For the One Phase Low Bid and the Two Phase Low Bid selection methods, the Department will review the Project's price proposals of the qualified or Shortlisted Proposers and technical proposal information or qualification package information as requested in the RFP.
For the Best Value selection method, the Department will review the Project's price proposals of the Shortlisted Proposers, and will evaluate the technical proposals in accordance with requirements included in the RFP.
The Department may request that Proposers provide the technical and support information used to develop their respective price proposals. This information may include, but is not limited to, costing plans, pay item quotes, design assumptions, summary of quantities, detailed estimate, design costs, mobilization assumptions, schedule assumptions and construction staging assumptions.
The Department will compare the price proposals of the Proposers to the internal Department estimate.
Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 672-18-.08
O.C.G.A. Secs. 32-2-2, 32-2-81, 50-13-4.