D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 20, r. 20-716

Current through Register Vol. 71, No. 52, December 27, 2024

Any person who owns, operates, or leases:

(a) An offset lithography printing operation that is part of any stationary source which emits, or has ever had the theoretical potential to emit, twenty-five (25) or more tons per year of VOCs shall be prohibited from operating the printing operation unless it is in compliance with the requirements of this section, where calculation of the stationary source's theoretical potential to emit shall be pursuant to § 715.1;
(b) After January 1, 2012, any offset lithography or letterpress printing operation which emits VOCs at a rate equal to or greater than fifteen pounds per day (15 lb/day) actual emissions of VOC on a monthly average basis before consideration of controls shall comply with the requirements of this section through § 716.25(a); and
(c) After January 1, 2012, any offset lithography or letterpress printing operation which emits VOCs at a rate less than fifteen pounds per day (15 lb./day) actual emissions of VOC on a monthly average basis before consideration of controls, shall comply with § 716.25(b).

Any printing operation or press that becomes or is currently subject to the provisions of this section by exceeding the applicability threshold in § 716.1(a), 716.1(b), and 716.16 shall remain subject to these provisions even if its throughput or emissions or its theoretical potential to emit has fallen or later falls below the applicability threshold.


If part or all of any offset lithography or letterpress printing operation involving VOC emissions is not specifically controlled by the requirements of this section, then the VOC-related emission operation or part of the operation shall be governed by the other requirements of this subtitle on air quality.


This section applies only to the emissions of VOCs; all provisions of this subtitle on air quality other than those restricting the emissions of VOCs apply to the operations regulated by this section.


Prior to January 1, 2012, no person who owns, operates, or leases an offset lithography printing operation in existence as of December 31, 1985, shall utilize fountain solution in conjunction with printing units with a VOC content in excess of the following limits:

(a) For non-heatset or coldset web printing, twenty percent (20%); and
(b) For heatset web printing, fifteen percent (15%).

After January 1, 2012, no person who owns, operates, or leases an offset lithography printing operation shall utilize fountain solution in conjunction with printing units in excess of the following limits:

(a) For non-heatset or coldset web printing, five percent (5%) alcohol substitute (by weight) on-press (as-applied) and no alcohol in the fountain solution as determined by EPA Method 24;
(b) For heatset web printing, one and six tenths percent (1.6%) alcohol (by weight) in the fountain or, to achieve an equivalent level of control, any one of the following shall occur:
(1) Reduce the on-press (as-applied) alcohol content to one and six tenths percent (1.6%) alcohol or less (by weight);
(2) Use three percent (3%) alcohol or less (by weight) on-press (as-applied) in the fountain solution, provided the solution is refrigerated to less than sixty degrees Fahrenheit (60° F) or sixteen degrees Celsius (16°C); or
(3) Use an alcohol substitute so that the on-press (as-applied) VOC content is five percent (5%) or less (by weight) as determined by EPA Method 24 and no alcohol is in the fountain solution; or
(c) For sheet-fed printing, five percent (5%) alcohol (by weight) in the fountain or, to achieve an equivalent level of control, any one of the following shall occur:
(1) Reduce the on-press (as-applied) alcohol content to five percent (5%) alcohol or less (by weight);
(2) Use eight and a half percent (8.5%) alcohol or less (by weight) on-press (as-applied) in the fountain solution, provided the solution is refrigerated to less than sixty degrees Fahrenheit (60° F) or sixteen degrees Celsius (16º C); or
(3) Use an alcohol substitute so that the on-press (as-applied) VOC content is five percent (5%) or less (by weight) as determined by EPA Method 24 and no alcohol is in the fountain solution.

Subsection 716.6 does not apply to:

(a) Sheet-fed presses with maximum size of eleven by seventeen inches (11x17 in.) or smaller; and
(b) Any press with total fountain solution reservoir of less than one gallon (1 gal.).

No person who owns, operates, or leases a printing operation shall utilize cleaning solutions containing VOCs in conjunction with printing units in excess of:

(a) After May 1, 1999, for any offset lithography printing operation which emits, or has the theoretical potential to emit, twenty-five (25) or more tons per year of VOCs:

Ten millimeters of mercury (10 mm. Hg) at twenty degrees Celsius(20° C) or sixty-eight degrees Fahrenheit (68º F) of VOC composite partial pressure calculated as follows:

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Ppc = VOC composite partial pressure at twenty degrees Celsius (20°C) or sixty-eight degrees Fahrenheit (68° F), in mm Hg;

Wi = Weight of the "i"th VOC compound, in grams, as determined by ASTM E 260-91;

Ww = Weight of water, in grams as determined by ASTM D 3792-86;

We = Weight of the "i"th exempt compound, in grams, as determined by ASTM E 260-91;

