326 Ind. Admin. Code 6.8-2-38

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 326 IAC 6.8-2-38 - U.S. Steel-Gary Works

Authority: IC 13-14-8; IC 13-17-3-4; IC 13-17-3-11

Affected: IC 13-15; IC 13-17

Sec. 38.

(a) U.S. Steel-Gary Works in Lake County, source identification number 00121, shall meet the following emission limits:

Source Emission Limits
Units lbs/hr
Coke battery #2 precarbonization system electrostatic precipitators not applicable 62.5 (total)
Coke battery #3 precarbonization system electrostatic precipitators not applicable 62.5 (total)
Number 3 sinter plant coolers 0.0300 gr/dscf 272.57 (total)
Number 3 sinter plant discharge area baghouses 0.0100 gr/dscf 20.57 (total)
Number 3 sinter plant sinter screening station baghouse 0.0100 gr/dscf 10.89
Number 3 sinter plant storage bins building baghouse 0.0100 gr/dscf 0.43
Number 3 sinter plant windbox stacks 0.020 gr/dscf 200 (total)
Number 4 boiler house boilers when three boilers are operating 0.036 lbs/MMBtu 54.1 (total)
Number 4 boiler house boilers when one or two boilers are operating 0.054 lbs/MMBtu 54.1 (total)
Plate mill batch reheat furnaces nos. 6 and 8 0.009 lbs/MMBtu 0.070 (total)
Plate mill continuous reheat furnaces 1 and 2 0.009 lbs/MMBtu 3.72 (total)
84" hot strip mill reheat furnaces nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 0.017 lbs/MMBtu 40.80 (total)
84" hot strip mill waste heat boiler no. 1 0.043 lbs/MMBtu 10.00
84" hot strip mill waste heat boiler no. 2 0.043 lbs/MMBtu 10.00
Blast furnace number 14 stoves 0.024 lbs/MMBtu 20.40 (total)
Blast furnace number 4 stoves 0.033 lbs/MMBtu 11.70 (total)
Blast furnace number 6 stoves 0.033 lbs/MMBtu 11.70 (total)
Blast furnace number 8 stoves 0.033 lbs/MMBtu 11.70 (total)
Coke battery number 2 underfiring stack not applicable 32.30
Coke battery number 3 underfiring stack not applicable 25.50
Coke battery number 5 underfiring stack not applicable 24.70
Coke battery number 7 underfiring stack not applicable 21.30
Coke plant boiler house, boiler numbers 1 and 2 0.003 lbs/MMBtu 0.75 (total)
Coke plant boiler house, boiler number 3 0.012 lbs/MMBtu 1.80
Coke plant boiler house, boiler numbers 4 and 5 0.012 lbs/MMBtu 3.90
Coke plant boiler house, boiler number 6 0.012 lbs/MMBtu 2.00
Coke plant boiler house, boiler number 7 0.012 lbs/MMBtu 1.90
Coke plant boiler house, boiler number 8 0.012 lbs/MMBtu 2.90
Number 1 BOP hot metal desulfurization baghouse 0.007 gr/dscf 15.0
Number 2 Q-BOP LMF numbers 1 and 2 material handling baghouse 0.007 gr/dscf 3.83
Number 2 Q-BOP LMF number 3 hot fume exhaust/material handling baghouse 0.0070 gr/dscf 2.70
Number 2 Q-BOP hot metal desulfurization baghouse 0.007 gr/dscf 13.0
Number 1 BOP gas cleaning system 0.011 gr/dscf 46.0 (total)
Number 2 Q-BOP gas cleaning system 0.0153 gr/dscf 44.40 (total)
TBBH boiler number 6 0.039 lbs/MMBtu 27.80
TBBH boiler numbers 1, 2, 3, and 5 when four boilers are operating 0.037 lbs/MMBtu 61.0 (total)
TBBH boiler numbers 1, 2, 3, and 5 when three boilers are operating 0.050 lbs/MMBtu 61.0 (total)
TBBH boiler numbers 1, 2, 3, and 5 when one or two boilers are operating 0.074 lbs/MMBtu 61.0 (total)
Number 2 Q-BOP north flux handling system baghouse 0.0070 gr/dscf 1.80
Number 2 Q-BOP south flux handling system baghouse 0.0070 gr/dscf 1.80
Number 2 Q-BOP secondary emissions baghouse 0.007 gr/dscf 27.0
Number 3 sinter plant S1/S2 baghouse 0.0100 gr/dscf 1.29
TBBH boiler number 4A 0.012 lbs/MMBtu 2.90
Number 14 blast furnace casthouse baghouse 0.0090 gr/dscf 38.57
Number 1 BOP Casbell/OB lancing baghouse 0.070 gr/dscf 5.10
Number 2 Q-BOP LMF number 1 hot fume exhaust baghouse 0.007 gr/dscf 5.1
Number 2 Q-BOP LMF number 2 hot fume exhaust baghouse 0.007 gr/dscf 5.1
Coke plant desulfurization facility tail gas incinerator not applicable 0.13
Slab mill slab grinder baghouse 0.0100 gr/dscf 2.57
EGL boiler house 0.0033 lbs/MMBtu 0.13 (total)
Coke battery number 5/7 pushing emissions control baghouse 0.017 lb/ton coke produced 1.28
Number 2 Q-BOP RH-degasser slag conditioning baghouse 0.007 gr/dscf 5.49
Coke plant boiler house lime storage silo baghouse 0.030 gr/dscf 0.28
Plate mill heat treatment furnace 0.003 gr/dscf 0.096

