Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. 290-9-37-.28

Current through Rules and Regulations filed through December 24, 2024
Rule 290-9-37-.28 - Application for License
(1) The governing body of the Community Living Arrangement shall submit to the Department an application for a license to operate under these rules. No Community Living Arrangement shall operate or provide services to residents without a valid license issued by the Department.
(2) The application for a license shall be made on forms provided by the Department.
(3) The following shall accompany the application for a license to operate a Community Living Arrangement:
(a) A fingerprint records check application for the administrator or site manager;
(b) A copy of the application submitted to the Department's Office of Human Resource Management that has been submitted within the year immediately preceding the date of application for licensure as a Community Living Arrangement shall be submitted unless the administrator or director was serving as an administrator or site manager of a personal care home immediately prior to application for the Community Living Arrangement license and has a satisfactory fingerprint criminal history background check on file with the Department;
(c) Evidence of a satisfactory Georgia Crime Information Center (GCIC) state criminal history background check done by local law enforcement authorities for the administrator or site manager shall accompany the application.
(4) Each application for a license shall be accompanied by a floor sketch of the residence to be licensed as a Community Living Arrangement showing windows, doors, room measurements, and bed placement for residents, family, and staff.
(5) The ownership of the residence shall be fully disclosed in the application for a license. In the case of ownership by corporations, partnerships, and other bodies created by statute, the corporate officers and all other individuals or family groups owning 5 percent or more of the corporate stock or ownership, as well as the registered agent for service of process, shall be disclosed in the application for a license.
(6) Where a residence has not been licensed as a Personal Care Home immediately prior to application for licensure as a Community Living Arrangement, satisfactory proof shall accompany license applications that all electrical, water, and sewage systems of the residence meet applicable federal, state, and local standards and regulations and that the residence is in compliance with any local fire safety standards and the fire and safety standards promulgated by the Office of the Safety Fire Commissioner.
(7) Proof that at least one staff member is qualified by training or experience to perform competently all duties and responsibilities of his or her job shall accompany the application.

Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 290-9-37-.28

O.C.G.A. Secs. 31-7-1et seq., 37-1-22.

Original Rule entitled "Application for License" adopted. F. Oct. 24, 2002; eff. Nov. 13, 2002.
Repealed: New Rule of same title adopted. F. Jan. 23, 2008; eff. Feb. 12, 2008.