Mwi = Molecular weight of the "i"th VOC compound, in grams per g-mole, as given in chemical reference literature;

Mww = Molecular weight of water, eighteen grams (18 g.) per g- mole;

Mwe = Molecular weight of the "i"th exempt compound, in grams per g-mole, as given in chemical reference literature; and

Vpi = Vapor pressure of the "i"th VOC compound at twenty degrees Celsius (20º C) or sixty-eight degrees Fahrenheit (68º F), in mm. Hg, as determined by § 747.6; and

(b) One of the following limits after January 1, 2012, for any offset lithography or letterpress printing operation where the emissions associated with all aspects of that operation equal or exceed fifteen pounds (15 lbs) actual emissions of VOC on a monthly average basis before consideration of controls:
(1) Seventy percent (70%) of VOCs (by weight); or
(2) Ten millimeters of mercury (10 mm. Hg) at twenty degrees Celsius (20° C or 68°F) of VOC composite partial pressure calculated using the formula in § 716.8(a).

Cleaning solutions and shop towels used for cleaning shall be kept in closed containers.


Subsection 716.8(b) does not apply to:

(a) Up to one hundred and ten gallons (110 gal.) per year of cleaning solutions which meet neither § 716.8(b)(1) or (2); and
(b) Cleaners used on electronic components of a press, pre-press cleaning operations (for example, platemaking), post-press cleaning operations (for example, binding), cleaning supplies (for example, detergents) used to clean the floor (other than dried ink) in the area around a press, or cleaning performed in parts washers or cold cleaners.

Prior to January 1, 2012, no person who owns, operates, or leases the following printing operations in existence as of December 31, 1985, shall utilize inks in conjunction with printing units if the VOC content of ink is in excess of the following percentages:

(a) Heatset offset lithography, forty percent (40%);
(b) Non-heatset offset lithography, thirty-five percent (35%);
(c) Letterset, forty percent (40%); and
(d) Letterpress, thirty percent (30%).

For § 716.5 and 716.11:

(a) The percentage VOC content is by weight and applies to the inks and solutions as contained in the storage wells (fountains) of the printing unit, and does not include water;
(b) The percentage VOC content shall be determined in accordance with Procedure B of test method ASTM D-2369-81; where, in lieu of testing the formulated inks and solutions, the individual components of the formulations may be tested and the VOC content of the formulations may be calculated there from; and
(c) The percentage water content shall be determined in accordance with test method ASTM D-3792-79.

For establishments to which § 716.5 and 716.11 apply, but within which one (1) or more printing units is demonstrated to be unable to comply or cannot feasibly comply, any person owning or operating the establishment may bring it into compliance by reducing VOC emissions from other printing units within the establishment as follows:

(a) In a ratio of five (5) units of reduced emissions for each one (1) unit of excess emissions for operations during the months of April, May, June, July, August, and September;
(b) In a ratio of one (1) unit of reduced emissions for each one (1) unit of excess emissions for operations during the months of October, November, December, January, February, and March; and
(c) Provided, that:
(1) The owner or operator demonstrates to the Department that the reduction ratio is met by the proposed trade;
(2) The Department approves the proposed trade; and
(3) The proposed trade is legally enforceable against the owner and operator of the establishment.

Prior to January 1, 2012, no person who owns, operates, or leases a heatset web offset lithography printing operation or heatset web letterpress printing operation in existence as of December 31, 1985, shall utilize dryers unless the VOC emissions are reduced by ninety percent (90%) (by weight) overall through the use of a control device, except in the case of printing units using water-based solvents in the ink used on them.


Alternative VOC emission reduction systems may be used to attain compliance with § 716.5, 716.11, and 716.14 in place of the specific requirements stated in those sections provided that:

(a) The alternative VOC reduction system(s) is demonstrated to have at least equivalent results in limiting emissions of VOCs as would the application of the requirements of those sections; and
(b) The alternate system(s) shall be approved by the Department.

No person who owns, operates, or leases an individual heatset web offset lithography printing operation or heatset web letterpress printing operation with a theoretical potential to emit from the dryer of more than twenty-five tons per year (25 tpy) of VOC (petroleum ink oil) before controls shall utilize dryers or inks unless the VOC emissions are reduced by:

(a) Ninety percent (90%) (by weight) overall through the use of a control device whose first installation date was before January 1, 2012;
(b) Ninety-five percent (95%) overall control efficiency for newly installed equipment or for a control device whose first installation date was on or after January 1, 2012; or
(c) If the inlet VOC concentration is so low so that § 716.16(a) or (b) is not achievable, reduce the control device outlet concentration to no greater than twenty parts per million by volume (20 ppmv) as hexane on a dry basis, whichever is less stringent.

