Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. 120-3-28-.19

Current through Rules and Regulations filed through August 29, 2024
Rule 120-3-28-.19 - Maintenance
(1) General. All equipment relative to carnival rides shall be given periodic maintenance service. This shall include proper lubrication and cleaning of machinery, engines, and motors. Worn mechanical parts and machinery shall be periodically inspected for loose fasteners. Lockout devices shall be engaged prior to inspecting or servicing a piece of equipment. Equipment and structure for amusement rides shall be kept free from protruding nails, loose nails, splintered wood, loose and wobbly seats, and rough, loose, or dangerous arm rests.
(2) Wire rope:
(a) shall be thoroughly examined. Wire rope found to be damaged shall be condemned and replaced with new rope of proper design and capacity as per data tag that is attached. Any of the following conditions shall be cause for rope replacement.
1. In running ropes, six randomly distributed broken wires in one rope lay, or three broken wires in one strand in one rope lay. A rope lay is the length along the rope in which one strand makes a complete revolution around the rope.
2. In pendants or standing ropes, (ropes bearing the entire load and subjected to constant pressure and surge shocks) evidence of more than one broken wire in one rope lay.
3. Abrasion, scrubbing, or peeling causing loss of more than 1/3 of the original diameter of the outside wires.
4. Severe corrosion.
5. Severe kinking, severe crushing, or other damage resulting in distortion of the rope structure.
6. Heat damage resulting from a torch or arc caused by contact with electrical wires.
7. Reduction from normal diameter of more than 3/64 inch for diameters up to and including 3/4 inch; 1/16 inch for diameters 7/8 inch to 1 1/8 inches; 3/32 inch for diameters 1 1/4 inches to 1 1/2 inches. Marked reduction in diameter indicating deterioration of the core resulting in lack of proper support for the load carrying strands. Excessive rope stretch or elongation may be an indication of internal deterioration.
8. Bird-caging or other distortion resulting in some members of the rope structure carrying more load than others.
9. Noticeable rusting or developing of broken wires in the vicinity of attachments. If this condition is localized in an operating rope, the section in question can be eliminated by making a new attachment. This may be done rather than replacing the entire rope.
10. All wire rope used to support, suspend, bear, or control forces and weight shall be double clamped.
(b) Wire ropes used to support, suspend, bear, or control forces and weights involved in the movement and utilization of tubs, cars, chairs, seats, gondolas, other carriers, the sweeps, or other supporting members of a ride shall not be lengthened or repaired by splicing.
(c) Couplings, sockets, and fittings shall be a design and type approved by the Office and installed in accordance with the instructions or specifications of the designer, engineer, or manufacturer.
(3) Wood Components. Footings, splices, uprights, track timbers, ledgers, sills, laps, bracing flooring, and all other wood components of rides shall be inspected for deterioration, cracks, or fractures. Emphasis shall be given to insuring tight nails, bolts, lag bolts, and other fasteners. Wood members found to be defective shall be removed and replaced with material of equal or greater strength and capacity.
(4) Housekeeping. An adequate number of containers for refuse shall be provided in and around all amusement rides. Excessive accumulation of trash and refuse shall be promptly removed. All parts of amusement rides used by the public shall be maintained in a clean condition. All walkways between amusement rides shall be kept free from debris, obstructions, or other hazards.
(5) Electric Motors. Electric motors exposed to water shall be given a dialectic test annually to insure a safe operation and the results are to be kept with the carnival.
(6) Wire Rope Rollers, Drums, and Sheaves. The mechanical devices that brake, control, or come in contact with wire rope, such as rollers, drums, and sheaves shall be examined on a periodic basis to insure cleanliness and safe conditions. Mechanical devices with broken chips, undue roughness, or uneven wear shall be replaced immediately.
(7) Articulation and Bearings.
(a) The articulating pinions, frames, sweeps, eccentrics, and other mechanical members shall be inspected for wear, out or around, cracks, and other signs of deteriorations, and shall be kept in good repair.
(b) All main center spindles not visible to the naked eye shall be X-rayed or other approved means, by an accredited testing laboratory and one copy of the results of such tests shall be forwarded to the Office. Test results shall have listed the date of the test, name of the ride owner, and serial number for identification of the ride.
(c) Bear surfaces, ball joints, and other single or multiple direction mechanical surfaces shall be kept well lubricated and clean and inspected for out of round or out of spherical and shall be kept in good repair.
(d) Gear alignment and gear drives shall be kept in good repair.
(8) Electrical Wiring. Motor wiring, general service circuitry, decorative wiring, festoon wiring, and concession stand wiring shall be inspected for insulation wear, fraying, or other signs of deterioration such as cracking. Secure tape repairs may be used; however, use of tape repairs shall be kept to a minimum. Wire clips on articulating devices shall be kept in good repair, and wires at elbows and at the end of articulating devices shall be emphasized during inspection.
(9) Safety Devices. Retaining, restraining and containing devices shall be inspected to insure they can continuously fulfill their function. Worn and damaged areas shall be repaired immediately or shall be cause for immediate replacement.
(10) Hydraulic Systems. The system is to be checked for leaks, damaged pipes, and worn or deteriorated hoses.
(11) All welding will be in accordance to AWS Standards welding & brazing procedures done by welders qualified to those procedures. The procedures shall be provided by the manufacturer.

Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 120-3-28-.19

O.C.G.A. Sec. 25-15-83.

Original Rule entitled "Maintenance. Amended"adopted. F. Jan. 10, 2014; eff. Jan. 30, 2014.