; IC 13-17-3-11

Affected: IC 13-15; IC 13-17

Sec. 5.

A source or facility to which section 1 of this rule applies, which belongs to any source category listed in this section, shall include the following information, applicable procedures, or commit to the following actions in its continuous compliance plan (CCP):

(1) For lime plants, monitor opacity at the kilns and control system vents during normal operation of the kiln with a continuous emission monitor or through self-monitoring of opacity. 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 9* should be used to determine opacity if the facility is controlled by a positive pressure fabric filter.
(2) For petroleum refineries, continuously monitor opacity of exhaust gases and monitor the coke burn-off rate in pounds per hour from fluid catalytic cracking unit catalyst regenerators.
(3) Steel mill CCPs shall include, at a minimum, the following:
(A) Basic oxygen process (BOP, BOF, QBOP), including the following:
(i) Describe the capture and control devices to control particulate emissions from each phase of the steel production cycle, including the furnace, hot metal transfer, hot metal desulfurization, and kish removal. The description shall include the locations within the facility of these operations in relation to capture hoods, control devices, roof vents, and other building openings.
(ii) Describe any fume suppression system, including the process or emission point being controlled, the location within the facility, the inert gas or steam application rate, and the monitoring method. As used in this item, "fume suppression system" means the equipment comprising any system used to inhibit the generation of emissions from steelmaking facilities with an inert gas, flame, or steam blanket applied to the surface of molten iron or steel.
(iii) Describe the procedure for recording furnace charging and tapping time, amount of throughput, and amount of steel produced.
(iv) Describe the off-gas system leak detection and repair record keeping practices.
(v) Describe the procedures used to minimize dirt and debris accumulation on the facility floor.
(vi) Describe practices that reduce PM10 and TSP emissions escaping the primary or secondary hood during scrap charging and hot metal charging tapping steel and dumping slag.
(vii) At least monthly, inspect the operational status of the following elements of the capture system:
(AA) Pressure sensors.
(BB) Dampers.
(CC) Damper switches.
(DD) The hood and ductwork for the presence of holes.
(EE) Ductwork for accumulation of dust.
(FF) Fans for erosion.

Maintain records of the inspections and any repairs.

(B) Electric arc furnace, including the following:
(i) List the furnace operating sequences to be followed in case of multivessel operation. Describe the capture and control devices used to control particulate emissions in each phase of the steel production cycle, including exhaust rate and dampers, blast gates, instrumentation operation, and control. Include a drawing that shows the location of the following:
(AA) The furnace within the facility in relation to capture hoods and control devices, roof vents, and other building openings.
(BB) Other processes within the facility that have potential to generate emissions, including casting and ladle repair.
(ii) Describe the procedure for recording the following:
(AA) Time of furnace charging, furnace melting, and furnace refining.
(BB) Tapping start and stop times.
(CC) Charge weight for each heat.
(DD) Tap weight for each heat.
(iii) At least monthly, inspect the operational status of the following elements of the capture:
(AA) Pressure sensors.
(BB) Dampers.
(CC) Damper switches.
(DD) Hood and ductwork for the presence of holes.
(EE) Ductwork for accumulation of dust.
(FF) Fans for erosion.

Maintain records of the inspections and any repairs.

(iv) Describe procedures used to minimize dirt and debris accumulation on the facility floor.
(v) Once per heat, either check and record the control system fan motor ampere and damper position or monitor flow rate through each separately ducted hood or duct, or both, used to capture emissions from the electric arc furnace operation.
(vi) Take visible emission readings of the direct shell evacuation system and the roof monitor at least once a day. The readings shall be taken during one (1) single steel production cycle and will be concurrent with the observations in 326 IAC 6.8-7-5(8)(C). The opacity observations shall be taken according to 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 9* and consist of at least one (1) six (6) minute observation each during charging and tapping and three (3) six (6) minute observations during melting and refining.
(vii) Report to the department on a quarterly basis control system fan motor amperage values that exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the value or operation at volumetric flow rates lower than those established during the performance test in 326 IAC 6.8-7-5(8)(A). Operation above these values may be considered as unacceptable operation of the electric arc furnace equipment and the emissions capture and control system by the commissioner, unless alternative values are established according to the procedures prescribed in section 1 of this rule.
(viii) Keep a record of any process and control equipment upsets, malfunctions, or activities within the electric arc furnace facility that may have resulted in excessive emissions. The records shall consist of the nature of event, time, and duration.
(C) Iron production that includes a blast furnace shall comply with the following:
(i) Describe procedures, including frequency, for inspection of the following elements of a capture system:
(AA) Pressure sensors.
(BB) Dampers.
(CC) Damper switches.
(DD) Hood and ductwork for the presence of holes.

Maintain records of the maintenance and any repairs made.

