Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024
01.General Requirements.
a. Employees shall not indulge in activities that create or constitutes a hazard while on the employer's property or at any time when being transported from or to work in facilities furnished by the employer.
b. Employees who are assigned to, or engaged in the operation of any machinery or equipment, shall ensure that all guards, hoods, safety devices, etc., that are provided by the employer are in proper place and properly adjusted.
02.Employee Accidents. Each employee shall make it his individual responsibility to keep himself, his coworkers, and his machine or equipment free from accidents to the best of his ability.
03.Study Requirements. So that each worker may be better qualified to cooperate with his fellow workmen in preventing accidents, he shall study and observe these and any other safety standards governing his work.
04.Employee Responsibilities. Additional responsibilities of an employee insofar as industrial safety is concerned shall be as follows:
a. Report immediately, preferably in writing, to his foreman or safety coordinator for the logging operation, all known unsafe conditions and practices.
b. Ascertain from the foreman where medical help may be obtained if it is needed.
c. Prompt reporting of every accident regardless of severity to the foreman, first aid attendant, or person in charge. Such reports are required and are necessary in order that there may be a record of his injuries.
d. The employee shall at all times apply the principles of accident prevention in his daily work and shall use proper safety devices and protective equipment. No employee shall remove, displace, damage, destroy, or carry off any safety device or safeguard furnished and provided for use in any employment, or interfere in any way with the use thereof by any other person, or interfere with the use of any method or process adopted for the protection of any employee in such employment, or fail or neglect to do every other thing reasonably necessary to protect the life and safety of himself and fellow employees, and by observing safe practice rules shall set a good example for his fellow workmen.
e. The employee shall not report to the job impaired by intoxicants or legal or illegal drugs and shall not use intoxicants or such drugs while on the job. The employer shall prohibit any employee from working on or being in the vicinity of any job while under the influence of or impaired by intoxicants or drugs. Employers shall be responsible for the actions of any employee known to be in an intoxicated or impaired condition while on the job.
f. The employee shall wear, use and properly care for personal protective safety equipment issued to him.
g. Workers exposed to head hazards shall wear approved head protection.
h. Proper eye protection shall be worn while performing work where a known eye hazard exists.
i. The employee should consider the benefits of accident prevention to himself and to his job.
j. The employee should make an effort to understand his job.
k. The employee should anticipate every way in which a person might be injured on the job, and conduct the work to avoid accidents.
l. The employee should be on the alert constantly for any unsafe condition or practice.
m. The employee shall learn first aid.
n. The employee should keep physically fit, and obtain sufficient rest.
o. The employee should be certain that all instructions received are understood completely before starting the work.
p. The employee should actively participate in safety programs.
q. The employee should study the safety educational material posted on the bulletin boards and distributed by the employer or safety committee.
r. The employee should advise inexperienced fellow-employees of safe ways to perform their work and warn them of dangers to be guarded against.
s. It is the employer's responsibility to ensure compliance with the foregoing provisions.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 31, 2022