Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. 120-3-28-.18

Current through Rules and Regulations filed through August 29, 2024
Rule 120-3-28-.18 - Operations
(1) Assembly and Disassembly.
(a) Competent Supervision. The assembly and disassembly of an amusement device or a temporary structure shall be done by or under the immediate supervision of a person experienced and instructed in the proper performance of such work in respect to the device or structure.
(b) Quality of Assembly Work. Assembly work shall be performed in a proper and workmanlike manner. Parts shall be properly aligned and shall not be bent, distorted, cut or otherwise injured to force a fit. Parts requiring lubrication shall be lubricated in the course of assembly. Fastening and locking devices, such as bolts, cap screws, cotter pins, lock washers, etc., shall be installed where required for dependable operation. Nuts shall be drawn tight, cotter pins shall be spread, and lock nuts firmly set. Welding of parts upon which safe operation depends will be in accordance to AWS Standards welding & brazing procedures done by welders qualified to those procedures, procedures shall be provide by the manufacturer.
(c) Quality and Inspection of Parts. Parts which are excessively worn or which have been materially damaged shall not be used. Close visual inspection of parts shall be made during assembly to discover such wear or damage and immediate inspection of fastening devices shall be made after assembly to discover such wear or damage and immediate inspection of fastening devices shall be made after assembly to assure that they have been properly installed.
(d) Tools and Equipment.
1. Persons engaged in the assembly or disassembly of amusement devices shall be provided with and shall use tools of proper size and design to enable the work to be done safely. Broken, damaged, and unsuitable tools shall not be used. Electrically operated tools shall be grounded during use.
2. Ladders, scaffolds, and safety belts used in assembly or disassembly work shall be of such design, material, and construction as to provide reasonable and adequate protection to the persons using them.
3. Fiber rope used in assembly or disassembly work shall be standard quality manila or equivalent in strength.
4. Tackle blocks shall be of a size to fit the rope. All load-carrying equipment shall be designed and constructed throughout to support the intended load.
(e) Persons in Work Area. A sufficient number of persons to do the work properly shall be engaged for the assembly or disassembly of amusement devices. Persons not so engaged in this work and who may create a hazard shall be prevented from entering the work area.
(2) Location. The general layouts shall be established such that continuous traffic patterns will exist. Box canyons formed by rides and concession booths shall be avoided. The egress of a ride or booth shall not be located immediately in front of hazardous equipment. The layouts shall be such that traffic patterns through the concession areas shall minimize traffic over any water or electrical lines. The intermingling of water lines and electrical lines shall be avoided. Long guy wires or narrow braces utilized for ride, or booth support shall be clearly marked with streamers or other devices to attract attention.
(a) Temporary Ride. A ride shall be placed on solid footings to be secured to prevent shifting, tipping, swaying, or erratic motion. No cement, brick, or similar type blocks shall be permitted, unless approved by the Office. Provisions pertinent to erratic motion or sway does not apply to a ride designed to permit flotation characteristics or flexibility. Use of shim blocks shall be kept to a minimum. Depression in the ground near the ride footings shall be filled and tamped and adequate means of drainage provided to prevent water from collecting and softening supporting areas in case of rain. The areas surrounding the ride shall be clear and kept free from trash and tripping hazards. A daily inspection of the ride motion and footing shall be made.
(b) Public Protection.
1. An carnival ride shall not be used or operated while any person is so located as to be endangered by it. Areas in which persons may be so endangered should be fenced, barricaded, or otherwise guarded against public intrusion.
2. Temporary booths shall not be located under aerial amusement rides. Temporary booths utilized for cooking food shall be located such that at least 10 feet of clearance exists on two sides for the use of fire equipment or other emergency vehicles, and shall not be located within 10 feet of amusement rides. A minimum clearance of six feet shall exist between an exterior ride and walls, building, and other structures. At least twelve feet of clearance shall be maintained between major and spectacular rides and at least three feet between all kiddie rides.
3. At no time shall a ride be assembled, disassembled, or operated within the minimum clearance of power transmission lines as stated below, except when the transmission lines have been de-energized and disconnected or locked out.
(i) For lines rated 50KV or below, minimum clearance between the lines and any part of lifting crane, ride structure, or equipment shall be ten feet.
(ii) For lines rated over 50KV, minimum clearance between the lines and the lifting crane, ride structure, or equipment shall be ten feet plus 0.4 inches for each 1KV over 50KV.
(iii) During assembly or disassembly a person shall be designated to observe clearance of the equipment and give timely warning for all maneuvers where it is difficult to maintain the desired clearance by visual means.
(3) The manager shall insure that there exists in the immediate vicinity a device or devices (for example; ladder, fire truck, or hydraulic lift) which are available for emergency removal of passengers from elevated amusement rides that will not operate.
(4) Leveling and Alignment. Corner posts, central column or support structures of a ride designed to operate on a perpendicular axis shall be plumb and secured so that the path of the sweeps or platforms shall be level and operate on a true horizontal plane at right angles to the axis of the pivot. A ride whose carriers are designed to operate on a horizontal axis shall be leveled so that the carriers will orbit in a true perpendicular plane. The base of a ride employing a combination of orbiting planes or a ride whose carriers operate normally in a plane other than true horizontal or vertical shall be leveled, plumbed, and secured so that they will not tip or shift and will be stable under the most adverse operating conditions, except for a ride designed to operate properly whether the base is plumb or level or not.
(5) Internal Combustion Power Sources.
(a) Internal combustion power sources shall be of adequate type, design, and capacity to handle the design load.
(b) Fuel tanks should be of adequate capacity to permit uninterrupted operation during normal operating hours and have caps that will not leak fuel if over turned. Where it is impossible to provide tanks of proper capacity for a complete day, the ride shall be shut down and unloaded or evacuated during the refueling procedure. Under no circumstance shall the fuel supply be replenished while the engines are running.
(c) An enclosed area in which an internal combustion engine is operated shall be ventilated. Exhaust fumes from the engine shall be discharged outside the area. The equipment shall be properly grounded.
(d) Internal combustion power sources shall be located in a manner permitting proper maintenance and shall be protected either by guards, fencing, or enclosure to prevent exposure to hazard and to secure the equipment from the public.
(e) A manager shall provide and maintain portable fire extinguishers of the classification, capacity, and number prescribed by the Office.
(f) A manager shall store and handle liquid petroleum gas employed either as fuel for internal combustion engines, for heat, or for illumination in a manner approved by the Office.
(g) A manager shall store and handle flammable liquids in accordance with the standards of the Office. Bulk storage (quantities above 60 gallons) will not be permitted in the area accessible to the public.

Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 120-3-28-.18

O.C.G.A. Sec. 25-15-83.

Original Rule entitled "Operations"adopted. F. Jan. 10, 2014; eff. Jan. 30, 2014.