Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through August 31, 2023

The owner or operator of a GDF must comply with the following: (3-28-23)

01.Loading. When loading an underground gasoline storage tank equipped with a vapor balance system, connect and ensure the proper operation of the vapor balance system whenever gasoline is being loaded. (3-28-23)
02.Maintenance. Maintain all equipment associated with the vapor balance system to be vapor tight and in good working order. (3-28-23)
03.Inspection. Inspect the vapor balance equipment on an annual basis to discover potential or actual equipment failures. A log form is available on the Department's website at (3-28-23)
04.Repair. Replace, repair or modify any worn or ineffective component or design element within twenty-four (24) hours to ensure the vapor-tight integrity and efficiency of the vapor balance system. If repair parts must be ordered, either a written or verbal order for those parts must be initiated within two (2) working days of detecting such a leak. Such repair parts must be installed within five (5) working days after receipt. (3-28-23)

Idaho Admin. Code r.