For the One Phase Low Bid selection method, the Department will review price proposals, as well as the technical proposals and/or the qualifications package in accordance with requirements included in the RFP. The Department will select the lowest qualified and responsive bidder.
For the Two Phase Low Bid selection method, the Department will review price proposals and technical proposals in accordance with requirements included in the RFP. The Department will select the lowest responsive bidder.
For the Best Value selection method, the Department will evaluate price proposals and technical proposals in accordance with requirements included in the RFP. The Department will select the Proposer with the highest combined score based on the sum of the weighted price proposal score and the weighted technical proposal score.
A proposal will only be considered nonresponsive if it does not contain all the information and level of detail requested in the RFP. No proposal will be considered unless it is accompanied by a Proposal Guaranty as mandated by the Department Standard Specifications Construction of Transportation Systems. A proposal shall not be deemed to be nonresponsive solely on the basis of minor irregularities in the proposal that do not directly affect the ability to fairly evaluate the merits of the proposal.
During the evaluation process, the Department may request that the Proposers provide additional technical support information used to develop the price proposal. In the event that major errors, major irregularities or major omissions are discovered, the Department shall retain the right to disqualify the Proposer and award the project to the next responsive bidder.
A Project may be awarded prior to approval of any applicable environmental document and permits, provided prior concurrence has been obtained from the appropriate lead Federal agency (FHWA or FTA).
Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 672-18-.09
O.C.G.A. Secs. 32-2-2, 32-2-81, 50-13-4.