Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through August 31, 2023

The owner or operator of a nonmetallic mineral processing plant must use the Best Management Practices (BMP) contained in Section 799 to control the emissions of fugitive dust. Fugitive dust emissions must be reasonably controlled as required by Sections 650 and 651. It is the responsibility of the owner or operator to reasonably control fugitive emissions at each site of operations but only for the duration of operations at each site under the control of the owner or operator. (3-28-23)

01.Generally Applicable Requirements. All reasonable precautions must be taken to prevent particulate matter from becoming airborne. (3-28-23)
a. The owner or operator of a nonmetallic mineral processing plant must at all times be observant of all sources of fugitive dust emissions and monitor control strategies at least once per day when operating. The following events will trigger initiation of the prescribed control strategy or control strategies to control the fugitive dust emissions. (3-28-23)
i. When fugitive dust emissions are observed at any time to be exceeding any control strategy trigger specified in Subsections 799.02 through 799.06, that event triggers initiation of the prescribed control strategy or control strategies to control the fugitive dust emissions. (3-28-23)
ii. Citizen complaints of failure to reasonably control fugitive dust must be expeditiously evaluated by the owner or operator for merit. If the owner or operator determines the complaint has merit, the progressive strategy must be expeditiously employed to reasonably control fugitive dust. The Department may review the complaint records and investigate citizen complaints as appropriate. If the Department finds that a complaint has merit, it may determine additional control measures are required. (3-28-23)
b. A progressive control strategy must be used to reasonably control the emissions of fugitive dust. Progressive control strategy means that if the initial control strategy or strategies chosen do not adequately control fugitive dust emissions, the owner or operator must employ successive control strategies as listed until fugitive dust control is achieved. Fugitive dust control must be applied on a frequency such that visible emissions do not exceed any emission standard specified in Sections 790 through 799. (3-28-23)
c. The owner or operator must maintain a record of each event where a control strategy is triggered. The trigger must be recorded with a summary of the control strategy employed. If the trigger is a citizen complaint, the owner or operator must record the complaint, an evaluation of whether the complaint has merit, and a summary of the corrective action taken. The record must be maintained on forms provided by the Department or other forms that contain similar information. Records for current operations must be maintained at the site of operations for the duration of operations at that location and must be available to Department representatives upon request. Records for previous sites of operation must be kept for the most recent two (2) year period at a location where they can be reasonably accessed and must be made available to the Department upon request. (3-28-23)
02.Requirements for Paved Public Roadways. (3-28-23)
a. Definitions. (3-28-23)
i. A paved public roadway means a roadway accessible to the general public having a surface of asphalt or concrete. (3-28-23)
ii. Track-out means the deposition of mud, dirt, or similar debris onto the surface of a paved public roadway from the tires and/or undercarriage of any vehicle associated with the operation of a nonmetallic mineral processing plant. (3-28-23)
b. Control strategy triggers that require initiation of a strategy or strategies to control fugitive dust emissions from track-out include, but are not limited to: (3-28-23)
i. Visible deposition of mud, dirt, or similar debris on the surface of a paved public roadway. (3-28-23)
ii. Visible fugitive emissions from vehicle traffic on an affected paved public roadway that approach twenty percent (20%) opacity for a period or periods aggregating more than one (1) minute in any sixty (60) minute period. (3-28-23)
c. The following are control strategies for track-out. (3-28-23)
i. Prompt removal of mud, dirt, or similar debris from the affected surface of a paved public roadway. (3-28-23)
ii. Water flush, and/or water flush and vacuum sweep, the affected surface of the paved public roadway. Runoff must be controlled so it does not saturate the surface of the adjacent unpaved haul road such that track-out is enhanced. If runoff is not, or cannot be controlled, gravel must be applied to the surface of the adjacent unpaved haul road over an area sufficient to control track-out. (3-28-23)
iii. Apply gravel to the surface of the adjacent unpaved haul road. The area of application must be sufficient to control track-out. (3-28-23)
iv. Apply an environmentally safe chemical soil stabilizer or chemical dust suppressant to the surface of the adjacent unpaved haul road. The area of application must be sufficient to control track-out. (3-28-23)
v. Other control strategy or strategies as approved by the Department. (3-28-23)
03.Requirements for Unpaved Haul Roads. (3-28-23)
