Unless prohibited by an appropriations act, a Contracting Officer may enter into a multiyear contract to obtain goods and services for any period of time deemed to be in the best interest of the District; provided that the term of the contract and conditions of renewal or extension, if any, are included in the solicitation, funds are available for the first fiscal period at the time of contracting, and the contract is consistent with the requirement of §5004.2 of this chapter. Payment and performance obligations for succeeding fiscal periods shall be subject to availability and appropriations of funds.
Except for contracts awarded pursuant to §5001.7, a multiyear contract is only authorized where the Contracting Officer determines in writing that:
Multiyear contracting may be used in procurements by competitive sealed bids or competitive sealed proposals, sole source procurements, and in competition exempt procurements.
Except for contracts awarded pursuant to §5001.7, budget authority to fund a multiyear contract shall be obligated on an annual basis. The initial obligation of funds shall be for the period between the dates of contract award through the end of the fiscal year in which the contract award occurs. Thereafter, each subsequent obligation of funds shall be made one (1) fiscal year at a time and must cover the contract amount that will be incurred in the fiscal year in which the contract work will be performed. First fiscal year requirements of the contract, and funds for requirements in each subsequent contract term, shall be obligated one (1) fiscal year at a time.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 27, r. 50-5004