(b) The following opacity limits shall be complied with and shall take precedence over those in 326 IAC 5-1-2 with which they conflict:

Source Opacity
Number 1 basic oxygen furnace iron desulfurization baghouse 5%, 3 minute average
Number 1 basic oxygen furnace roof monitor 20%, 3 minute average
Number 1 basic oxygen process gas cleaning (2 units) 20%, 6 minute average
Number 2 QBOP hot metal desulfurization baghouse 5%, 3 minute average
Number 2 QBOP gas cleaning 20%, 6 minute average
Number 2 QBOP roof monitor 20%, 3 minute average
Number 2 QBOP flue handling line baghouse 5%, 3 minute average
New 2 QBOP secondary baghouse 5%, 3 minute average
Number 2 QBOP ladle metallurgy baghouse number 1 5%, 3 minute average
Number 2 QBOP ladle metallurgy baghouse number 2 5 %, 3 minute average

(c) The installation and operation of opacity continuous emissions monitors shall be conducted according to procedures specified in 326 IAC 3. Before December 10, 1993, the following facilities at U.S. Steel-Gary Works shall have a continuous emission monitor for opacity installed and operating:
(1) Coke battery underfire stacks at U.S. Steel-Gary Works.
(2) Numbers 2 and 3 precarbon building preheating and drying line exhaust gas precipitators (six (6) units). One (1) opacity continuous emission monitor shall be installed before December 10, 1993. The remaining five (5) opacity continuous emission monitors shall be installed before December 31, 1994. Based on an evaluation of the technical feasibility of operation of the first monitor on one (1) line, U.S. Steel-Gary Works may petition for a:
(A) one (1) year extension of the requirement to install the remaining five (5) monitors; or
(B) waiver for installation and operation of the six (6) opacity continuous emission monitors.

U.S. Steel-Gary Works shall include information on the moisture content of the gases and their effect on accurate opacity measurements as part of any such petition.

326 IAC 6.8-2-38

Air Pollution Control Board; 326 IAC 6.8-2-38; filed Aug 10, 2005, 1:00 p.m.: 28 IR 3523; filed Jan 23, 2008, 1:44 p.m.: 20080220-IR-326040279FRA