Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024
01.General Requirements.
a. Every employer subject to these rules shall maintain places of employment that are safe according to the standards as set forth herein.
b. Every employer shall adopt and use practices, means, methods, operations and processes that are adequate to render such employment and place of employment safe.
i. Employers shall place highly visible "LOGGING AHEAD" or similar-type warning signs at the entrances of active logging jobs. Employers shall also place "TRUCKS AHEAD," "TRUCKS ENTERING," "TREE FALLING," and "CABLES OVERHEAD," whenever applicable
ii. Every employer shall furnish to its crew a Company Emergency Rescue Plan.
c. Every employer should insure that Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are reasonably accessible for every hazardous material.
d. Every employer shall post and maintain in a conspicuous place or places in and about his place or places of business a written notice stating the fact that he has complied with the worker's compensation law as to securing the payment of compensation to his employees and their dependents in accordance with the provisions of Idaho law. Such notice shall contain the name and address of the surety, as applicable, with which the employer has secured payment of compensation. Such notice shall also be readily available on the site where logging operations are occurring, and available for inspection by Division officials upon request.
e. Every employer shall do all other things as required by these rules to protect the life and safety of employees.
f. No employer shall require any employee to go or be in any place of employment that does not meet the minimum safety requirement of these rules, except for the purpose of meeting such requirements.
g. No employer shall fail or neglect:
i. To make available and use safety devices and safeguards as are indicated.
ii. To adopt and use methods and processes adequate to render the employment and place of employment safe.
iii. To do all other things as required by these rules to protect the life and safety of employees.
h. No employer, owner or lessee of any real property shall construct or cause to be constructed any place of employment that does not meet the minimum safety requirements of these rules.
i. No person, employer, employee, other than an authorized person, shall do any of the following:
i. Remove, displace, damage, destroy or carry off any safeguard, first aid material, notice or warning, furnished for use in any employment or place of employment, or interfere in any way with the use thereof by any other person.
ii. Interfere with the use of any method or process adopted for the protection of any employee, including himself, in such employment or place of employment.
iii. No person shall fail or neglect to do all other things as required by these rules to protect the life and safety of employees.
iv. The use of intoxicants or drugs while on duty is prohibited. Persons reporting for duty while under the influence of or impaired by liquor or other legal or illegal drugs or substances shall not work until completely recovered.
j. A procedure for checking the welfare of all workers during working hours shall be instituted and all workmen so advised. The employer shall assume responsibility of work assignments so that no worker shall be required to work in a position or location so isolated or hazardous that he is not within visual or audible signal contact with another person who can render assistance in case of emergency. In any operation where cutting, yarding, loading, or a combination of these activities are carried on there shall be a minimum crew of two (2) persons who shall work as a team, and shall be in visual or audible signal contact with one another. This does not apply to operators of motorized equipment, watchmen, or certain other jobs which, by their nature are singular workmen assignments. There shall be some method of checking-in crew members at the end of the shift. Each immediate supervisor shall be responsible for his crew being accounted for. This standard also includes operators of movable equipment.
k. Every employer shall keep a record of all cases of injuries his employees receive at their work. This record shall be kept in such manner as to enable representatives of the Division to determine by examining the record, the injury rate of the employee force for the period covered by the report.
l. Every employer shall investigate every accident resulting in a disabling injury that his employees suffer in connection with their employment. Employers shall promptly take any required action to correct the situation. Employees shall assist in the investigation by giving any information and facts they have concerning the accident.
02.Management Responsibility.
a. Management shall take an active and interested part in the development and guidance of the operation's safety program, including fire safety.
b. Management shall apply a basic workable safety plan on the same priority as it does to any other work facet of the operation where elimination of all injuries is to be achieved in all phases of the operation. It is the duty of management to assume full and definite responsibility. To attain these safety objectives, management shall have the full cooperation of employers and the Division.
c. Every employer shall furnish employment which shall be safe for the employees therein and shall furnish such devices and safeguards and shall adopt and use such practices, means, methods, operation and processes as are adequate to render such employment and places of employment safe to protect the life and safety of employees. The employer shall make available necessary personal protective safety equipment.
d. Regular safety inspection by a qualified person of all rigging, logging, machinery, rolling stock, bridges, and other equipment shall be made as often as the character of the equipment requires. Defective equipment or unsafe conditions found shall be replaced, repaired or remedied promptly.
e. All places of employment shall be inspected by a qualified person or persons as often as the type of operation or the character of the equipment requires. Defective equipment or unsafe conditions found by these inspections shall be replaced or repaired or remedied promptly.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 31, 2022