- Rule 290-9-37-.01 - Authority
- Rule 290-9-37-.02 - Purpose
- Rule 290-9-37-.03 - Applicability
- Rule 290-9-37-.04 - Exemptions
- Rule 290-9-37-.05 - Definitions
- Rule 290-9-37-.06 - Governing Body
- Rule 290-9-37-.07 - Administration, Criminal History Background Checks
- Rule 290-9-37-.08 - Minimum Floor Plan Requirements
- Rule 290-9-37-.09 - Furnishings and Fixtures
- Rule 290-9-37-.10 - Temperature Conditions
- Rule 290-9-37-.11 - Physical Plant Health and Safety Standards
- Rule 290-9-37-.12 - Supplies
- Rule 290-9-37-.13 - Services
- Rule 290-9-37-.14 - Staffing
- Rule 290-9-37-.15 - Personnel
- Rule 290-9-37-.16 - Admission
- Rule 290-9-37-.17 - Admission Agreement
- Rule 290-9-37-.18 - Resident Files and Information
- Rule 290-9-37-.19 - Residents Rights
- Rule 290-9-37-.20 - Medications
- Rule 290-9-37-.21 - Medical Protection Devices and Adaptive Support Devices
- Rule 290-9-37-.22 - Use of Personal Restraints and Quiet Time
- Rule 290-9-37-.23 - Nutrition
- Rule 290-9-37-.24 - Procedures for Change in Condition or Serious or Unusual Incident
- Rule 290-9-37-.25 - Death of a Resident
- Rule 290-9-37-.26 - Discharge or Transfer of a Resident
- Rule 290-9-37-.27 - Expedited Transfer or Discharge Planning
- Rule 290-9-37-.28 - Application for License
- Rule 290-9-37-.29 - Licenses
- Rule 290-9-37-.30 - Provisional Licenses
- Rule 290-9-37-.31 - Inspections and Plans of Correction
- Rule 290-9-37-.32 - Reporting to the Department
- Rule 290-9-37-.33 - Variances and Waivers
- Rule 290-9-37-.34 - Enforcement and Sanctions
- Rule 290-9-37-.35 - Severability