If paid leave taken pursuant to this chapter also qualifies as protected leave pursuant to FMLA, or D.C. FMLA, the paid leave shall run concurrently with, and not in addition to, leave taken under those other acts.
Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to provide job protection to any eligible individual beyond that to which an individual is entitled under the D.C. FMLA.
An eligible individual shall not be eligible to receive payment for paid-leave benefits under this chapter for any day of leave that falls within any week for which the individual also receives or expects to receive payments pursuant to the District of Columbia Unemployment Compensation Act, effective August 28, 1935 (49 Stat. 946; D.C. Official Code § 51-101et seq.). Individuals are not prohibited from receiving paid-leave benefits under this chapter even if they have an open or pending claim for unemployment compensation as long as unemployment compensation payments are not received or expected for the same weeks that contain any payable date under this chapter.
An eligible individual shall not be eligible to receive paid-leave benefits under this chapter for any day of leave that falls within any period of time for which long-term disability payments are attributable. This prohibition applies regardless of whether the monetary payments for the period of eligibility for long-term disability benefits were already received, are being actively received, or are expected to be received in the future. The periods of time during which the prohibition on concurrent receipt of paid-leave payable dates are in force may be days, weeks, months, or any other period of time for which the individual actively or passively seeks or receives long-term disability payments attributable to a disability occurring within that period of time.
An eligible individual's right to short-term, employer-provided paid-leave benefits, including but not limited to paid sick time, vacation time, short-term disability benefits, and paid parental leave, while receiving paid-leave benefits under this chapter will be determined by the employer's policies. Nothing in this chapter shall be interpreted as prohibiting employers from maintaining or amending any existing or future policies regarding their own private employee benefits.
An eligible individual is not permitted to earn income by performing his or her regular and customary work during the period for which the eligible individual receives benefits under this chapter.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 7, r. 7-3513