a. Unpaved haul roads are defined as any unsurfaced roadway within the physical boundary of a nonmetallic mineral processing facility that is used as a haul road, access road, or similar. (3-28-23)
b. Control strategy triggers that require initiation of a strategy or strategies to control fugitive dust emissions from unpaved haul roads include, but are not limited to visible fugitive emissions from vehicle traffic on unpaved haul roads that approach twenty percent (20%) opacity for a period or periods aggregating more than one (1) minute in any sixty (60) minute period. (3-28-23)
c. The following are control strategies for fugitive dust emissions from unpaved haul roads. (3-28-23)
i. Limit vehicle traffic on unpaved haul roads. (3-28-23)
ii. Limit vehicle speeds on unpaved haul roads. If a speed limit is imposed, signs must be posted along the haul road route and clearly indicate the speed limit. Signs must be placed so they are visible to vehicles entering and leaving the site of operations. (3-28-23)
iii. Apply water to the surface of the unpaved haul road. Runoff must be controlled so it does not saturate the surface of the unpaved haul road such that it causes track-out. If runoff is not, or cannot be controlled, gravel must be applied to the surface of the unpaved haul road over an area sufficient to control track-out. (3-28-23)
iv. Apply gravel to the surface of the unpaved haul road. (3-28-23)
v. Apply an environmentally safe chemical soil stabilizer or chemical dust suppressant to the surface of the unpaved haul road. (3-28-23)
vi. Other control strategy or strategies as approved by the Department. (3-28-23)
04.Requirements for Transfer Points, Screening Operations, and Stacks and Vents. (3-28-23)
a. In addition to the requirements of 40 CFR Part 60 , Subpart OOO, incorporated by reference in Section 107, for applicable facilities, the following control strategy triggers require initiation of a strategy or strategies to control fugitive dust emissions from transfer points, belt conveyors, bucket elevators, screening operations, conveying systems, capture systems, and building vents. (3-28-23)
i. Opacity greater than twenty percent (20%) from any transfer point on a belt conveyor, conveying system, bucket elevator, or screening operation. (3-28-23)
ii. For any transfer point on a belt conveyor, conveying system, bucket elevator, or screening operation located within a building, opacity greater than twenty percent (20%) from any building vent. (3-28-23)
iii. Opacity greater than twenty percent (20%) from any capture system stack. (3-28-23)
b. The following are control strategies for transfer points, belt conveyors, bucket elevators, screening operations, conveying systems, capture systems, and building vents. Controls must be applied on a frequency such that visible fugitive emissions do not exceed any applicable opacity limit. (3-28-23)
i. Limit drop heights of materials such that there is a homogeneous flow of material. (3-28-23)
ii. Install, operate, and maintain water spray bars to control fugitive dust emissions at transfer points on belt conveyors, conveying systems, bucket elevators, and screening operations as necessary. (3-28-23)
iii. Other control strategy or strategies as approved by the Department. (3-28-23)
05.Requirements for Crushers and Grinding Mills. (3-28-23)
a. Control strategy triggers that require initiation of a strategy or strategies to control fugitive dust emissions from any crusher, grinding mill, building vent, or capture system stack include the requirements of 40 CFR Part 60 , Subpart OOO, for applicable facilities and the following. (3-28-23)
i. Opacity greater than twenty percent (20%) from any crusher or grinding mill at which capture system is not used. (3-28-23)
ii. For any crusher or grinding mill located within a building, opacity greater than twenty percent (20%) from any building vent. (3-28-23)
iii. Opacity greater than twenty percent (20%) from any capture system stack. (3-28-23)
b. The following are control strategies for any crusher, grinding mill, building vent, or capture system stack. Controls must be applied on a frequency such that visible fugitive emissions do not exceed any applicable opacity limit. (3-28-23)
i. Limit drop heights of materials such that there is a homogeneous flow of material. (3-28-23)
ii. Install, operate, and maintain water spray bars to control fugitive dust emissions at crusher drop points as necessary. (3-28-23)
iii. Other control strategy or strategies as approved by the Department. (3-28-23)
06.Requirements for Stockpiles. (3-28-23)
a. Control strategy triggers that require immediate initiation of a strategy or strategies to control fugitive dust emissions from stockpiles include, but are not limited to visible fugitive emissions from wind erosion of any stockpile that approaches twenty percent (20%) opacity for a period or periods aggregating more than one (1) minute in any sixty (60) minute period. (3-28-23)
b. The following are control strategies for stockpiles. (3-28-23)
i. Limit the height of the stockpiles. (3-28-23)
ii. Limit the disturbance of the stockpiles. (3-28-23)
iii. Apply water onto the surface of the stockpile. (3-28-23)
iv. Other control strategy or strategies as approved by the Department. (3-28-23)

Idaho Admin. Code r.