Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through August 31, 2023
01.Requirement. The agency shall maintain an official record for each contested case and (unless statute provides otherwise) base its decision in a contested case on the official record for the case. (3-31-22)
02.Contents. The record for a contested case shall include: (3-31-22)
a. All notices of proceedings; (3-31-22)
b. All applications or claims or appeals, petitions, complaints, protests, motions, and answers filed in the proceeding; (3-31-22)
c. All intermediate or interlocutory rulings of hearing officers or the agency head; (3-31-22)
d. All evidence received or considered (including all transcripts or recordings of hearings and all exhibits offered or identified at hearing); (3-31-22)
e. All offers of proof, however made; (3-31-22)
f. All briefs, memoranda, proposed orders of the parties or of the presiding officers, statements of position, statements of support, and exceptions filed by parties or persons not parties; (3-31-22)
g. All evidentiary rulings on testimony, exhibits, or offers of proof; (3-31-22)
h. All staff memoranda or data submitted in connection with the consideration of the proceeding; (3-31-22)
i. A statement of matters officially noticed; and (3-31-22)
j. All recommended orders, preliminary orders, final orders, and orders on reconsideration. (3-31-22)

Idaho Admin. Code r.