Adding diluent air to the exhaust gas stream for the purpose of complying with § 716.16(a) or (c) shall be prohibited.


To avoid the applicability of the limits in § 716.16(b), the Department may grant a person a federally enforceable limitation on the theoretical potential to emit for any heatset web offset lithography or heatset web letterpress printing operation if the following conditions are met:

(a) The Department shall assume that twenty percent (20%) of the VOC in the inks and coatings remains in the paper web, and the volume of inks and coatings used in any heatset web offset lithography or heatset web letterpress printing operation contains less than thirty-one and one quarter tons per year (31.25 tpy) VOC (petroleum ink oil);
(b) The person applies for the enforceable limitation on the theoretical potential to emit with a permit application; and
(c) The Department shall review and approve each proposal in a permit and submit the permit to the EPA for approval as a revision to the SIP.

Subsection 716.16 does not apply to:

(a) Heatset offset lithographic and letterpress presses used for book printing;
(b) Heatset offset lithographic and letterpress presses with maximum web width of twenty-two inches (22 in.) or less; or
(c) Sheet-fed or coldset web inks, sheet-fed or coldset web varnishes, waterborne coatings, or radiation (ultra-violet light or electronic beam) cured materials used on offset lithographic or letterpress presses.

Any person to which § 716.16 applies shall install, calibrate, maintain, and operate a temperature monitoring device, according to the manufacturer's instructions, at the outlet of the control device, where:

(a) The monitoring temperature shall be set during the testing required to demonstrate compliance with the applicable emission standard;
(b) Monitoring shall be performed only when the unit is operational;
(c) The temperature monitoring device shall be equipped with a continuous recorder, with recordings taken at a minimum of every fifteen (15) minutes, and shall have an accuracy of five tenths of a degree Fahrenheit (0.5° F) or negative seventeen and one half degrees Celsius (-17.5° C);
(d) The dryer pressure shall be maintained lower than the press room air pressure such that air flows into the dryer at all times when the printing unit is operating; and
(e) One hundred percent (100%) emissions capture efficiency for the dryer shall be demonstrated using an air flow direction measuring device, pursuant to a periodic monitoring strategy approved by the Department.

Each person who owns, operates, or leases an offset lithography or letterpress printing operation shall assure that all containers holding VOC-containing materials shall be open only when necessary and openings shall be restricted to the extent feasible.


No person who owns, operates, or leases an offset lithography or letterpress printing operation shall allow the leaking of any VOC or VOC-containing material from any printing unit or associated equipment.


No person who owns, operates, or leases an offset lithography or letterpress printing operation shall allow the storage or disposal of any VOC or VOC-containing material, including waste material, in a manner that will cause or allow its evaporation into the atmosphere.


To the greatest extent feasible, persons operating an offset lithography or letterpress printing units and associated equipment shall minimize their use of VOC-containing materials by restricting wasteful usage and by replacing materials with emulsions or other materials.


Any person who owns, operates, or leases any press:

(a) Subject to § 716.1(b) shall keep records as may be necessary to determine emissions and compliance with the applicable limitation or control requirement as follows:
(1) The records shall provide sufficient data and calculations to demonstrate clearly that the emission limitations or control requirements are met;
(2) Data or information required to determine compliance with an applicable limitation shall be recorded and maintained in a time frame consistent with the averaging period of the standard; and
(3) The records shall be retained at least three (3) years from when they were originated and shall be made available to the Department on request; or
(b) Subject to § 716.1(c) shall maintain records that clearly demonstrate to the Department that the facility's emissions are below the applicability threshold, or that material use is beneath a threshold that meets the compliance requirements.

D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 20, r. 20-716

As amended by final rulemaking published at 45 DCR 7037 (October 2, 1988); as amended by Notice of Final Rulemaking published at 58 DCR 11286, 11298 (December 30, 2011)
Section 716 is formerly entitled, "Offset Lithography." The Notice of Final Rulemaking published at 58 DCR 11286 (December 30, 2011) repealed and replaced it with "Offset Lithography and Letterpress Printing."
Authority: The Director of the District Department of the Environment (DDOE or Department), pursuant to the authority set forth in sections 5 and 6(b) of the District of Columbia Air Pollution Control Act of 1984, as amended, effective March 15, 1985 (D.C. Law 5-165 (DCAPC); D.C. Official Code §§ 8-101.05 and 8-101.06(b) (2008 Repl.)), section 107(4) of the District Department of the Environment Establishment Act of 2005, effective February 15, 2006 (D.C. Law 16-51; D.C. Official Code § 8-151.07(4) (2008 Repl.)), Mayor's Order 98-44, dated April 10, 1998, and Mayor's Order 2006-61, dated June 14, 2006.