326 Ind. Admin. Code 6.8-2-37

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 326 IAC 6.8-2-37 - United States Gypsum Company

Authority: IC 13-14-8; IC 13-17-3-4; IC 13-17-3-11

Affected: IC 13-15; IC 13-17

Sec. 37.

United States Gypsum Company in Lake County, source identification number 00333, shall meet the following emission limits:

Source Emission Limits
Units lbs/hr
Raw material handling
Each stack serving raw material conveying and storage, stacks J11, J12, and J13 0.015 gr/dscf 0.190
Rock handling process
Drying, grinding, and calcining, stack M1 0.012 gr/dscf 3.210
Stucco elevating and conveying, stack M2 0.015 gr/dscf 2.210
Wallboard manufacturing process
Paper grinding and stucco system, stack B1 0.020 gr/dscf 2.230
Specialty board manufacturing process (kerfing), stack B3 0.020 gr/dscf 0.260
Each stack serving ready mix process, stacks J1, J2, and J3 0.017 lbs/ton 0.100
Dry texture paint process
Mixing and packing, stack J4 0.020 gr/dscf 0.190
Bag dumping, stack J5 0.010 gr/dscf 0.100
Dry additive conveying, stack J6 0.010 gr/dscf 0.030
Dry joint compound process
Mixing and packing, stack J7 0.020 gr/dscf 0.340
Additive bag dumping, stack J8 0.010 gr/dscf 0.34

326 IAC 6.8-2-37

Air Pollution Control Board; 326 IAC 6.8-2-37; filed Aug 10, 2005, 1:00 p.m.: 28 IR 3522; filed Jan 23, 2008, 1:44 p.m.: 20080220-IR-326040279FRA; errata filed Jan 7, 2011, 1:13 p.m.: 20110126-IR-326110007ACA