(ii) Describe procedures used to minimize dirt and debris accumulation on the facility floor.
(iii) Describe any fume suppression system, including the process or emission point being controlled, the location, and the inert gas or steam application rate and the monitoring method. As used in this item "fume suppression system" means the equipment comprising any system used to inhibit the generation of emissions from steelmaking facilities with an inert gas, flame, or steam blanket applied to the surface of molten iron or steel.
(iv) Describe the record keeping for the following elements of the iron production cycle:
(AA) Time of hole drilling.
(BB) Time of tapping.
(CC) Time of hole plugging.
(v) Describe the blast furnace inspection, repair, and maintenance schedule for the following elements:
(AA) Tuyres.
(BB) Bleeder valves.
(CC) Large and small bells.
(DD) Uptakes and downcomers (to minimize backdrafting).
(EE) Standby devices.
(vi) Describe the procedures used to inspect and operate the blast furnace gas cleaning equipment, such as dust catchers and scrubbing equipment, to assure operation within design parameters.
(D) Sinter production shall comply with the following:
(i) Describe routine startup and shutdown procedures and other work practices that are followed to reduce emissions and equipment malfunctions.
(ii) Describe procedures for inspection of equipment to identify areas that may affect particulate emissions, including the following:
(AA) Points of wear.
(BB) Distorted grate bars.
(CC) Leaking machine seals.
(DD) Holes in ducts.
(EE) Holes in flapper valves.
(iii) Describe procedures for monitoring mechanical and electrical inspection records.
(iv) Describe procedures used to minimize dirt and debris accumulation on the facility floor.
(v) Describe procedures for monitoring burden parameters, including base to acid ratio and hydrocarbon content.
(vi) Describe the routine for plant operation during equipment failure, such as screening station failure.
(vii) At least monthly, inspect the operational status of the following elements of the capture system:
(AA) Pressure sensors.
(BB) Dampers.
(CC) Damper switches.
(DD) Hood and ductwork for the presence of holes.
(EE) Ductwork for accumulation of dust.
(FF) Fans for erosion.

Maintain records of the inspections and any repairs.

(E) Coke production shall comply with the following:
(i) Describe operating and maintenance practices used to minimize emissions from charging doors, charge port lids, offtakes, standpipes, gooseneck caps and gas collector mains, pushing, underfire stacks, and quenching, including quench water dissolved solids control. The documentation shall include the following operating practices:
(AA) Use of jumper pipe during charging.
(BB) Procedure for worker's coordination, training, and communication.
(CC) Luting material used.
(DD) Periodic engineering evaluations to determine improvements needed.
(EE) Aspiration practices during charging, including aspiration rate and adjustment.
(ii) Describe the routinely available inventory of spare parts and equipment, including luting compounds, doors, and mobile scrubber cars.
(F) Waste disposal and recycling practices of iron and steel scrap and other metallic scrap shall comply with the following:
(i) Provide a description of the routine activities involving disposal and reclamation of iron and steel. The visible emissions from such activities shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) opacity on a three (3) minute average as measured by 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 9*. The opacity shall be determined as an average of twelve (12) consecutive observations recorded at fifteen (15) second intervals.
(ii) Maintenance of process vessels, for example, pugh ladles, shall be performed in enclosed structures. The visible emissions from such structures shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) opacity on a three (3) minute average as measured by 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 9*. The opacity shall be determined as an average of twelve (12) consecutive observations recorded at fifteen (15) second intervals.
(iii) Emissions from all steel scrap burning or cutting and oxygen lancing operations shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) opacity on a three (3) minute average as measured by 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 9*. The opacity shall be determined as an average of twelve (12) consecutive observations recorded at fifteen (15) second intervals.
(G) Visible emission evaluation plans shall comply with the following:
(i) Within sixty (60) days of June 11, 1993, each steel mill shall submit a plan to conduct visible emissions evaluations per the approved test method or procedures to determine compliance with the applicable opacity standard. The plan shall specify the frequency of visible emissions evaluations at the operations included in clauses (A) through (F). The plan shall include charging, pushing, lids and offtakes, doors, standpipes, and gas collector mains at coke production operations and lime plants.
(ii) If the plan specifies that the duration of readings is less than one (1) hour per day at each facility, the plan shall include the basis for less frequent evaluations.
(iii) The department shall disapprove the plan if:
(AA) it does not include all facilities; or
(BB) the proposed duration and frequency will not provide for a reasonable assessment of compliance.
(iv) Upon approval of a steel mill's plan by the department, the visible emissions evaluations shall commence and the data submitted to the department within one (1) month of the end of the calendar quarter.

The plan may be revised with department approval at any time.

(4) Fuel combustion boilers, as described in section 1(21)(A) of this rule shall comply as follows:
(A) The requirements of this subdivision shall not relax the fuel monitoring and reporting requirements of 326 IAC 7-1.1-1 for the sources to which 326 IAC 6.8-2 through 326 IAC 6.8-7 and this rule apply.
(B) Affected sources shall maintain records of the following information:
(i) Operational status of each facility for each day.
(ii) The daily measurements for each facility of the type of fuel used, amount of each type of fuel used, and heat content of each type of fuel used.
(iii) The TSP or PM10 emission factors for each type of fuel to be used as estimated by the AP-42 or stack test method.
(iv) The method used to monitor the fuel amount and heat content in addition to the frequency.
(v) The control efficiency of the particulate control device and the method of determination.
(vi) Average daily PM10 emissions (or TSP if applicable) for each facility, expressed in pounds per million British thermal units.
(C) The following guidance may be used to estimate emissions:
(i) For heat content AP-42, Volume 1, Appendix A, Table A-3, "Typical Parameters of Various Fuels", Fifth Edition, January 1995**, Supplements A through G, December 2000**.
(ii) For emission factors (TSP or PM10), EPA 450/ 4-90-003, "AIRS Facility Subsystem Source Classification Codes and Emission Factors Listing for Criteria Air Pollutants"*.
(iii) For control equipment efficiency, manufacturer's warranty or as determined by source.
(iv) Sources may substitute other site-specific values for the values as indicated if they can be shown to be acceptable to the department.

*These documents are incorporated by reference and are available from the Government Printing Office, 732 North Capitol Avenue NW, Washington, D.C. 20401 or are available for review and copying at the Department of Environmental Management, Office of Air Quality, Indiana Government Center-North, Tenth Floor, 100 North Senate Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204.

**This document is incorporated by reference and is available from U.S. EPA, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711 or the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, Office of Air Quality, Indiana Government Center-North, Tenth Floor, 100 North Senate Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204.

326 IAC 6.8-8-5

Air Pollution Control Board; 326 IAC 6.8-8-5; filed Aug 10, 2005, 1:00 p.m.: 28 IR 3534